All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1875: Come to Dade Group

The conversation with Shen Long was beyond Cheng Shengen's expectations. He thought that this kind of poor boy from abroad would definitely feel terrified when he saw a big boss like himself. It was unnatural, so the initiative of the conversation fell to his own hands. Too.

He knew there that Shi Xiaomeng was not Shi Xiaomeng long ago. For Shen Long, what is a local rich man who can't be ranked high in Beijing? Pushing it forward for hundreds of years, the entire Beijing and even the whole of China belong to him. Shen Long, who had killed Fan Yongdou and others, was not better than him?

Even in a modern society, Shen Longhaizi has been there several times, and they are all talking and laughing with those few people. What dad Ma is a brother in front of him, and Cheng Shengen is that green onion?

Cheng Shengen decided to say straight, "I asked you to come today, didn't you feel surprised?"

"Actually, it's no surprise. From childhood to old, I have seen this situation a lot. I beat my son and became the father. I don't care if I didn't educate my son. I always want to give my son a breath. You Is this going to sue me, or call the police directly? "Shen Long lifted Erlang's legs and suffocated Cheng Shengen again.

"Young man! Don't be too arrogant sometimes!" Cheng Shengen finally could not maintain his calmness. When Cheng Feng was lying in bed, crying and crying, but he gave him a heartache, now Shen Long Mentioned this matter again, plus the sentence without education, Cheng Feng, it was salt on his wounds.

Cheng Shengen is not pretending to be civilized now. He pointed directly at Shen Long ’s nose and said, “Do n’t think you ’ve controlled it well, I ca n’t do it. I have a way to identify Cheng Feng ’s minor or even serious injuries. You should go in and stay! "

Shen Long was not accustomed to his fault, and snapped Cheng Shengen's hand away with a slap, "OK, you go to identify it, and then call the police, I happen to plan to call the police, what is the crime of falsifying the signature? I think big There must be someone in the German Group who wants to see Cheng Feng go in, just like you want me to go in now! "

If you engage in crooked ways, then let's just wait and see. Believe it or not, the sky and the day will bring down the thunder and break you? Believe it or not, all the unlawful things you did before were turned over? Shen Long really didn't believe it. As for the quality of Cheng Shengen, haven't he done bad things before?

Cheng Shengen ’s threat was easily resolved by Shen Long, and Cheng Feng ’s imitation of his signature was really a serious crime. As long as someone calls the police, there are people in the Dade Group who are willing to provide evidence. At least Liang Junzheng will never let this opportunity pass.

So he could only hold back his breath, "Xiaomeng, I'm doing it for you too, when I was young ... Well, don't mention this." He was afraid that Shen Long would come back again, "Let's just say Let ’s say now, you see that you ’re doing a good job now, and you have a house, so the future looks bright! "

"But, are you satisfied then? Don't you want to have a bigger house? Better work, higher income?" Cheng Shengen opened the curtains, and through the windows, he could see skyscrapers, "Yes For me, money is just a numerical concept. I have such a son as Cheng Feng, and he always hopes that I will try my best to help him achieve it. "

"As long as you can agree to my request, I can give you these! Villas with gardens, extended luxury cars, these are no problems; I can even give you a senior position in the Dade Group, you want to say that you will be developed Really? I admit that you have a certain talent, but you are as good as you, and the whole capital is a big deal! Although success is a 99% strength plus a 1% opportunity, if there is no After that one percent, the remaining ninety-nine percent are equal to zero! "Cheng Shengen's speech was a little hysterical. It was not so calm at first, and the expression on his face had been distorted.

"Mr. Cheng, Mr. Cheng, please calm down! I heard that you have heart disease, don't be excited. If you are excited, Cheng Feng still has to call the police and wrong me!" Hey, Cheng Feng really looks like you Ah, "You said it was useless, I don't care about it." Really, I have more money than you.

"You and Cheng Feng both studied liberal arts? You should know that for thousands of years Chinese intellectuals have one of the biggest problems, that is hypocrisy! Desperately suppressing their desire for money to maintain that poor self-esteem! But Now that the times are different, it is no longer a shame to fully release your cravings for money! It would only make people feel ridiculous to be ashamed! Then Cheng Shengen was more and more angry by Shen Long.

"Mr. Cheng, I haven't read a book and I'm not ashamed. What I am ashamed of is that I don't understand and show it up! For thousands of years, Chinese readers have never suppressed their desire for money. They just know that talking about money naked is not decent. Put a layer of gold powder on my face. "I don't know how many of these readers have died in Daming.

"In fact, it is the same now. Earlier, there might be someone like you on Forbes, but now, that is not pretending to be scornful money? The voice is always doing business and seeking welfare for the people." The happiest is a month Earn 20,000 to understand? "If you continue this way, Dade Group will not last long!"

"Go to such a company or forget it, what a luxury car villa!" Seriously, I can't really look down on what you can come up with.

"Besides, I am not stupid ~ ~ The villas and luxury cars you send can be taken back, not to mention the position of Dade Group. Dade Group has a boss like you and an executive like Cheng Feng. It ’s not been a few years since I ’ve jumped. What ’s the use of me? ”What ’s more, would n’t you just let your scum boy and son knead?

"Love is not a castle in the sky, it needs a foundation, this foundation is money! Marry Han and Han, dress and eat, and you will let Shen Bing follow you to the zoo to buy those cheap clothes? For the dime and the street vendors in the vegetable market Bargaining? Smell the sweat on the crowded bus and endure the harassment of the pervert? "Cheng Shengen also wanted to save the situation. The zoo is a cheap clothing distribution center in Beijing.

"Don't think about life so unbearably, not to mention that I now have the ability to save Shen Bing from wearing zoo clothes, and I can also buy a car for her." Shen Long no longer wanted to continue talking to such people.

He got up and walked in front of Cheng Shengen, looked at him and said, "Mr. Cheng, you probably have been rich for too long, so it has become floating? But rest assured, you will soon become rich, don't know At that time, would you still be able to adapt to the life of crowded buses. "

Well, what do you most proud of is that you have money, then I will get you out of money first!

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