All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1745: Follow the legend Shen Long returns

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are also idle now. For example, although there are still wars today, it is not their turn to shoot. Guan Xing, Zhang Bao, Guan Suo and other sons and nephews are enough to be alone. They are now in Shenlong almost every day here.

Either pull Shen Long to drink, or use Qinglong Yanyue, Zhangba Snake Spear, and Shen Long to make a few strokes on the school ground. Zhuge Liang also often visits to ask some of his opinions on major events in North Korea and China. It is much richer than the "three days, one small banquet and five days big banquet" enjoyed by Guan Yu under Cao Cao.

Shen Long would be fine if he wanted to go anywhere, except Liu Bei ’s harem was inconvenient to go around. This place around Changan could be strolled around casually, and there was a team of elite around him to protect him, for fear that he would run away alone.

"Zi Feng, nowadays, the great Han is still awaiting prosperity. It is really inseparable from you! You can help your majesty again!" Guan Yu and Zhang Fei daily feast and competition, and did not forget to persuade Shen Long.

"If today's heroes come out in abundance, and your majesty is good at appointing talents, even the generals such as General Guan and General Zhang will ignore political affairs. What can I count?" Shen Long replied with a smile, he was not in a hurry anyway, I should eat, drink and drink every day, and occasionally go to collect some rare ancient books that have not been seen in later generations, and then wait for the return order with peace of mind.

The system has never given him a notice to complete the task. Shen Long wondered, maybe it is because of the undecided fighting in the Northland and some remote areas, right? But it won't take long. Guan Xing, Zhang Bao, Guan Suo, Zhao Guang, Zhao Tong, Ma Dai, Deng Ai, and Wang Ji have done a good job. These are just a matter of time.

Cao Wei, Soochow and even the Sima family surrendered to Shun Dahan, how big can some other small fish turn up again? They can't even play the role of Guan Xing, Zhang Bao and other teenagers in training their hands. Perhaps for these teenagers, the energy spent on the march is greater than that of Zhenger's eight wars.

Shen Long's daily leisurely play and news from all over the place kept coming. Ma Chao and Jiang Wei had led the army through the Hexi Corridor and arrived at Dunhuang County. They will return to Wulei in a few days. All countries in the Western Regions were shocked by the military power of the Hans and sent messengers to visit the Ma Chao account.

Deng Ai, Wang Ji, Wen Xing's march in Qingzhou, Yanzhou, and Jizhou also went smoothly. Some Cao Wei Yu Party and bandits and bandits broke down at once. The order has basically been restored. They are bringing them around Runan, Nanyang, and Luoyang. Old farmers came to teach local people to use more advanced farming techniques to farm.

There are many abandoned land in these places now. As long as you are willing to spend your energy, the next year will be a harvest season. By that time, you will no longer need to deliver food from Runan, Nanyang, Jiangdong and other places.

Zhao Guang, Zhao Tong, Ma Dai and others led the army out of the congestion and learned a lot about the aliens who had dared to invade the territory of the Song Dynasty. Even Cao Wei, Ma Xiahou, and Xu Qiang who had been surrendered to the Qiang by Zhuge Liang were captured. After that, I just returned to Chang'an and reunited with the relatives of their Xiahou family.

The new year's imperial examinations were also held. The imperial court arranged a number of temporary examiners to go to various states and counties to supervise the examinations and revise the examination papers, and relatively evenly selected the first batch of scholars to enter Beijing since the reunification.

These scholars showed a completely different appearance after arriving in Chang'an. Scholars from Shuzhong and Jingzhou quickly established their reputation with profound knowledge, and many scholars from Jizhou saw snow white for the first time. Paper, clear and error-free paper books, plunged into the book management all day long.

If Zhuge Liang had already been prepared, he closed the library temporarily before the test. These scholars might even forget to take the test. It is too difficult to know that they wanted to find a book before.

I heard that Liu Bei intends to establish libraries in all the counties and counties in the world. After allowing scholars to borrow free of charge, these scholars are grateful to them, and they came to the palace gate to thank Liu Bei and let Liu Bei brush another wave of prestige.

Those family members have realized how these policies will impact their families. But Liu Bei won the supreme prestige because of the Sanxing Han Room. They are also helpless. They can only let their children participate in the imperial examination. There is no longer a ninth grade middle school system. If you want to be an official, you have to take an exam.

And Liu Bei is no better than Liu Xiu. Liu Xiu was able to revive the Han Dynasty at that time. That is because he got the help of the nobles. After he ascended the throne, he must take care of the interests of the nobles. Liu Beiqi's family relied on the Northland Hanmen and Jingzhou and Shu sergeants Son, there are not many family clan, the power is not in their hands.

One day, after receiving the news of Jizhou's bumper harvest, Shen Long finally heard the reminder sound that he could return after completing the task. Shen Long guessed that this is probably the reason why Jizhou has no hidden dangers of rebellion.

Shen Long laughed several times in Fuzhong. Although he wrote a letter to Liu Bei, he asked him not to blame the people in Fuzhong and then returned to the real world with the rare books he collected.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei heard Shen Long ’s laughter and immediately came over to check ~ ~ but they saw that there was no one in the room, and there was only one letter with unmarked ink. Guan Yu sighed, "Hey, Zifeng still returns The mountain is gone. "

"Well, if he wants to go, who can stop the world?" Zhang Feidou didn't blame the people in the government and the soldiers outside. After all, he was also beaten by Shen Long.

Soon, Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang, Xu Shu, Zhao Yun and others came to see the letter written by Shen Long, and Liu Bei burst into tears. "Zi Feng refused to even meet me before he left? So thin! "

"Your Majesty, don't be sad, Zifeng said he was going to leave, and now he has stayed for more than a year now, is he thinking of His Majesty's grace?" Zhuge Liang relieved.

"Here it is as it is, I want to come here often to take a look." Liu Bei collected the letter himself, and then told him that perhaps when he came here, he could recall what Shen Long did for the Han.

After returning to the palace, Liu Bei was once again promoted to the title of Shen Long, directly sealed the king, and ordered people to record Shen Long as some carved tablets where the Han resident lived. Many literati also recorded Shen Long in various literary forms such as poetry and fu. The achievements of the great man since then have been circulated by the legend of Shen Long and Shen Zifeng assisting Liu Bei Sanxing Han Room ......

Of course, these Shen Long do n’t know. He has returned to his home now. What he is most concerned about is what he can get from this mission, and what gift Zhuge Liang will use to thank him for what he has done for the Han Everything?

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