All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1678: All things

On the seventh night of the Lunar New Year, Jufengde Restaurant and Shenlong where they often meet. This time the family made a lot of money. Even Lu Jiaju came back from Chongqing. When he finished his meal, he would take the big guy Go to Chongqing.

In the past, everyone gathered here was lively and cheerful, but today everyone's expressions are a little serious, and the women are still wiping their tears. They all know that Jinan can't bear it anymore. When I come back, I do n’t know when I have to wait. At that time, even if I come here again to meet, do people still get together?

Mr. Miao raised his eyebrows, "My Miao Handong was wearing a braid of the Qing Dynasty to study abroad, studying hard, working hard day and night, hoping that the country is strong; alas, this country is not only not strong, but a day is not as good as a day; Forget it, let's not talk about it this time, the big guys are all right, come and have a drink together! "

Everyone picked up a glass of wine and took a drink, Shen Long comforted, "Our China is disaster-prone and difficult, but this is nothing; no matter how difficult it is now, we can still suffer from the invasion of Mengyuan? At that time, we Chinese were four Waiting for others, but how can that be? Ming Taizu started his army from Huaizuo, there are five tiger generals, one tiger Huayun, making a binaural painting Fang Tianji, the two tigers are playing the world invincible opponent Chang Yuchun, The crotch iron foot jujube dragon horse makes a tiger's eye eight treasures and a golden gun ... Haven't you drove Meng Yuan out of the customs? "

"Haha, your sixth hobby, you like listening to and listening to books, but you haven't changed. You even listened to" Da Ming Ying Lie Zhuan "!" Miao Handong couldn't help laughing. Apart from the little prince Xiehouyu, Chen Shouting was still a storyteller. .

"Hey, listening to what you said, I feel much better! Yes, we have been disaster-prone since ancient times, but no matter who it is, we can only embarrass us for a while, as long as we work hard, we can stand up again sooner or later! "Miao Handong said with emotion," When we are in Chongqing, let's continue to open the yarn factory and the dyeing factory, and continue to fight against Little Japan! "

"Sixth brother, you can go with us. These years have been your backbone. If you don't go, we have no idea!" Even though it is known that Shen Long intends to stay in Jinan, Lu Jiaju still wants to end. Persuade once.

"I don't leave. You have learned what I have done in recent years. When you go to Chongqing, you can follow the instructions. There is no difference between me and me; I don't go there. I will stay in Shandong and fight with Little Japan! "Shen Long waved her hand and glanced at Caiqin." Originally, I want you to go to Chongqing with Caiqin, but she must follow me. "

"In this case, let's stay. Anyway, Fuqing I have sent away long ago, and we have nothing to worry about. Come, big guy, have another drink and hope that we will meet again in Jinan next time. They can all arrive. "Shen Long raised his glass again. About Fuqing's whereabouts, he declared that he was sent abroad to study abroad. In fact, he had followed the middle-aged man to the northwest side. Doubtful, but didn't ask much.

After a drink, Shen Long wanted to say something more. Lu Dengbiao hurried in, "The shopkeeper, the big things are not good, Han Fuqu left Jinan and ran! Now the streets are full of people fleeing. People in Jinan Province are heading to Tai'an Run, Han Fuju ’s soldiers are robbing the streets, let ’s run too! ”

"Oh!" Shen Long sneered, fell into the wine cup, got up and poured himself a big bowl to pour a bowl. After drinking, he shattered the bowl and shouted to everyone, "I wanted to drink with you. One scene, it seems that it is not good now, you go quickly, I will let Wang Zhiwu take someone to protect you out! Go to the bid, and you go to Chongqing with them! "

"The shopkeeper, I won't go there. I will stay with the shopkeeper even if I die!" Lu Dengbiao, who was sick in the past, was hard today.

"Well, you follow me!" Shen Long took the people downstairs and sent them away one by one. Everyone shook hands with Shen Long when they left, eyes were full of tears, and Lu Jiaju was crying After coming out, after waiting to send everyone away, Shen Long returned to the factory with Lv Dengbiao.

Bai Jinbiao had long been guarding here with the guard team and Wang Zhiwu's men, and Shen Long also picked up a Mauser, "This gang of **** usually eat Shandong fathers and drink Shandong fathers, and really use them. When they got them, these guys didn't hit the little devil, but they blamed us! Someone dared to come over in a while, you shot! "

As soon as the words fell, I saw a small group of chaotic soldiers running towards me and shouted, "This is the largest dyeing factory in Jinan. There must be good things in it!"

It's a pity that he didn't have time to enjoy any good things anymore. Shen Long immediately pulled the trigger and opened a hole in his head. Bai Jinbiao and the others fired at the same time to wrap them up.

Several waves of chaotic soldiers were repulsed, and as the chaotic soldiers became fewer and fewer, the sound of guns and guns from Little Japan had already sounded in the city ~ ~ After leaving the city, he and Bai Jinbiao stayed behind and secretly hid in the factory.

It is estimated that Lu Dengbiao had reached a safe place. At this time, there was a loud noise of footsteps outside. Fujii hurried over with a team of Japanese soldiers. He had been hiding in the Takashimaya before, and now he waited for the Japanese soldiers to enter the city He was shaking, standing at the door of Hongju dyeing factory and laughing.

"Last time in Qingdao, you killed me fiercely, but now you can't do anything? Chen Shouting, Chen Shouting, you are really powerful, but you don't have a powerful country behind you, even if you are powerful, you are free! The dyeing factory belongs to me, and the Sanyuan dyeing factory and Chengtong yarn factory also belong to me. From now on, I can set up the largest textile printing and dyeing company in the entire north and monopolize the entire northern market! "Looking at the brand of Hongju Dyeing Factory , Fujii's heart is full of eagerness.

"The shopkeeper, let's do it!" Bai Jinbiao urged softly, he had already arranged it according to Shen Long's instructions, and as soon as he closed, the whole factory would be turned into flames.

"Don't worry, wait, just take this opportunity to clean up Fujii!" Shen Long held his hand and watched Fujii take the Japanese soldiers into the factory and into the workshop.

Fujii saw the gasoline barrels full of workshop at a glance, and immediately exclaimed, "Oh, no good, withdraw quickly!"

Unfortunately, it was too late. Shen Long closed the electric switch fiercely, the power was instantly connected, and then the spark of the short circuit of the wire ignited the gasoline barrel. The explosion continued to sound, and the entire workshop was caught in the flames. Fujii and the Japanese soldiers also Then he was buried in flames.

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