All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1705: Fighting Zhang Xunye's attack on burning grass

Cao Zhen, Cao Hong, and others killed their arms with numbness and grievances in their hearts. They had already retreated, but it was a shame to hit one of the eight. If they ran away on their own initiative, they would have no face to see anyone, so they could only hold on; Hearing the sound of Ming Jin from behind, everyone was overjoyed and quickly pulled away.

"Want to go? It's not that easy!" Shen Long planned to step on Cao Wei's face under his feet today. Seeing that they wanted to escape, he quickly shook his long gun, pulled out several gun flowers and rolled it around several people. They are to be left.

Cao Zhen and others felt cold for a while. Am I going to be buried under the Fan City? Fortunately, Xu burst out of anger and shouted, "I'll wait first, I'll break it!"

Then he lifted his sword to Shen Long regardless of his disregard, he had always been brave in fighting, and he had been suffocated by this great humiliation today. Now he can only save his life by attacking, and finally let the other seven generals escape to his position. However, he himself had no chance to escape. After several rounds, Shen Long was picked up by a shot and lost his life.

"Xu Zhongkang was indeed a hero!" Shen Long praised and took a few steps back, saying that Cao Wei Shidi came back to retrieve Xu Chu's body. Xu Chu's final outbreak won Shen Long's respect. It is a tiger idiot of the famous Three Kingdoms. But he didn't insult him, and even his death saved some of the morale of Cao Wei's army.

A wave of human horses ran out of the Wei Jun, lifting the bodies of Xu Chu and Zhang Ping back; Shen Long waved his hand, and Guan Xing, Zhang Bao, and others immediately led their troops back to the city. Cao Pi was already deterred by Shen Long, but he did not command the army to take the opportunity to attack the city. .

After all the troops returned to the city, Shen Long laughed, hung the spear on the bird's wing hook, the victory ring, took off the hard bow and drove the horse to the army of Cao Wei, pulled the horse before the battle, and went around before the battle. Three arrows were shot in a circle, one arrow shot down Cao Pi's umbrella cover, one arrow shot down the Chinese army, and another arrow went straight to Cao Pi. Fortunately, the guards around him were in time to protect them in time. Cao Pi's life.

"Haha, Cao Pi's children are just like that. If Huang Xu'er is here, they will not be so embarrassed!" Shen Long laughed and pulled the horse back to the city. Cao Pi was flushed with anger and ordered the siege immediately.

The morale of our army is now declining, but the enemy's morale is upright. At this time, if it is a siege, there is no use except for the loss of life. Jia Xu muttered in his heart, but when he looked at Cao Pi's face, he wisely decided everything. Not to say; Cao Zhen smiled bitterly under his heart, but he did not dare to violate Cao Pi's order and immediately commanded the army to attack Fan Cheng.

However, at this time, Cao Wei Shizuo had been deterred by Shen Longzhi's English martial arts, just like a piece of scattered sand. When he arrived, the city was crushed by one touch. Cao Pi killed three waves of defeated soldiers one after another, so that they barely restored some order. Unfortunately, it was too late at this time. Continue to attack the city, Cao Pi can only lead the army back to the camp depressively.

After returning to the camp, Jia Xu entered and said, "This Shen Zifeng is extremely cunning, and he must beware of his nightly soldiers attacking the city!" It is absolutely cunning to use Huang Xuer to excite Cao Pi southward.

Cao Pi was still a little clear, and immediately ordered Cao Zhen, Cao Hong, Xu Huang and others to guard the camp to prevent Shen Long from attacking; Cao Zhen and others were ordered to go, and at night they really heard the sound of golden drums coming from the city, so the army immediately A batch of alert.

However, after hearing the sound of drums, they didn't see one person leaving the city. They had to go back to their accounts and rest; but when they lay down, they heard the drums again. If repeatedly, Sergeant Wei was exhausted.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Cao Zhen went to Jia Xu for help. Jia Xu replied, "This is Shen Zifeng's plan to attack the tired soldiers. Zi Danke sends his troops to guard the city gates, and the rest of the soldiers let them return the account to rest!"

Jia Xu thought well, even if you want to sneak attack, you have to come out of the city gate, I just have to look at the city gate, your plan will be useless, and the army will naturally not be so embarrassed.

Cao Zhen thought it right, and immediately went back to mobilize the elite men to watch the city gate, and then ordered the rest of the soldiers to go back to rest, no matter how loud the outside sound was; no matter how loud the drum sounded outside the city head, there was no confusion in the Wei army camp.

Shen Long looked at the city and nodded, "So, the time has come. Bo Zhan will lead the soldiers out of the city to steal the camp! Remember, the Cao Jun's grain will come back, don't be greedy for fighting."

It is better for Ma Dai to do this kind of thing. Ma Dai is slightly older and relatively stable. If you let Zhang Bao go out, it is estimated that he will forget everything if he is happy.

"The final commander!" Ma Dai bowed his hand as a gift, and then rushed down the tower, rectified the good soldiers and queued up to the wall near the Weijun Grain and Grass Camp. I saw that several large holes had been dug in the wall. Only a thin layer of brick covered the surface; at the order of Ma Dai, several soldiers with big arms and round arms lifted a sledgehammer and smashed the big hole, and then the army came out of the hole.

These pawns came with titles, horses hoofed, and came out of the city silently. They went outside the Wei Jun camp in a moment. Ma Dai split the deer and broke into the camp. Now the pawns in the camp have just fallen asleep. There was no time to get up and fight ~ ~ was directly killed by the army led by Ma Dai into the forage camp.

The soldiers of the Shu army quickly raised the fire and threw torches and kerosene on the grain and grass. These Cao Wei soldiers struggled to transport the grain and grass from Nanyang and Runan into the sea of ​​fire.

In the distance, Cao Zhen saw his face with a straight face, and I blocked the gate tightly. Where did these soldiers come from? Is it possible that Shen Zifeng stayed outside the city ahead of schedule? But I have sent people to search for dozens of miles, and there is no place to hide the soldiers and horses!

He quickly led the soldiers to rescue, but heard another drumbeat at the head of the city, the city gate opened suddenly, Shen Long personally led the soldiers out of the city, Cao Zhen was embarrassed at the moment.

Under the cover of Shen Long, Ma Dai promptly withdrew his troops and withdrew into the city, and Shen Long immediately retreated. The craftsmen in the city quickly blocked the big holes in the city wall with the huge bricks that had been prepared. At that time, Fancheng's walls were restored to their solid appearance.

It was only the trace outside the city wall or the trace was exposed. Jia Xu and others finally knew exactly where the team of soldiers and horses came from last night.

"He actually came out of the city wall, and Shen Zifeng was acting like a horse and an unpredictable one!" Jia Xu also accepted.

Matou Chengtou and others also praised Shen Long, but Shen Long smiled and shook his head. This was not my idea. I also referred to Zhang Xun's plan.

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