All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1676: Jinmen blood

The middle-aged man finally stabilized his emotions. Naturally, such a big affection is not finished in a few words. He can only bow solemnly, and then keep these in his heart, and repay them when there is a chance in the future.

"Go, be careful along the way, I will make those military uniforms and cloths for you as soon as possible, and I will help you out according to the method I said; and I do n’t forget to take my brother there, do n’t worry, my brother will also treat you I really admire. "Shen Long did not infuse Liu Zibang with this information.

The middle-aged man showed an embarrassed expression, "It may be a little too kind. In fact, we have people in Commander Liu's army, and we also think Commander Liu is a progressive person who can fight for; before we rebelled in Jiaodong, we established Shandong When the people resisted Japan and saved the Third Army, Commander Liu restrained his men and refused to let this matter happen. "

With your skills, it was strange that no one was under the help of Liuzi. These were already expected by Shen Long. He chuckled, "I didn't expect him to be a progressive bandit."

"Commander Liu never disturbs the people under Jiaozhou's restraint, nor does he have to levy miscellaneous taxes and taxes. They all rely on industry to support the army. Such people are not progressives. What kind of talents are they?" The middle-aged man asked.

"Since this is fine, I estimate that in the future, the two of you will inevitably have to deal with each other more, and then you will take care of each other!" Liu Zibang's sincere temperament, maybe he should vote for our party completely, and wait for future titles At that time, maybe he could still be a star.

"Yes, I should have contributed to the Anti-Japanese War! This is not a place to speak. Xingjia you **** Mr. Chen back to the city, wait for me to come back from the northwest, and then go to the house to visit!" The middle-aged people miss these sulfonamides There is still valuable information, and there is no way to talk to Shen Longduo, so he hurried away from the cart, and the Xing family sent Shen Long back home.

After a few days, Shen Long handed over the dyed cloth to the Xing family, and then took Wang Zhiwu to Jinmen himself. Now the situation of Zhou Taofei is no longer good, and it has become safe to leave Jinmen. One thing is not easy to fall, he must go out in person to pick up Zhou Taofei safely.

When I arrived at Jinmen Kaibu Dyeing Factory, I met Zhou Taofei and Ding Wendong in the office. Zhou Taofei told Shen Long about the current situation. "I have exchanged all my money for HSBC and Citibank these days; Double pay, working 24 hours a day, trying to sell all the last three hundred pieces of cloth in the warehouse; the street is buying up, and all dyeing factories are short of cloth, and if there are gray cloths, they are also sold. "

"The factory has also been sold to the Germans. At this time, only they dare to take over. I am now waiting for the handover with the Germans. The contract has been drafted. The Germans also have to ask the domestic headquarters for finalization. Just send a telegram back. , You can immediately hand over; Wendong, you go back with your sixth brother first. Once the handover is over, I will go to Jinan immediately with the remaining money. "

"Hey, the price of our factory is too low, and it is cheaper for Germans!" Ding Wendong was still reluctant.

"That's better than leaving it to the Japanese. My factory in Jinan is ready to be directly fried and burned, even if I personally destroyed it, I don't want to leave it to the Japanese!" Shen Long said, "I think so, Wendong, take Tao Fei's family away first, and don't go to Jinan. Go directly to Chongqing. Jinan will not have a few days to share his life! "

"Zhi Wu and I stay here to accompany Tao Fei. Zhi Wu is a competent officer under Commander Liu. He brought some brothers over, and Ning Lao Wu from the Canal Gang took care of it. Even if Little Japan wants to get a black hand, we can Let them come and go! "Ma Dan, holding back for so long, finally waited until the time to kill.

Ding Wendong also wanted to insist that he was driven away by Shen Long. He took the gold and two family members, went out of Jinmen from the route arranged by Ning Laowu, and went directly to Chongqing.

Shen Long and Wang Zhiwu didn't care about the sale of Kaibu Dyeing Factory. They wandered around Jinmen all day long, inquiring about the deployment of Japanese secret service personnel in Jinmen.

At the same time, a traitor entered the headquarters of the Japanese secret service in Jinmen, saying, "Mr. Wu Tian, ​​Zhou Taofei sold the Kaibu dyeing plant, and the handover will take place within two days."

Wu Tian stood up, "Want to run, no." Wu Tian whispered to the traitor's ear, the traitor nodded and went out, and then a car drove out of the yard, and it all fell into Shen Long's eyes.

"Zhiwu, let's go, our brothers will also go to Kaijiao today and wait back to Jiaozhou to show off to Brother Liu." Since you want to find death, then your wish has been fulfilled. Now the small Japanese army has not fought To Jinmen, it's no problem to tidy up these people.

"Sixth brother, I'll take someone to go. It's not necessary for you to get out of here!" Wang Zhiwu was a little worried about Shen Long's safety.

"What's the matter? Look down on your sixth brother? Can I still drag you down?" Shen Long asked with a staring glare.

"Sixth Brother, Sixth Brother, I don't dare, who doesn't know that your marksmanship is this!" Wang Zhiwu gave a thumbs up ~ ~ When he was training the security team in the factory, Shen Long In front of him, he showed his punches and kung fu; sometimes when he went to Liuzi to drink, he also pretended to practice the marksmanship, which left a deep impression on them.

Zhou Taofei was in the office. In addition, there were Germans who came from abroad and the Chinese helper to help with the handover. After the handover, the two sides shook hands, the Germans sent them out, and the two sides said goodbye.

Looking at their far away car, Zhou Taofei sighed and reluctantly circled around the factory. This is his many years of hard work, and now he is leaving. He wants to take a last look.

As soon as he turned around, a black car rushed over, and a spear extended from the rear window and aimed at Zhou Taofei's back. Zhou Taofei was unaware of this.

Then the gun fired, Zhou Tao swiftly turned his head back and saw that the black car rear window behind him was smashed, blood splashed on the broken glass, and a long gun fell to the ground.

Then there were several gunshots, the driver and all the traitors and Japanese agents in the car were killed, and the car hit the pillar at the door of the factory.

At this time, Shen Long and Wang Zhiwu took the Wang Ba box out of the corner, "I knew that Little Japan would definitely not let you leave safely, this would be an addiction!"

"Tao Fei, let's go quickly, this movement is not small, if it is too late, it will be too late!" Shen Longfei quickly got on Zhou Taofei's car, quickly started, and left with Zhou Taofei and Wang Zhiwu. After leaving the city, Little Japan It was only after hearing the news that he rushed to take revenge, but it just fell into the ambush circle set by Shen Long, and the men of Liu Zigang had long been waiting.

Braised these people directly, barely giving a bad breath.

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