All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1878: Everyone knows

"Mr. Dong, I have already gone to another company now. If I take up the work of another company, it would be a bit unpleasant to say. Or forget it, you go to see Ogilvy, Leo Burnett, and Prosperity. They from the Great Wall? When we have the opportunity next time, let's cooperate again. Then you will have to bid even if you don't call me. "Shen Long said on the phone.

"Xiaomeng, this is not your fault!" Mr. Dong did not expect that. After Shi Xiaomeng's departure, the level of Hu's advertising dropped so badly, "The problem is that our annual promotion plan has been in accordance with the strategy you originally formulated. At the beginning, the previous advertisements were all sold out. Even if they were looking for Ogilvy and Leo Burnett, they could n’t continue their previous style! Is n’t the advertising expenses we invested before hitting the water? So this matter You still have to come. "

It's impossible to fight. I have seen the original contract. If Hu Rongqiang couldn't keep up, he would have to pay a large sum of money. Of course, Mr. Dong did suffer some losses. Shen Long didn't speak and continued to listen to him.

"Your worry is completely unnecessary. I have heard some of the reasons for your departure. This is indeed what Hu Rongqiang did badly. I have prepared the legal affairs to sue for compensation. Other companies will definitely know in the future and they will understand. What you do will not affect your reputation in the industry at all. "Mr. Dong is also eye-opening when he knows the reason. Hu Rongqiang's behavior refreshed his understanding. This person is too stubborn, and I am not the same. Willing to continue to work for him.

This is good. Hu Rongqiang not only has to lose a lot of money, but his reputation in the capital has also broken. Which big company will cooperate with him in the future, and Shen Long nodded in satisfaction, which is deserved.

"According to the contract, the previous design copyright belongs to our company, we have the right to let any advertising company continue to do it, anyway, you are familiar with it, you will continue to do it, I promise to give your company better conditions "President Dong continued to persuade that if Shen Shixiaomeng could take over, then the previous investment would not be wasted, coupled with Hu Rongqiang ’s compensation, it would mean that the company ’s annual advertising budget would be even more insignificant. It's a good thing.

After persuading for a while, Shen Long finally let go. "Okay, this case was originally done by me. There must be a beginning and an end to the work. Since President Dong loves me, I will visit our company next year with President Yang. "

The next day, Shen Long and President Yang signed the contract in the past. After signing the contract, they also chatted with Director Dong and Legal Manager Zhang. They have already started the prosecution process. According to Manager Zhang, this case won a little bit There is no suspense for children. Hu Rongqiang's liability for breach of contract is written on the contract. He just waits to lose money.

Mr. Yang is also generous. After the first payment from Mr. Dong is received, Shen Long immediately sends a bonus to Shen Long. Shen Long takes Adong, Xiaobei and others busy to make a living. This was originally a familiar project The big guy quickly got out a plan that would satisfy Mr. Dong.

Shen Long is busy in the company. Several of their old friends, who have always liked Lin Xia's Fei Si, have arrived at the old place. There are no guests in the bar. The empty, Fei Si is playing drums on the stage with great excitement. Lin Xia stood by the door and looked at Fei Si who was venting wildly.

After he stopped, Lin Xia walked over and asked, "What happened? Didn't you take a week off? Why not go here with the madman and his dad to go crazy with the madman?"

"I don't want to work in Dade Group. I will resign tomorrow. From now on, Dade's business has nothing to do with me." The expression on Fei Si's face was a little complicated.

Lin Xia was a little surprised, "Why, did you tell the madman?"

"Speaking, it's because of his reasons that I don't want to work in Dade." Lin Xia repeatedly asked, Fei Si didn't want to say, but he was too anxious to speak, "I took care of the hospital these days Cheng Shengen, do you know what I heard? "

"What?" Lin Xia vaguely felt something was wrong.

"Oh, didn't you wonder before, why didn't Xiaomeng call Cheng Feng several times? I understood it a few days ago!" Fei Si sneered a few times, and said what he heard in the hospital. When he came out, Cheng Feng and Cheng Shengen were not far away when he was talking. When Cheng Shengen was talking with Shen Long, he was also outside, and he heard them all.

"Ah ~~~ Madman, how can a madman be like this!" Lin Xia was shocked after hearing that Cheng Feng had taken a look at Shen Bing and wanted to use a contract to control Shi Xiaomeng, and that Cheng Shengen planned to use money to buy Shi Xiaomeng and Shen Bing. Too.

"Did you hear it wrong? Did Cheng Shengen do it without Cheng Feng after knowing that Cheng Feng liked Shen Bing?" Lin Xia always liked Cheng Feng, and she didn't want to admit that her favorite object was rubbish.

"Don't Cheng Feng get beaten that day? You asked him why he didn't talk about it. I learned later that it was Xiao Meng. At the school playground, he said in front of Xiao Meng and wanted to give him A sum of money, let him break up with Shen Bing! "Fei Si slammed the drumstick on the drum again," How the **** did I recognize such a garbage as a buddy? "

Then she kicked the drums frantically again, and Lin Xia sat there blankly, her mind blank. She did know that Cheng Feng liked to provoke girls everywhere, but those girls were outsiders, and she could not see how they were injured. However, Shi Xiaomeng and Shen Bing are their own acquaintances, even Shen Bing or Cheng Feng's good buddy's girlfriend, will he do it?

And also have to use money to break up the family! This approach really exceeded Lin Xia's bottom line ~ ~ No wonder when I talked to Shen Feng when she and Shen Bing went shopping, she would immediately change the subject. She didn't want to hear Cheng Feng's name!

"Hey, I said what the **** are you two doing?" Wu Di also came over at this time. He just happened to have a business nearby, and he was about to leave work after the talk, so he came over to see if there were any acquaintances.

"Do you know Wu Di, Madman and Xiaomeng?" Lin Xia immediately asked Wu Di and she still had a luck, hoping to get the truth from Wu Di.

"Crazy? Xiaomeng? What's the matter?" Wu Di was stunned at that time, and then Lin Xia, like a machine gun, Barabara repeated what Fei Si said just now.

"Fat Si, is this true?" Wu Di was almost crazy, and his two best buddies turned out to be like this. No wonder Xiaomeng did not mention Cheng Feng a while ago.

After receiving an affirmative answer, Wu Di got up and left immediately. He was going to ask Shen Long to ask. Lin Xia and Fei Si also followed, and they went to the entrance of Shen Bing's kindergarten. They saw Cheng Feng watching the car out of the kindergarten. Shen Bing.

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