All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1880: Lu Manjia's Backstab

In the meeting room of Dade Group, seven directors were sitting in the meeting room, and Cheng Feng was sitting on the main seat of the chairman. The atmosphere of the meeting room looked dignified.

Liang Junzheng and Yan Yuese, he said without hesitation, "I have no opinion! Although our Dade is a listed company, the total equity of Cheng accounts for more than 70% of the entire company, so it is still a family business. Now Cheng He is seriously ill and cannot be a director. Cheng Feng is his only son. He is now acting as acting chairman and it is reasonable. "

Another director, Hong Demin, supported his glasses and said seriously, "I don't agree! The position of the chairman is very important. I can't rest assured that it will be given to Cheng Feng! Cheng Feng, can you explain to us first why Cheng Dong Will it happen suddenly? "

Cheng Feng's expression was embarrassed, "This ... he, his heart has always been bad, and he has high blood pressure, and it is easy to get sick once stimulated ..."

Hong Demin asked, "What strong stimulation did he get?" Cheng Feng was speechless, he couldn't say that he was angry at himself?

Hong Demin continued to ask, "Why don't you answer?" He certainly stood on the side of Cheng Shengen, but Cheng Feng has always been not very pleasing to the eye. He hoped that Cheng Feng could take the place of Sheng En, but Cheng Feng disappointed him again and again. Too.

Cheng Feng smiled, "Uncle Hong, are you trying the prisoner?" But he was scolding in his heart. Why is this old immortal always aiming at me? He had long forgotten what Cheng Shengen had told him.

Hong Demin refused to retreat, "Cheng Feng, Yu Gong, I am the deputy general manager of Dade Group, the second largest shareholder, Yu private, I am a good friend of your father for many years, I can also be regarded as your uncle, regardless of Public and private, I have the right to learn from you about Mr. Cheng's condition! Cheng Feng, you know what I want to ask! Some words have been held in my heart for a long time! You treat your father ... "

Liang Jun was interjecting. He realized that this was a good opportunity to alienate them. "Lao Hong, this is a business meeting to decide whether Cheng Feng will act as the chairman. Do you see some private topics, let's talk to Cheng Feng at another time?"

Hong Demin raised a stack of information in his hands, "Here is the Pan-Times this morning. As today's major media reported on Cheng Shengen Cheng's general condition, it triggered concerns from all walks of life about our company's development prospects. The company's stock price opened low. Let's go, now it has plunged 6.3% against the trend within two hours of opening! "

Cheng Feng's expression froze, somewhat overwhelmed, apparently did not expect the situation to be so serious, and other directors also talked about it; Liang Jun was playing a round field, "These media, just fear that the world is not chaotic, if there is any disturbance, Just add oil and vinegar, and make up ...

In fact, he has released a lot of news here. He plans to use this trend to buy Daode Group's stocks at a low price, so as to achieve the purpose of replacing Cheng Shengen.

Hong Demin, "Well, if you really let the media know why Mr. Cheng is sick this time, I am afraid that tomorrow will be an overwhelming full-page report. Our company's stocks must be in the limit!"

Hong Demin keeps on chasing Cheng Feng and Liang Jun is continuing to play the role of a good old man, but through seemingly inadvertent words, the differences between Cheng Feng and Hong Demin are increasing, and other directors have learned about Cheng Feng's incompetence.

When Hong Demin said that Cheng Feng was in charge of overspending in the department, Liang Jun was making a move. "When it comes to financial issues, I might as well ask Director Lu to help us analyze it. After all, should professional opinions be more reliable!"

Soon after Lu Manjia came in, Cheng Feng looked at her and hoped that she could help herself out, but Lu Manjia was not at all polite. "On the surface, the performance of this quarter has increased; however, I believe everyone has noticed, The proportion of performance growth is 3.1%, but the growth rate of company administrative expenses and business expenses has reached 10.8%. This is actually negative growth. Among them, the cost overruns of the departments in charge of Cheng Feng are the most serious ... "

"A lot of it is unnecessary expenditure. Does donating money to kindergarten help our company's performance? Our company's business has nothing to do with early childhood education?" Lu Manjia looked at Cheng Feng with hate in his eyes, " Also, what about these reception expenses? The reimbursement form does not clearly indicate which customers are received; Cheng Feng, would n’t you use the company ’s money to spend money and go for a girl! "

She even saw the invoices for the purchase of Björk Records and Issey Miyake perfume when she read the reimbursement form, and she almost fainted at the time; you spent the company's money to soak me, and then came to me to reimburse! This was actually done by Cheng Feng's secretary.

Cheng Feng did not expect that Lu Manjia would be like this. He was suffocated by this backstab, and he said, "I ... I will pay attention to saving and control costs in the future ..."

Hong Demin continued to criticize, "Are you able to do it? Has your mind been put to work? You are arrogantly said, you are now a dude who only knows how to chew old pick-up girls!" He also hates iron and steel. .

Cheng Feng was embarrassed and embarrassed. He almost stood up and left, but Liang Junzheng, who was sitting on the side, stretched out his hand and held it, "Lao Hong, I know your temper, you are also for the company and Lao Cheng, but you do n’t Too unreasonable, let the young people have a little face! "

In my heart, I'm happy, noisy, noisy, noisier, it's better that Cheng Feng drive away Hong Demin, so that the board of directors is my world ~ ~ Liang Junzheng is gentle Looking at the lunatic, his eyes are filled with comfort. "Since everyone has some opinions for a while, then you have to wait a few days!" Cheng Feng was helplessly silent.

When the meeting was over, Cheng Feng wanted to find Lu Manjia, but Lu Manjia ignored it at all; Hong Demin returned to the office and threw a glass; Liang Jun turned on the computer and watched the situation of absorbing the shares of Daede Group during this time. Let's make trouble, Cheng Feng no matter how much you make trouble, Dade Group is mine.

At the same time, both Wu Wei and Shao Huayang opened champagne in the office. "It's not bad. Dade Group's share price has been beaten down by us. Then we will make persistent efforts. This is far from the lowest point of Dade Group's share price!"

After the celebration was over, they quickly returned to the computer and saw that the mysterious mailbox sent mail again. The latest meeting minutes of Dade Group ’s board of directors had been sent, as well as the confidential financial statements within Dade Group. These, they cannot fail.

And Liang Junzheng also received an email with only a short sentence, "Cheng Feng will leave Beijing for some time later, can you seize this opportunity?"

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