All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1674: No money for this batch of cloth

"Jiaju, Ziwenhai has fallen down now. You and I will go to Chongqing for a while. Once you have arranged things over there, you will pick up the jadeite, the second wife and your children. Let ’s preside over the big picture in Chongqing! "Shen Long said to Lu Jiaju. After years of training, Lu Jiaju can also be the only one.

"Brother, haven't you reached this step yet? Besides, I'm gone, my grandfather, my mom and my brother. What should they do?" Lu Jiaju still didn't quite believe that he would come to this step, "We are not weak in Jinan, We paid so much tax to Chief Han on weekdays, raised so many soldiers, and bought so many guns. "

"There is also a defensive plan developed by General Huo, can you always keep Little Japan on the edge of the Yellow River? Besides, isn't there your brother?" Lu Jiaju still has illusions.

"Oh, there are more soldiers in Chief Han's soldiers?" Shen Long sneered. When Little Japan hit him, Han Fuqu ran straight away, but he didn't have the luck of Little Six's son. In the end, he was directly given peanuts The gun was shot, "As for my brother, he wanted to work with Little Japan, but I was stopped."

"As soon as Little Japan comes in, he will take his men to the mountains, and it will be regarded as a re-done. He can't beat the little devil on the plain, but as long as the little devil enters the mountain, it will be enough for them to drink. It's a pot! "Over the years, Shen Long has also urged Liu Zigang to let him concentrate on training the subjects of guerrilla warfare. His soldiers don't ask for too many soldiers.

"Jiaju, when that day comes in the future, Caiqin and Fuqing will have to follow. Uncle Suze also expects you to take care of it. You can keep our future!" Shen Long patted Lu Jiaju's shoulder and said seriously. , Uncle Suo Zi's health is not very good, but he looked after him, the situation is okay now, certainly not die as early as in the TV series.

"Eh, I'm sure I can do it well!" Lu Jiaju's expression was unprecedentedly serious. He looked back at the machine in the factory and the busy workers. "But, brother, I am not reconciled. We were driven from Qingdao by Little Japan. When I arrive in Jinan, I have to run from Jinan to Chongqing now. When can this day be a head! "

"Relax, we won't run until Chongqing, and sooner or later we will drive Little Japan out of China, and then we will return to Jinan and Qingdao again!" Unfortunately, even if you drive away Little Japan, you are also in Qingdao and Jinan You won't be able to stay long, then you will go to Xiangjiang and continue to do textile printing and dyeing.

I will stay in the country, and then we will continue to work together one by one. After a few years, we will continue to open factories in Jinan, Qingdao, and Modu to establish businesses. At that time, it is the gold that truly develops national industries. Time, just estimate that you are old by then?

But it does n’t matter if you are old. Fuqing also has your children. Fuqing ’s children and your grandchildren, they can continue to work on this career. When they reach that time, they wo n’t have to eat the bitterness we have now; hey, From the time of Huawei, Shen Long saw the difficulties of Chinese companies, but compared with the current situation, what kind of problem did Huawei encounter?

Asked Tao Fei to go to the southwest together last week, and turned the southwest around, and finally bought several large plots in Chongqing and Chengdu respectively, preparing to build textile mills, printing and dyeing factories and their residences.

During the construction of the residence, Shen Long made deliberate preparations. The civil engineering technology obtained from Lei Dongbao finally had room for development. The surfaces of these houses did not look strange, but they had both concealment and air defense capabilities. The basement is so large that you do n’t have to worry about your safety when you encounter a raid.

This busy is a few months of effort. Although the local area is also corrupt and the warlords are rampant, but with the face of Master Lin and Miao Handong, coupled with Shen Long ’s proper work, this matter is still relatively smooth. , Shen Long can also go back to Jinan.

This time Lu Jiaju also followed him back, and then went to Chongqing with Jade, Mrs. Er and his six children. From now on, he will be there to preside over the overall situation; as for Fuqing, Shen Long is not in a hurry Let him take it away, but keep him by his side and train him in the direction of a scientist.

After returning to the factory, Shen Long deliberately went to the workshop and found that the Xing family had disappeared. It was said that he had surrendered to a relative, but Shen Long knew that he did not surrender to his relatives, but to this. The only force in the era that can make China independent and prosperous.

Then it was a few years after the two met again. At this time, Japan showed an aggressive situation, directly occupying Beiping, and the wind in Jinan became more and more tense. Shen Long was preparing to go to Jinmen to help Zhou Taofei retreat. Under such circumstances, Xing's family secretly came to Shen Long's house to visit ~ ~ After the two parties exchanged greetings, Xing's family talked about their intentions, "Mr. Chen, I really don't hide, I haven't gone to relatives in these years It ’s just this! ”Xing used his thumb and forefinger to compare the eight characters, and revealed his identity.

"Well, I heard that you are more reliable than Guojun in fighting." Hey, I am familiar with this army. If it is impossible to get rid of it, I really want to go to the northwest of Shanxi to see if Li Yunlong is there.

The Xing family came to Shen Long this time, but he took a risk. Hearing this evaluation, he was relieved. "We also want to do a good job with the little devil, but we are not as good as the army. You joke, we do n’t even have military uniforms; this time the superior sent me to Jinan to help buy a batch of cloth for military uniforms. "

"I know that the cloth of Hongju Dyeing Factory is definitely the best in China. I have brought the money. I hope Mr. Chen can help this; of course, if you have some scruples, I can understand it, but I hope you do n’t disclose it. My identity will do. "

"This is a small thing, all dyed into a gray cloth is a bit too eye-catching, I will dye it green, then I will say that it is Jiaozhou, I asked my brother, and no one dared to stop it. After you take it back, use it Chemicals can become gray with a single brush. I will prepare the potions and prescriptions for you, and you will take them with you at that time! "Shen Long had already prepared.

"That's really thank you!" The Xing family really had a headache for how to transport the cloth out of Jinan. He didn't expect Shen Long to solve it directly. He immediately started to pay, "I will deposit it for you first, the rest I'll give it to you when I come to ship the goods. "

"No, this batch of cloth should be sent to you. You should still use the money to buy more ammo!" Shen Long said.

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