All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1795: Capture

"Give me!" Dharma King Jin was almost spitting blood out of his son. Why did I give birth to something undisputable, but at this time there was no way, he could only let his monsters surround Shen Long and Bai Suzhen So that they wouldn't help, but they stared closely at Xiao Qing and Xiao Centipede, ready to rescue at any time.

"Ma'am, take care of yourself!" Since the last time Wang Daogan was killed, Shen Long hasn't been with anyone ... oh no, the monster has done it, how can you let go of the opportunity now? Immediately spit out the flying sword and fought against the flock of monsters.

The same is true of Bai Suzhen. The realgar sword shines cold, and the monsters around are avoiding. The gold cymbal king is a centipede. He also has monsters such as snakes, worms, ants, etc. Before being stabbed by the sword, I felt dizzy for a while. Bai Suzhen was extremely relaxed in coping with it. Instead, he had 70% of his mind on Shen Long and Xiao Qing.

"Girl, you just follow me. The entire Phoenix Mountain belongs to my family. After you marry, it will be young grandma. Someone is waiting for you all day, not better than being a maid?" Xiao Centipede said while fighting.

"Shameless! Let's die!" Xiao Qing heard more and more fiercely, a sword closely resembling a sword, piercing towards the centipede fine, the centipede's intensive training is far inferior to Xiao Qing's, and he was in a hurry.

"The child is not going away soon!" When the child fell into danger, the King of Gold Cymbals was anxious, and he joined the battle group with a scream. His cultivation practice was not weak. Two hit one, and Xiao Qing gradually fell into Downwind.

"Dad, I don't need your help!" However, Xiao Centipede was mentally disabled. Seeing his father coming to help was not only unhappy, but even a little angry.

"Okay, don't use it, King of Cymbals. Let's have a fight!" At this moment, the words of Shen Long sounded next to him. King of Cymbals looked back and saw the monsters surrounding Shen Long. Lying on the ground and humming, all those who besieged Bai Suzhen were fainted, and now they can stand still with their father and son.

what? The gold cymbal prince suddenly froze. He had already known that Bai Suzhen and others were extraordinary, so he brought so many men over, but they did not expect them to be more powerful than they thought.

The gold cymbal dharma strikes with both hands and makes a huge noise, pushing Xiao Qing back a few steps, and then quickly grabs the small centipede's shoulder, and now he has to escape. Since he can't win, then hurry up and run. You ca n’t care too much about monsters now, so let ’s save your life first!

"Want to go? Late!" Shen Long sneered, his right hand sword pointed forward, and Feijian slashed to the shoulder of King Jinzheng, forcing him to release his hand holding the centipede.

Xiaoqing immediately seized the opportunity and wielded the blue cable sword to cover the small centipede, not to let his father and son close, Shen Long and Xiao Qing entangled the gold cymbal dharma king and the small centipede fine, and Bai Suzhen was excellent. Youzai watched the battle beside him, and at the same time controlled the men of the gold cymbal king, and prevented them from escaping.

Xiaoqing just lost a little bit on the gold cymbals of the gold cymbal, so he vented his anger to the small centipede. A sword was almost like a sword, which forced the small centipede to be embarrassed. No longer on his face, he cried out for help as usual, "Dad, help me!"

Puff, the second generation of demon is also so disappointed? It seems that this product is not in trouble in the past, and then let the gold cymbal king come to help him wipe his butt, but unfortunately today the gold cymbal king can't help himself.

"Xiaoqing, don't kill him!" Shen Long urged, and then stepped up his attack, all of which attacked the key of the King of Cymbals, such as the jaws, chest and abdomen. Shen Long was experienced in dealing with centipede essence, Jin The Cymbal King is not comparable to Purdue Cihang. As long as he is not allowed to knock on the gold cymbals, this guy will not be of much use. In the future, Qi Baoshan will be able to fight him back and forth, let alone Shen Long?

"Lady, then!" After playing for a long time, Shen Long finally caught the flaw, and Feijian made a circle in the air to cut off the left hand wrist of the gold cymbal king, forcing him to abandon the gold cymbal, and Feijian was there. When the gold cymbals knocked on, the gold cymbals flew towards Bai Suzhen and fell into Bai Suzhen's hands.

The gold cymbal dharma king was inferior to Shen Long, and now he lost his most powerful weapon. This time he was even more embarrassed. With a few tricks, the gold cymbal on his right hand was also destroyed by Shen Long, and the flying sword stopped at As long as he dared to move his jaw, Feijian would pierce his throat and kill him.

As for the small centipede essence, it has already been taken down by Xiao Qing, and he is kneeling there with a swollen face and a swollen face. Seeing this situation, the King of Gold Cymbals can only helplessly surrender.

"Officials, how to deal with these guys, as I see it, just kill them!" Xiao Qing said.

"The girl spares her life, the girl spares her life, I will never dare!" Dharma King Jin also wanted to say two hard words, but the small centipede first counseled.

"Officials, I have been living in Qiantang on weekdays. I have never offended anyone. Why do these guys find us in trouble? In my opinion, this matter must be ridiculous! It is better to ask first and then say it!" Bai Suzhen Thoughtful, he immediately became suspicious.

Wang Daoqian had grievances before, but this gold cymbal dharma king was in Phoenix Mountain, and had never been to Qingcheng Mountain. He had no grievances with himself. Why did he want to come to the door?

"Let's put the rest ~ ~ Just take them both away. I guess they don't know the reason." Shen Long seems to have guessed the reason, and immediately lifted the gold cymbal king and the centipede. He flew to other places and left those little goblins in place. These little goblins fled around quickly, so that Phoenix Mountain probably would not go back.

After flying for dozens of miles and finding a secluded place, Shen Long asked Bai Suzhen to borrow the realgar sword and laid it across the neck of the small centipede. He watched the gold cymbal and asked, "Look, who the **** is you?" of?"

"No one, because the child saw the little **** the side of the road, and she loved it. I came to ask the child for a kiss. I did something wrong. Peer! I'm grateful! "Dharma King Kim still refused to reveal the truth, and wanted to use the centipede to pass by. After all, he can't afford to offend him.

"Oh, if this is the case, then you don't need to keep this at home. I will send him to reincarnate to go!" Shen Long sneered and raised his real sword.

"Yes, bad guys like it should be killed directly!" Xiao Qing echoed, Bai Suzhen opened his mouth, but said nothing.

"Be slow, I said!"

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