All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1761: Real men left 0 households

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"This is a long way to Jingcheng, how do we go?" Yan Chixia thought about the legends about Purdue Cihang, and felt that there was something suspicious, so he agreed to go with Shen Long.

"Don't worry, just walk through it while slashing the demon and removing the demon along the way!" Shen Long has a cloud of somersault, Yan Chixia has a flying sword, both of them can reach the capital in a very short time, but if you follow the movie Judging from the plot, you can meet Purdue Cihang without going to the capital, and you can walk slowly, as long as you find the villa where Sister Fu Qingfeng lives.

This may not be easy to find, but you can inquire through the government about the route of their father's military department Shang Shu Fu Tianqiu being escorted by Zuo Qianhu. This can be determined.

"That's fine!" Yan Chixia responded. The two of them walked along the avenue to the capital together. But when they felt something was wrong, they went to investigate. If there was a monster, they would overdo it.

When passing by Zhouxian County, Shen Long would sneak in, check the records of Yamen, search the memory of officials, and look for Fu Tianqiu's traces. Without much effort, he found the route of Zuo Qianhu's **** Fu Tianqiu. It was Zhuge Wolong's whereabouts, but Shen Long didn't bother him.

Zhuge Wolong ca n’t go away either. People have dug out the tunnel. They can go at any time if they want to go. If they are willing to stay inside, they probably feel that the inside is more comfortable than outside. Then let him live first and wait for Purdue Cihang After that, tell Fu Tianqiu his whereabouts and let him go to Zhuge Wolong to persuade him to go out.

"Yan Daxia, I had a gossip last night and found that Pudu Cihang can be encountered without entering Beijing, as long as we follow this path!" Waking up in the morning, Shen Long used the excuse he had thought of. Said to Yan Chixia.

"I didn't expect Brother Shen to be proficient in the art of divination, then it depends on Brother Shen!" Yan Chixia did not doubt, so the two changed their directions and walked on the only way to Fu Tianqiu.

Within a few days, Shen Long and Yan Chixia arrived at the mountain village where Sister Fu Qingfeng was located. Yan Chixia looked far away, and immediately frowned, "Here, the monster is hiding, I must wait Since we met, we must not let go. "

"Brother Yan said yes!" Shen Long followed, and the two quickly entered the villa and found the corpse to fight. This monster is not shallow, but it is far from Yan Chixia, Shen Long didn't do anything, this big monster was used by Yan Chixia, and he was killed by Qiankun.

These movements also alarmed Zhiqiu Yiye and Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi sisters in the villa. They all came out to meet, "Wow, you are the first swordsman Yan Chixia in the world. Sure enough, the mana is deep. I am a Kunlun disciple Zhiqiu Yi leaf."

"The name of Yan Chixia, a long-time hot judge, has heard that Officer Yan has resigned and traveled all over the world, but didn't want to meet here. The young woman Fu Qingfeng / Fu Yuechi meets!" Zhiqiu Yiye is familiar with Yan Chixia on rivers and lakes Name, Sister Fu Qingfeng knows his identity in the officialdom.

"It's also a blessing for Kunlun to be able to be a disciple like you ... I have heard of Fu Shangshu's name, and no good official like Fu Shangshu is going to be arrested and brought into Beijing! Today's court is really, hey!" Heard Fu Tian After the news that Qiu Yao was imprisoned for trial in Beijing, Yan Chixia also shook her head.

Yan Chixia was surprised that Fu Qingfeng and Nie Xiaoqian looked so much, but it was just a coincidence that they immediately answered the questions of Zhiqiu Yiye and others, "Oh, this is me in Guobei Shen Long, a friend whom Lan Ruosi met in the county, is a alchemist. The mana is probably better than me. "

"Wow, look at your young age, is it really so powerful?" Zhiqiu Yiyue eager to try, seems to want to try two tricks with Shen Long.

Brother Fly, I can't make you okay? Shen Long smiled and said, "Some tricks are not worth mentioning, but rely more on Yan Yanxia along the way."

This one, like Yan Chixia, is also a "world and earth magic spirit, exorcism and ghost exorcism order", and "Bai Mia Mian, wind, fire, thunder and lightning". I don't know whether he is a Taoist or a monk, but It does have some skills.

"My father suffered from mistreatment, and I asked the two to fight for justice!" Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi quickly prayed and begged, saying that Zuo Qianhu would immediately **** Fu Tianqiu to pass here, and would like to ask Yan Chixia and Shen Long to help.

"Such a loyal man has been so dismissed. Since he met him, he certainly cannot stand by!" Shen Long agreed, but Yan Chixia was a little puzzled, didn't she say she would go to Purdue Cihang?

In private, Shen Long explained again, "I was just whimping at the whim and found out that these sisters are deeply involved in Purdue Cihang. If you stay with them, you will definitely find Purdue Cihang. ; In addition, my generation of practitioners ~ ~ should punish evil and promote good. "

After accepting this statement, Yan Chixia returned to the house to rest, but saw Shen Long standing in the yard looking up at the sky. He kept pinching what he was thinking. He could n’t help but ask, “Brother Shen, what are you doing? ? "

"Oh, I'm calculating the celestial phenomena. I just figured it out. Perhaps there will be a vision of Tengu eating moon in a few days. Many monsters and ghosts absorb the essence of the moon and practice to become fine. When they meet the moon, they will have a lot of mana. Minus, if we can seize this opportunity, we will definitely be able to kill several monsters! "

In the movie, Purdue Cihang only showed its original shape after encountering the lunar eclipse. With Shen Long ’s current IQ, calculating the time of the lunar eclipse has no problem at all, and it can even be accurate to the minute.

Two more days later, Zuo Qianhu finally escorted Fu Tianqiu to pass by here, and a group of people went to intercept. Zuo Qianhu was very surprised to see Yan Chixia, "Judge Yan, how do you get mixed with these gangsters? Together? "

The real man Zuo Qianhu is an awe-inspiring man who admires Yan Chixia very much. Yan Chixia arched his hand, "General Zuo, as far as I know, Fu Shangshu has always been loyal to the court, and he is very upright, how can he betray the court? What? There must be any grievances in it? "

"This is not something I can interfere with. The imperial court gave me the order to **** Fu Shangshu back to Beijing. If Fu Shangshu had any grievances, he would go to the capital and talk to His Majesty!" Zuo Qianhu respected Yan Chixia, but Reluctant to break orders.

Well, it makes sense to say this seriously. He is just a thousand households, and what qualifications are there to deal with the grievances of the military department? It's just that Sister Fu Qingfeng didn't understand this, so she had to start with Zuo Qianhu on the spot.

"I don't think so. I heard that the National Teacher Purdue Cihang is nearby. The National Teacher has always been respected by His Majesty. If there is any grievance, it will be the same to the National Teacher!" Shen Long interjected.

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