All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1691: Pity talent Shen Long into Sichuan

Since Liu Bei's entry into Sichuan, Min'an and Guofu were rich and Tian He became a great man; suddenly one day someone from Jingzhou said that Dongwu was going to propose to Guan Yu, but Guan Yu refused it; Kong Ming heard the words, "Jingzhou is in danger! It will make people grow back for Yun." . "

During the deliberation, the mission of the Jingzhou Triumphant News came, and one day, Guan Xing arrived. It was said that the Seven Army was flooded, and suddenly reported the arrival of the horse. The report said that Guan Gong set up pier and abutments on the riverside. Foolproof, so Xuan De rested, but Kong Ming was still in doubt.

In the next few days, news kept coming, Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang, Zhang Fei and others were worried and happy. The final news of the day finally came. Guan Yu sent a messenger to talk about the recent things in Jingzhou: First, Lumeng Baiyi crossed the river, Lost by Shen Long, Soochow was mournfully killed, and Lu Meng also killed himself.

Then Guan Yu falsely lured Cao Ren and Xu Huang into the army and defeated them. They won Fancheng in the first battle and Cao Cao also returned to Xuchang. After hearing this, Liu Bei and Zhang Fei both gave a high-five call, except that Zhuge Liang kept frowning.

Until the messenger said that Guan Yu sent Mi Fang to Soochow, and returned Lu Meng's dead body to Soochow's captive soldiers, he reunited with Sun Quan, Zhuge Liang only raised his eyebrows and praised, "So, Jingzhou is worry-free!"

"It's a pleasure, a pleasure, the second brother is so happy to fight outside, but it's really unpleasant to let my old Zhang nest in Shuzhong; brother, if you march next time, you have to let the younger brother be a pioneer!" I heard Guan Yu killed outside The Quartet, Zhang Fei is envious.

"It's not like Yun Chang's style of doing this. What's the reason?" Liu Bei thought more than Zhang Fei, and quickly asked the messenger. Zhu Geliang also flicked the fan to the messenger. Have the same question.

"Prince Qi Yun, this is the strategy that Mr. Shen Long and Shen Zifeng offered to General Guan." Then the messenger talked, and Guan Yu struck a poisonous arrow in Fancheng. Guan Ping went to meet Hua Tuo, but he was on the way. When he met Shen Long, he said again, "Mr. Zifeng is so brave that when he arrived in the army, he made a tremendous amount of help to help General Guan defeat Sun Sun and Cao Cao in a row. General Guan also invited the protagonist to give him a reward."

Previously Zhuge Liang accompanied Guan Yu to guard Jingzhou. When he was there, he was able to persuade Guan Yu to keep Jingzhou firmly. After Liu Bei entered Xichuan, Pang Tong died before Luofengpo. Zhuge Liang had to leave Jingzhou and came to Liu Bei for He made suggestions and suggestions. Since then, Liu Bei has won two rivers, but Guan Yu has no restrictions. Zhu Geliang has always been concerned about it. Now, the appearance of Shen Long has just filled this short board, which makes Zhu Geliang very relieved.

"In this way, Yun Chang's plan to send a messenger to consolidate Sun Quan is the meaning of Shen Zifeng?" Zhu Geliang asked, shaking his fan, compared to defeating Lu Meng, Xu Huang, and Cao Ren, he was more concerned about this, because Winning on the battlefield can only show that this person is resourceful, and being able to get Sun Quan well shows that he can look at the world and has a good strategic vision.

If only the former is only a good military division, but if you can see the latter, then you have the talents of servants. Such people must be useful.

"This is exactly the case." The messenger quickly responded, "Since General Mi returned from Dongwu, Sun Quan withdrew the soldiers and horses on the river, and no longer intended to covet Jingzhou."

"Such a talent, Bei Zhen would like to see Jingzhou in person!" Liu Bei also sighed. As his territory grew larger, he also felt the problem of scarcity of talent, especially when Xu Shu left and Pang Tong After his death, Zhuge Liang must be determined to make a big deal. Although Zhuge Liang did a good job, he was too exhausted, and now Zhuge Liang has a lot of white hair.

Liu Bei couldn't bear it, so as soon as he heard about Shen Long's deeds, he wanted to transfer Shen Long to Shuzhong to assist Zhuge Liang in handling political affairs, but he also felt that Jingzhou was too important. It's so safe to be by his side, so Liu Bei is hesitant and doesn't know what to do for a while.

"Since Zifeng can see the importance of getting a good Sun Quan, then he must have some insight into the current situation of the world, not only has Ru Ke heard of it?" Zhu Geliang asked again.

"The military master really had a good chance, General Shen did have a word." The messenger continued, "General Shen once commented on the world with Guan Junhou, saying that Cao Cao can now occupy half of the country, or the world might say that Qingzhou soldiers are unparalleled in the world, or Guo Jia, Xun You, etc. Talent is unparalleled; however, General Shen said that this is Cao Cao's merit.

"Cao Cao Daxing Tuntian, so that he conquered the Quartet, without the labor of transporting grain, Tuntian Jigu was the annexation of his heroes, and Keping laid the foundation for the world; precisely because of this, Cao Cao can quickly recover his vitality after the defeat of Chibi."

"This is like in the Warring States period, when people all said that Qin Guobing was strong and strong, and they were the only one who managed to dominate the world, but they didn't know that it was Zheng Guoqu and Dujiangyan that gave Qin a bumper harvest year after year, and the grain and grass goods had already surpassed that caused by the other six countries. Shen Long reiterated the words, "Guan Junhou asked General Zifeng how to wipe out Cao Cao and restore the Han room; General Zifeng said that there are nothing more than four words, and the rich people and the strong soldiers are at your fingertips! "

Why did Zhuge Liang fail to make Qishan six out of the future? Although there is Sima Yi ’s willingness to commit adultery, but the most fundamental problem is that the national power of the Shu State is not as good as that of the Wei State. The Wei State occupies the North, and the North is like the essence of today. Most of the South is a barren land. After the development was completed, it was unable to provide sufficient supplies to the army, which led to Zhu Geliang's failure.

From a detailed analysis, it can be seen that Zhuge Liang's six out of Qishan Mountain almost never retired because of a complete military failure. Most of them were forced to withdraw their troops because they couldn't keep up with the food supply for a long time. The reason is because the national strength of the Shu State can not keep up, unable to support the long-term expedition of the army, can only pin their hopes on victory.

And Sima Yi also saw this, so he never gave Zhuge Liang a chance to fight. He only had to hold on firmly and not leave any flaws. In this way, Zhuge Liang would be defeated undefeated.

"Zifeng was really talented!" Zhuge Liang was moved by the words, and Shen Long's answer was better than he expected, so he immediately got up to salute Liu Bei, "Principle, if such a great talent is put in Jingzhou, it is really a little bit It is a pity that the protagonist is also invited to send people to Jingzhou quickly, and Mr. Zifeng is invited back to Shuzhong. If Zifeng can be used by the protagonist, the revival of the Han room is in sight! "

Liu Beiwen couldn't help but stunned, "This person actually makes the military so important? I will follow the command of the military and invite Mr. Zifeng to Shuzhong; but if Mr. Zifeng left Jingzhou, what should Yunchang do?"

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