All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1752: Bai Ze's plan

"Yan Chixia from the world of the movie" Ghost Story "asked you to help Ning Caichen and Xiao Qian together." Hearing this voice, Shen Long sat up again and used to ask for help in fulfilling his wishes. This time when I came to Yan Chixia, it turned out to help him fulfill his wishes for others. This is really a good person.

Well, I'm quite familiar with this story. After all, this work is also Shen Long's youth memory. Wang Zuxian undressed, Lin Qingxia drinking, Zhang Min turned back, Li Ruotong shy, Zhu Yin blinked, how many people were drunk.

This work is a good work in the golden age of Xiangjiang movies, adapted from the short story "Nie Xiaoqian" in Pu Songling's "Liao Zhai Zhi Yi", which tells a touching human-ghost romance that happened between Nie Xiaoqian and scholar Ning Caichen. Compared to the original, the movie has undergone significant changes.

The first is Ning Caichen's character. Ning Caichen played by Leslie Cheung is a little timid and cowardly. Ning Caichen in the original book is a generous and generous scholar; and Ning Caichen already has a wife in his hometown, and his family is also very good. Is not the poor scholar in the movie who collects money for his livelihood.

Yan Chixia in the original book is not a Taoist, but is also a scholar, or a swordsman dressed as a scholar walking on the rivers and lakes. Yan Chixia is superb in martial arts and delicate in swordsmanship. It does not cost much effort to deal with the demon and ghosts in Lan Ruo Temple. Without using his hands, he put the box with the flying sword on the window sill, and the flying sword hurt the monster automatically.

The ending of the original work is relatively satisfactory. After Ning Caichen has condensed Nie Xiaoqian's bones, Nie Xiaoqian follows Ning Caichen and returns to her hometown. When Ning Caichen's wife passes away, Nie Xiaoqian successfully marries Ning Caichen; The monster of the temple is coming to find Nie Xiaoqian's trouble, but it is easily solved by the sword pocket presented by Yan Chixia.

Since then, Ning Caichen and Nie Xiaoqian lived a happy life. Ning Caichen passed the Jinshi, Xiaoqian gave birth to a boy, Ning Caichen received a concubine, and they each gave birth to a boy. The three children later became officials, and the official voice was very good.

Well, this is a bit of a scumbag, but under different historical circumstances, the requirements of moral standards are different. In that era, Ning Caichen's approach was nothing.

As for the movie, Shen Long can recall it without opening the tablet to rewatch the movie. Ning Caichen missed Sutou after collecting the bill and had to spend the night in Lan Ruo Temple. Then he met Nie Xiaoqian and the two fell in love at first sight. After getting help from Yan Chixia He seriously wounded the tree demon grandma who controlled Nie Xiaoqian, but fell into the control of the old demon of Montenegro. After a hard struggle, Ning Caichen and Yan Chixia finally rescued Nie Xiaoqian.

This time I should enter the world of the movie version, which is a bit troublesome, not only to win the tree demon grandma and the Montenegro old demon, but also to have this person together, compared to the latter point is more difficult to complete, After all, it is much more troublesome to bring the dead back to life than to kill the tree demon and grandma.

Hey, if this is how good the original novel should be; uh, no, if the original novel, Yan Chixia needs help, he can easily get it done by himself.

However, I am not without this way to bring the dead back to life. Although Nie Xiaoqian has been dead for a long time, the soul still exists, so the rest is to help her find a body, and then put the soul into the body; this method is heavy Long really exists, and it's more than the same, but which method should I use?

Let ’s make preparations first, and then wait to enter the world of "The Ghost Story" and see how the machine works. Now we ’ll start to prepare the materials. This time, we do n’t need Shen Long to do it himself, and we do n’t need to go to the world of "The Name of the People" Shen Long, his secretary, is also curious about touching his secretary. Why is Secretary Qi always asking me to find strange information?

"Bai Ze, help me find relevant materials for the 1987 version of the Xiangjiang movie" The Ghost Story ", and give it to me after screening. I need to enter this world to complete a task." Shen Long ordered and told Bai Ze about his task. Then let him find the appropriate information for this purpose.

"Received, please wait!" The tablet turned on again, and the pages on the screen were opened. The pictures of Wang Zuxian, Leslie Cheung, Wu Ma, Wang Jing and even Zhang Xueyou, Li Jiaxin and others flashed quickly; less than a moment Kung Fu, Bai Ze helped Shen Long to find the data, "The data has been collected."

Shen Long took a look at the tablet. Bai Ze not only collected the data, but even organized it according to the standards, and listed a brief outline of the data. Shen Long did not need to do any work, just pick it up and see.

After scurrying through the brief outline, Shen Long quickly determined the order of browsing the materials. First of all, of course, he had to start watching from the original movie. He carefully read "Ghost Story: Demon Road" and "Ghost Story: Human Path". As for The third "Ghost Story: Tao Dao Tao" and the prequel "Ghost Story: Fairy in the Painting" have been swept away.

The protagonist of the first two parts is Ning Caichen, and the plot is closely related. The third part is a hundred years later. At that time, Ning Caichen and Nie Xiaoqian may not be there anymore; and "The Fairy in the Painting" is the prequel, and it is also related to the main line The main plot doesn't matter much, just take a look and understand.

After watching the original movie ~ ~ and then reading the original novel again, then look at the deep excavation of these movies by Xiangjiang Media, the recollections of the crew members, etc. After reading these, it was dawn.

Shen Long did n’t sleep at all and did n’t affect her at all. He got up to help his family prepare breakfast, and after eating, he went back to the room to continue browsing the information.

Bai Ze even got him a lot of nets related to the world of "Ghost Story", the reason is to see if these protagonists can provide some help to Shen Long and bring a little inspiration; Bai Ze also does After a brief introduction, I briefly listed the strategies of these protagonists. If it is interesting to see Shen Long, it is not too late to read the original work.

Shen Long smiled here when he saw this, "Good way, but Bai Ze, you see these materials are subscribed to the wood? Isn't it a good habit to see piracy, anyway, we are not bad money, or look at the genuine ... good Is it genuine? That ’s good. If someone ’s brain is adopted by me, you should remember to reward him with a golden alliance when you come back.

After hurriedly scanning these outlines, Shen Long really found some interesting brain holes, and then opened the original book to read it carefully, almost ready to enter the mission world.

Before he entered, he was curious for a while, "Bai Ze, if there is any good way to help me complete this task?"

"Yes, based on known information, I have formulated the following plan ..."

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