All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1873: Cheng Shengen called

"Xiaomeng, you can help me. As long as you agree, I will do it for you in the future. I will give you half of Dong's monthly fee! This will cost 60,000 yuan per moonlight consultant fee. Let ’s discuss the rest! You see, even if you do n’t sell your new boss any more, you wo n’t get so much? ”Starbucks, Shen Long, you listened to Hu Rongqiang ’s call.

Hu Rongqiang is now in a hurry. Three days later, he still did not come up with a plan that would satisfy Mr. Dong. Mr. Dong told him that he would not be able to come up with it next Monday, not only to terminate the contract, but also to pursue his liability for breach of contract. ; So he had to ask for Shen Longmen again, for this he would rather split half of the monthly fee from 120,000 yuan to Shen Long.

For Hu Rongqiang, this was a hefty investment, plus wages and other expenses for other employees. This business is no longer profitable, but it is better than losing it.

However, Shen Long was not at all interested. He wanted to buy me 60,000 yuan. Who do you think of me? "Oh, President Hu, it's immoral to do private work secretly."

"Moral? How much can moral value? Xiaomeng, our contract with Mr. Dong is ten months away. Think about it. During these ten months, you have a guaranteed income of 60,000 yuan a month. Counting the others, this is the annual salary of one million! If you work for a year, the mortgage payment of the house will be almost paid, and you and Shen Bing will be able to relax a lot in the future, how good it is! "Hu Rong is anxious. Under the confession of his own voice.

"Oh, Hu Rongqiang, since you say that we have nothing to talk about, you can not talk about morality, but I can't learn from you!" If you don't talk about morality, this matter has not reached the point where it is today.

The salary issue is only a minor issue. Although there are some works, it does not break the bottom line, but you want to use Shen Bing to exchange for the Dade Group contract for you. This is too much. You want Shi Xiaomeng to lose his girlfriend. I will let you lose the company; Shen Long hangs up the phone after speaking, and directly pulls Hu Rongqiang's number on the blacklist.

After a while, Shen Long's phone rang again. This time he looked at it and he still didn't answer the phone. He stood and waved towards the door, and saw Wu Mei striding forward.

"Hello Ms. Wu, this is Shi Xiaomeng. I just called you. This is my girlfriend Shen Bing. We should have met in the bar that day." Shen Long and Wu Di finished their dinner together and gave Wu Mei After making a phone call and meeting here, he felt that Wu Wu was more suitable than Wu Zi if he wanted Wu Di to get rid of Yang Zixi.

Wu Mei sat down in front of him, "Well, it's a bit familiar. That day with Wu Di? By the way, what happened to Wu Di that night? And, how did you know my phone number? Wu Di should not Will tell you? "

"Oh, although Ms. Wu has just returned to China, she has already made a name for herself in Beijing. It is not difficult to ask for your phone." With Bai Ze in, what phone number does Shen Long want?

Wu Mei is now Wu Di ’s boss. She started working with enthusiasm as soon as she joined the office. She won many contracts with her powerful wrist. It is indeed a new star emerging from the workplace in Beijing. After Shen Long said this, she barely accepted After this explanation, "So you asked me to come out to talk about Wu Di?"

"Well, that's what it really means." Shen Long said about what happened that night. "Hey, seeing my buddies getting horns more and more, I don't have a taste in my heart. I can only help you if I think about it. Go to him. "

"Wu Di is too small to look at himself, his ability is not bad, as long as a little exercise for a few years, he may not be able to afford LV; but to be right, this girl is really not suitable for him, but this has nothing to do with me What about? "Wu Mei, as Wu Di's boss, knows his abilities very well. It is a potential stock, and Yang Zixi has a light-eyed eye.

"Because I know that he likes you, and you like him too." Shen Long made this point clear. Although he felt that Wu Mei, a strong female fan like Wu Mei, would like Wu Di, it was strange, but who made the TV drama say so He said, "Don't be excited first. I have known him for seven years. Except for Yang Zixi, this is the first time I saw him and told me about the girl's expression."

"Mr. Shi, don't you know that I still know his brother Wu Wei?" Wu Mei said, she had a period with Wu Wei before, and Wu Di was unwilling to accept this feeling, Wu Wei always took care of him, and I have always liked Wu Mei until now, how can he be willing to fight for his girlfriend with his brother!

Hey, Yang Zixi is also true. Although Wu Di is not a rich second generation, there is a brother who shares the gods. Wu Wei now has cancer. When he leaves, he will leave all his assets to Wu Di and Wu Mei; if Yang Zixi is He has always given up to him, and in the future, he can live a dreamed life.

Although Wu Mei is Wu Wei ’s ex-girlfriend, they have now broken up, so this matter is not the same as Cheng Feng ’s fancy with Shen Bing. Wu Di should not be so entangled.

"I know, but Ms. Wu, do you think this is the problem?" Shen Long asked back, only Wu Di was worried about it. "Or do you have no confidence to take Wu Di back from Yang Zixi, and feel that there is no way for him to let Wu Di Forget his first love? "This kind of girl, Yu Fan, was the most unexcited, so Shen Long said deliberately.

"Oh!" Wu Mei obviously didn't put Yang Zixi in her eyes.

"Let me tell you something about them ~ ~ When I was in college before ..." Shen Long slowly talked about the past of Wu Di and Yang Zixi, including his annual Valentine's Day because he had no money to buy Roses can only run a dozen miles to collect wildflowers and give them to Yang Zixi. For four years in a row, when he saw senior Zi Zi, there was a bunch of blue demon in Wu Zixi. Wu Di knew that he had lost her.

To be honest, Shen Long was baffled when he saw this in the TV series. You have to say that Chanel ’s bags, Givenchy ’s jewelry, and even Apple ’s mobile phones would work. How could Wu Di even afford a bouquet of roses? How much is that?

"Well, I know." After listening to Shen Long, Wu Mei just responded lightly, but with her eyes, she had already written down all the information.

I hope she can come up with a better way, instead of stimulating Wu Di as in the TV series. When Wu Mei got up and Shen Long sent her to the door, Wu Mei turned around and said, "Wu Diyou A buddy like you is his blessing. "

When he came back, he planned to leave with Shen Bing. His phone rang again. At first glance, the caller ID was an unfamiliar number. Shen Long pressed the answer button. "Hello, is it Shi Xiaomeng? I'm Cheng Shengen."

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