All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1771: Subtle

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Chinese, then remember to come back at night. "Xiao Jiaorong also knew that their newly-married Yan'er was just like glue, so they didn't stop. They secretly filled Shen Long with some scattered silver and let them go out."

After coming out of the house, he went directly to Shuangcha Alley. When he found Xiaoqing inside, Shen Long secretly looked at it. Relying on the Taoism learned from Yan Chixia, he directly saw through Xiaoqing's illusion. The skeletons in the courtyard are all It hasn't been packed yet. Although Shen Long is not afraid, he may feel uncomfortable, and it is better to stay at home.

As for what I say here, if Bai Suzhen really likes it, I will buy it after I earn money in the future. I can fix it in a good life and keep it better than Xiaoqing's using the blind eye method.

"Sister, you won't live here anymore? Isn't that just me here?" Xiao Qing heard that Bai Suzhen was going to live there with Shen Long. Not only was she anxious, "otherwise I will live with you too All right?"

Well, according to the truth, that should be the case. The young lady of that family is not married with a close-up girl. In addition to being able to help herself, talk with herself and pass the time, you can also help the husband when he is inconvenient. In order to avoid being exploited by others, who made Shen Long live too small now, it is really inconvenient for many young people.

"Xiaoqing, don't worry, the officials said that you will move out after a while, and then you can go there again." Bai Suzhen comforted, "Today we will go to the West Lake to play together!"

After coming out of Shuangcha Lane, near the Qingbo Gate, a boat was called, and the three of them went to the West Lake. It happened that this time they met the boatman last time, but the relationship between the three Shen Long After the change, Shen Long also thanked the boatman, "Thank you Lao Zhang for crossing me last time. If not, I won't be able to meet the lady."

After giving him some rewards, he was invited to drink wedding wine, and the boatman was naturally happy, "The young man and the young lady are very talented. At first glance, the little old man thinks that he is a natural pair. Congratulations to the two. , I hope the two will give birth to your son and grow old together. "

"This is Su Di. When Mr. Dong Po was in Zhizhou, Hangzhou, he dredged the West Lake and constructed it from the excavated mud. Later generations named Su Di to commemorate the treatment of West Lake by Su Dongpo; The fellow is here. "When she arrived at the West Lake, Shen Long introduced Bai Suzhen to the scenery while introducing her.

"Officials, you really know a lot." Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing have been practicing in the mountains, and they know that. After hearing this, they only felt that Shen Long was knowledgeable and a little more favorable.

"Well, this is the Leifeng Pagoda." Since he came with Bai Suzhen, the natural thing Shen Long paid most attention to was the Leifeng Pagoda. "This was built by Wu Yuezhong, Wang Qianhongli, to worship the relics of the Buddha's bun. At the time of Tacheng's coincide with the Northern Song Dynasty's pursuit of Qian Hongling's late wife, Sun's wife, Sun, was named Emperor's Concubine.

Speaking of Shen Long, there is some doubt. Why do you say that the abbot of Jinshan Temple in the sea can press the monster under the Leifeng Tower? It stands to reason that this West Lake is the site of Lingyin Temple. No matter how powerful you are, you dare to grab business at the site of Master Ji Ding? They were reincarnated by Luolong and Luohan. Although Ji Ting has returned, the disciples and grandchildren are still there! You are out of bounds, no matter where you are, it is a taboo.

"Sari? Danggong, can we go in to worship?" Bai Suzhen said quickly when he heard this. Bai Suzhen had said before when he saw the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva in Emei. Come on, let me cross Su Suzhen out of the world, and now that I have seen Sari, would you like to see it?

Hey, my heart is stuffed. Bai Suzhen married me just for the sake of gratitude. What she wants most in her heart is to cultivate positive results. Co-authoring Xu Xian is a tool to help her achieve positive results.

"The lady wanted to see that the husband should have promised, but this snail hair relic is the treasure of the Buddha. It is very rare to see it. We will come back later when the relic is taken out of the tower for worshippers!" This is its First, second, there must be guards of Buddhist monks in this place where the treasures of the Buddhists are hidden. What if Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing go to be recognized?

Shen Long hasn't started to build swords and practiced swordsmanship yet. At this time, let's go for a while, stay calm and not wave, so he turned to Bai Suzhen to visit other attractions.

"This is the tomb of Su Xiaoxiao. Su Xiaoxiao was a famous singer in Qiantang in the Southern Dynasties. Since she was a child, she has been able to write good poems and literary talent, but unfortunately her parents died in her childhood. She lives on the bank of Xiling Bridge in Qiantang Auntie ’s house; although she is a kaiko, she knows her self-love and does not follow the waves. She loves the scenery of the West Lake. She has built an oil-walled car and traveled around the lakeside mountains; , Love at first sight ~ ~ formed a good relationship; but soon Ruan Yu sent an official in Beijing to rush to return, and there was no news after Ruan Yu bid. Su Xiaoxiao's affection is unforgettable and always missed.

"Later, she met Bao Ren, a poor scholar, and Su Xiaoxiao sympathized with him, so he subsidized him to Beijing to seek officials, but unfortunately did not wait until Bao Ren came back, but unfortunately, Su Xiaoxiao was framed and jailed. He was seriously ill and died; after Bao Ren came back, he followed Su Xiaoxiao's will and buried her on the bank of the Silang Bridge! "

"Many writers in later generations wrote poems to commemorate this strange woman who dared to love and hate. The most famous one is Tang Dynasty ghost talent Li He's" Su Xiaoxiao's Tomb ": Youlan Dew, like a cry. Nothing is concentric, fireworks Unbearable. The grass is like grass and the pine is like a cover. The wind is the clothes and the water is the wear. The oil-walled car is waiting for the evening. The cold green candles are glaring. The wind is raining under the Xiling. "

"Government, what do you mean by reading this poem? Xiao Qing can't understand it; in my opinion, this Ruan Yu is really not a good person, this kind of betrayal should be killed with a knife!" Xiao Qing said this but It's exposed, you have boasted that you are proficient in chess and calligraphy and painting, but as her close-knit girl, why can't you even understand such a shallow verse?

"Oh, this poem, said Su Xiaoxiao's life." Shen Long did not reveal it, but explained the poem to her, "The dewdrops dotted on the orchid, like Su Xiaoxiao's miserable and sad Tears; there is nothing to weave a concentric knot, the smoke and mist are imaginary flowers but cannot be trimmed; the flourishing grass is her mat, the pavilion and the green pine is her umbrella cover; the fluttering breeze is her clothes, and the booming water is hers Yu Pei; the oil-walled car that I rode in my life, waiting for her every night; the phosphorous fire that shone cold green light, no one went to the appointment and wasted in vain;

I don't know why, Xiaoqing and Bai Suzhen feel sour after hearing it.

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