All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1883: Beaten again

"The long holiday is the peak of our Dade Group business. Isn't our stock price falling now? If we can achieve performance at this stage, when the long holiday ends and the stock market reopens, the stock price will definitely rise back, so that customers Only when we have confidence in us will banks be willing to lend us money. This is a big issue related to the life and death of Dade Group. No one can be sloppy. "Liang Junzheng looked around the shareholders and saw Cheng Feng's entangled expression. He was very happy. Too.

"I agree." Hong Demin said the first time, "Lieutenant General Liang made a very reasonable point. I think the big guys are busy for a few days. First, do the employees' comfort work, and give overtime and bonuses to the foot. So as not to affect morale. "

Others also nodded their heads. For these directors, the company is their own. I hope that the company will be better. What more can I do if I work a few more days? This is to make money for myself.

Cheng Feng left his position, and the big guys looked at Cheng Feng, and Cheng Feng said, "But ... but I just have something to do with this holiday!" Shen Bing is about to marry someone soon. , I must go to Yunnan to get her back!

"Cheng Feng! You must be angry!" Hong De patted the table with popularity. If it was my child, I had to hang it and use a belt to pull it. "How important are you? Can it be comparable to Dade Group?" Life and death? If the Dade Group collapses, what are you left? This time you say you want to stay in the company, I can call your dad! "

All you are about to lose is money, but what I lost is love! Cheng Feng growled in his heart, but there was no way to say this directly, and he was panicked. In addition, Hong Demin has been blaming himself these days. Cheng Feng also clapped the table and stood up in exasperation. "My dad is big. Shareholders, now I have full authority to manage my dad ’s shares, you have to listen to me! You love working overtime for this long vacation, anyway, I will not come! "

After speaking, Cheng Feng walked away, leaving only the rest of the shareholders looking at each other. Hong Demin was flushed, and he was trembling with anger. Isn't this too bad? Cheng Shengen has 70% of the shares, but this company is not up to you alone.

"Oh, young people, this is always the case. Come on, let's continue to talk about the long overtime work. Anyway, Mr. Xiao Cheng just meant to authorize us?" Liang Junzheng smiled and asked the remaining shareholders.

Hong Demin has the intention to refute, but he really can't find a reason. He can't always say that we won't work on the long vacation? No, I have to call Lao Cheng later.

Cheng Feng hurriedly returned to his office and saw that Xiao Sun was still looking at the account book. He immediately yelled at the door and said, "You're leaving me." If I weren't you, could I lose such a big face?

"Manager Cheng, this is what Mr. Hong asked me to come over. I haven't finished reading this account book yet." Xiao Sun pushed his glasses, showing a harmless smile for humans and animals.

"This company's surname Cheng is not Hong! He Hong Demin wants to say it's too early!" Cheng Feng directly smashed the phone, Xiao Sun quickly flashed open, and then went out.

Cheng Feng was sitting in a chair, looking at the books more and more annoying, and immediately asked the secretary to take it away, and it did n’t take long for his phone to ring. It was Cheng Shengen who brought it to take a look, "Xiao Feng, what ’s the matter with you? What? There was such a big deal on the board? "

"He Hong Demin even checked my account! Did he just sue again just now?" Why did you all target me one by one, Cheng Feng gave birth to rebellious psychology.

"Xiaofeng, your uncle Hong is also for you ... Hey, hello?" Cheng Shengen just said a few words, and then hung up the phone over there, so he almost got a heart attack.

Cheng Feng gritted his teeth, turned off the phone directly, and then the office phone rang again, unplugged the phone line, and later the secretary came in with a mobile phone, "Manager Cheng, Cheng Dong is looking for you!"

"You guys have it all!" Cheng Feng is going crazy, picking up the car key and pulling away. I can't stay at the company, can I? I rushed into the elevator, went downstairs, drove away from the company, and turned around aimlessly on the streets of Beijing. I drove the car to the entrance of the kindergarten subconsciously. It happened to be lunch time. Shen Longzheng and Shen Bing had lunch together. What.

Cheng Feng couldn't stand the stimulus. He left immediately, and began to wander again aimlessly. When he woke up again, the car had already gone outside his alma mater. Cheng Feng thought about stopping the car and coming to the school stadium.

Entering the stadium, Cheng Feng saw Wu Di sitting in the stands in a daze, his heart filled with warmth for a while, at least I still have friends, so he walked happily over.

On the playground, a group of students were kicking a ball, and a ball kicked off, almost hitting Cheng Feng in the head. The students gestured sorry to Cheng Feng.

If the Cheng Cheng Summit smiled and kicked the ball back to them, but today he was extremely upset, and he kicked the ball out of the court with a big foot. Those students suddenly became angry and wanted to come to him for trouble. Pulled the man, and ran outside the playground to pick up the ball. .

Cheng Feng walked to Wu Di, Wu Di looked at him without blinking his eyes, his eyes were red, but not because of tears, but because of anger, Cheng Feng pretended to be relaxed, "Where is the wild boy, dare What a stunned sitting here, who does not know that it is my throne! "

Wu Di still stared at him without saying a word, and Cheng Feng narrowed his smile, "What happened?"

Wu Di suddenly erupted, and jerked up, punching Cheng Feng in the face, knocking Cheng Feng to the ground, "You still have a face!"

Cheng Feng sat on the ground, wiped his nosebleed, and his expression dimmed. He remembered Wu Di's previous phone. Everyone knew it ~ ~ Wu Di looked at him with hate, and he didn't know how to say , Just breathing heavily, Cheng Feng said anxiously, "Wu Di, don't be angry, this is already the case, and I don't want to defend myself. I can only say that I really love Shen Bing ..."

"Shut up and shut up! You still have a face to say! Cheng Feng, don't you always look down on ANDY? In fact, you are all the same with him! No, you are more despicable and shameless than him! I am at least not a friend, But you and Xiaomeng are seven-year-old buddies, seven-year-old brothers! This woman in the whole world is dead? You have to go and grab Shen Bing! You also use this indecent means! "Wu Di became more and more angry.

Cheng Feng cried, "I can't help, I just can't control myself! You can beat me and scold me, at least I don't have to hide it anymore, I can finally say it! You know these days, this one Does it make me feel uncomfortable? I do n’t want to find someone who speaks! I also know that I am a jerk, but when you like someone, you can do things that are **** and idiots. You told me that way, you remember?"

Wu Di couldn't bear it anymore, and punched him again, "I'm not the same as you! I won't do this kind of thing as an idiot or an idiot! Cheng Feng, you are not a thing!"

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