All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1693: Fight 5 Tigers Shen Long Xianwei

"The key is the county? I heard that Zifeng's theory of high alcohol is like drinking alcohol, and I'm waiting for frequent consultations. If I go to the key, I fear that the correspondence will be inconvenient, and I can't always hear what Zifeng said!" Liu Bei originally wanted to say that the key is a county. In the wild land, Shen Long went to the room that I was afraid to play, but I thought about Li Yan who had also served as a key guard before. This made Li Yan not very happy after hearing it, so he quickly changed a statement.

"Uncle Emperor Muzan, there are many talents such as Mr. Kong Ming, Mr. Zheng Fang, and Liu Shangshu under the uncle, but how can he compare with the gentlemen after learning at the end?" Shen Longxian first touted Zhuge Liang, Li Yan, Liu Ba Waiting for some people, and then praising Li Yan, "I heard that Mr. Zheng Fang was in charge of the Taishou, he had cut through the Tianshe Mountain, built the Yanjiang Avenue, and made great efforts to renovate the county town, so that the people were happy and the buildings were magnificent. , Is a state Shengyu; if you can go to see the city built by Mr. Zheng Fang, it is really a blessing. "

This is also Li Yan's proud handwriting. Now, listening to Shen Long's heart, he was very happy, and he smiled gently at Shen Long, and Liu Bei also praised him, so Li Yan's face became more prosperous.

"The key is the benefit of salt from ancient times. I have a way to double the amount of salt, so that the Baofu library is abundant." The key is the five counties under Wuyang, Nan'an, Bodao, Zizhong, and Niuyang, of which Most of Zigong, famous for its well-known salt in later generations, was in Jianwei County. Now some people are digging well salt here. Well-known salt wells include Fushi Well and Dagong Well.

Since Emperor Han Wu accepted the suggestion of Sang Hongyang and nationalized the profits of salt and iron, this salt and iron have always been the best means for the country to gather money. Well salt in Jianwei County is now one of the most important sources of wealth in Shu. The importance is still above Shujin. As soon as everyone heard that Shen Long could double the production of well salt in Jianwei County, he couldn't help but rejoice and quickly asked about the strategy.

Shen Long began to explain in detail that Zigong salt industry is uniquely developed. There are two natural gas resources for well salt, so local people can use natural gas to boil salt, which greatly reduces costs; but due to the development of the times, the production here The technology is still very primitive, and only needs to be slightly changed to greatly improve production efficiency.

Shen Long wanted to come to the paper and pen to start sketching, "I heard that the key is to boil salt, which is usually one stove and five pots. If I use my method, it can be increased to one stove, fourteen pots, or even two stoves and twenty-eight pots!" Can greatly improve the utilization of heat, the same amount of natural gas can boil more salt.

Shen Long also suggested a demonstration on the spot. Zhuge Liang immediately ordered people to prepare firewood for the stove and stove. After experimenting with Shen Long ’s instructions, he found that the same amount of firewood could boil more water.

"I don't like Fan Cheng, but I met Zifeng!" Liu Bei happily took Shen Long's hand again and again with emotion, "Fan Cheng is important, but it is only a city after all; I have Zifeng to help, then The richness of Shuzhong is in sight, and the people of Shuzhong can also worry about eating salt because of Zifeng. This is a great merit! "

Zhuge Liang was also very excited. If Shen Long could expand the scale of Jingwei County's well salt several times, then there would be plenty of money in Shuzhong, so that he could show his hands and feet. He asked Shen Long if he needed any help.

Shen Long was also polite, and he directly ordered a famous Shu minister who was not well-known but capable, to help. "I heard that Wang Lian Wang Wenyi, the magistrate of Guangdu County, is quite talented and knows how to use it. Please also use Wang Wenyi as his deputy! "

In the future, Wang Lian will serve as the Shi Yan Xiaowei of the Shu Kingdom. He has been managing the salt industry for decades, accumulating rich capital in the Shu Han Dynasty, and strengthening the national strength. Zhuge Liang can make six outs of Qishan, and Wang Lian is indispensable; Shen Long is only a key guard. The post was just a transition, but I did n’t plan to keep going. Chengdu and Jingzhou were his main battlefields. After the reform of the salt industry in Jianwei County was completed, I could give this job to Wang Lian and return to Chengdu.

Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang gladly accepted Shen Long's request, and immediately appointed him as the key guard, and summoned Wang to join Chengdu, and went to key to the county with Shen Long.

After this matter was settled, Shen Long temporarily stayed in Chengdu while discussing political affairs with Liu Bei, Zhu Geliang and others while waiting for Wang Lian's arrival; during the period again, Shen Long also enjoyed the treatment of Guan Yu under Cao Cao's that year, a small banquet for three days and five days A big feast, it was quite comfortable.

This day coincided with Xiu Mu, who had already waited impatiently for Zhang Fei to pull Zhao Yun into the house, saying that he would like to compare with Shen Long. Since Fei Mengguan battled Ma Chao, Zhang Fei had not met again. The enemy who could fight him was already suffocated.

Of course, Shen Long also wanted to make a move with Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun. If they were willing to make an appointment, they went to the campus outside the city with the two of them. Hearing that Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun were going to make a move with Shen Long and Shen Zifeng, who are new to Chengdu, and many military generals who remained in Chengdu One after another came to see the excitement ~ ~ Huang Zhong and Ma Chao also came, and now the five tiger generals are missing Guan Yu.

When they arrived at the school, Shen Long and Zhang Fei each wore their own clothes. The black robe of Zhang Feixuan and the silver armor of Shen Long white robe formed a sharp contrast. After running around the school for a few laps, Zhang Fei shouted after the activity opened. , Stand up the Zhangba snake spear and attack Shen Long, the sound is thunderous, and the move seems like a great force.

"Come well!" Shen Long couldn't help but lifted his spear and greeted Zhang Fei. He only heard a loud bang. Not only was Shen Long not suppressed by Zhang Fei, he even picked up his snake spear.

"There is such a magical power!" Ma Chao was excited for a moment, and immediately stood up. "The strength of Yide has been taught for a long time. The strength of Shen Zifeng is probably still on top of the tiger idiot Xu Chu!" Ma Chao and Zhang Fei and Xu Chu They have all been singled out, and Xu Chu has always been known for his divine power, but on the first round of the battle between the two sides alone, Ma Chao has seen that Shen Long's strength is definitely greater than Zhang Fei and Xu Chu.

"Cloud is also the first time someone has seen someone outperform Wingde! This battle is pretty good!" Zhao Yun calmed down, but his heart ignited a raging fighting spirit. If I was on the court for a while, how should I deal with it?

"Cough, old age, this Kung Fu fight can't be compared to Shen Zifeng, but I don't know how his archery is, old age can still move the bow!" Huang Zhong coughed and said, since Dingjun cut Xiahou, Huang Zhong's health has not been very good, if there is no Shen Long, Huang Zhong will die next year.

"Haha, happy, happy!" Zhang Fei was not angry but rejoiced, and waved the snake spear to attack Shen Long again. Also rushed to join the battle group.

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