All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1886: Cheng Feng is on fire

Cheng Shengen didn't faint directly, he thought that Cheng Feng was amazing and he was fighting with people in that bar. Who knew that this would happen, he felt his face hurt so badly that my Cheng Shengen's child had fallen into being a thief? He can clearly see that those few shareholders are holding back a smile.

"Will you hear it wrong? How could Xiaofeng do such a thing? It's totally unnecessary!" Liang Junzheng asked with a concerned expression.

"Isn't it a liar? Are you sure Xiaofeng's voice?" Hong Demin is another kind of doubt, or is Cheng Feng kidnapped? He didn't say anything about this, for fear of stimulating Cheng Shengen.

"Yes, it's Manager Cheng's voice, and when I hang up the phone, I immediately check the caller's number. It's really the landline of the Kunming Railway Station police station." The secretary was also anxious.

In fact, Cheng Feng does not want the company to know, but who can he find? Shi Xiaomeng, Fei Si, Wu Di all turned over with him, Lin Xia did not answer his phone, he could not remember the phone number of other girls he knew, so he could only call his secretary, he also told the secretary not to Tell others about this and quickly fly to Kunming to fish out.

But the secretary can't say anything. Now that the whole company is working overtime, what's the matter if he walks quietly? If the manager Cheng is offended, the company may change his position, but if they let Cheng Dong and Mr. Hong know, their job will be successful, and now Cheng Feng ’s influence in the company is getting worse. , The secretary is also very important.

"Give me the number." Cheng Shengen would call back over there and was stopped by Liang Junzheng. "Cheng Dong, you are not in good health, let me come!"

Then Liang Jun was dialing back over there, and soon asked the truth, "..... yes, yes, Cheng Feng is indeed the department manager of our Daede Group. This must be a misunderstanding. It is completely unnecessary in his identity. It ’s really embarrassing to do such a thing, and it ’s causing trouble for you. I will send someone to Kunming as soon as possible ... ”

"Cheng Dong, who do you think will send Xiaofeng to pick up Xiaofeng?" Liang Junzheng hung up the phone and looked at the angry Cheng Shengen and asked, anger, anger, it's better to pull it down.

"Let the security department manager bring two people to take him back to me! Don't worry about whatever Cheng Feng said." Cheng Shengen could not know what Cheng Feng was doing in Yunnan. The information about Shi Xiaomeng and Shen Bing was clear.

Ten minutes later, the manager of the security department of Dade Group took the two to leave in a hurry. Now they ca n’t buy a ticket, they can only drive to Kunming and drive to Kunming. When Kunming ca n’t take a break, they immediately went to the police station to fish Cheng Feng. , And was about to go back in the car.

"I don't care. I won't go back to Beijing. I'm going to Heshun to find Shen Bing." Cheng Feng said he didn't want to go back, and even threatened these hard-working employees who came over from Beijing. "If you are disobedient, I will go back Open you all! "

"Mr. Cheng, please let us go. If we don't take you back, we can be opened by Cheng Dong now." Hey, how can I be so unlucky, such an errand, after all, Cheng Shengen's threat is more The manager of the security department made a look, and the two security guards sat in the back row with Cheng Feng, and one of them stuck Cheng Feng firmly. Then, without saying anything, he drove towards the intersection.

left already? But it does n’t matter, now the second plan can be activated. After receiving the message, Shen Long told Bai Ze, then put the phone back in his pocket, entered the room, and talked to Shen Bing ’s parents with a smile, "Auntie, your yard is so beautiful Sometimes, I just want to be tired in the capital, so I will go back to our Heshun and clean up our two yards and change it into an inn to serve foreign tourists. Such a good day. "

"Hey, Shen Bing also told me that you used to work overtime in the capital before. You ca n’t get tired all day long. If you want me to say, you might as well come back. Now, more and more tourists come to our hometown in Heshun. You can live a good life, why do you have to work so hard? How good is it for the two people to come back together? "Shen Bing ’s mother knew Shi Xiaomeng from an early age, and he had a good impression of him. He was happy to see two young people coming together. .

"Well, Shen Bing and I think the same way, save two years of money in Beijing first, and then pack up the house." It is best to gather all the people in the town together to set up a joint stock company, and proceed to Heshun. Unified development planning, so that the big guys have a good life, so that when everyone talks about Shi Xiaomeng, they will only give thumbs up.

This kind of collective enterprise is not easy to do, the people are not easy to deal with, and they need the above support. However, Shen Long did the same thing at Xiaolei's house. Running a collective-owned tourism enterprise is nothing.

"Hey, I'm not in good health. I'm afraid I will drag you down in the future." The only concern of Shen Bing's mother is her illness. Shen Bing's father was drowned to save Shen Bing when she was a child. Her mother was irritated. she was.

"I feel that you are in a much better situation now, and maybe you will get better soon." The spiritual problem is not cured by modern technology, but Shen Long also has magic in this area, which can be easily solved.

After Shen Long's secret treatment, Shen Bing's mother's situation has become more and more mild. Shen Long estimates that you will heal completely when the long vacation ends.

When the time was set, the two people were busy preparing for the engagement ceremony. They hosted dinner at the best hotel in the town to entertain family and friends. The big guys all praised it. Xiaomeng has a good time ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ During the meeting, Shen Long and several well-respected seniors in the town talked about the establishment of a company to unify the development of tourism resources. They also expressed their interest. "Xiao Meng deserved to have studied in the capital. We have more, but it certainly costs a lot of money to do this? "

Of course, the most important thing is that he is now making money. If he is still a brute force, no one will believe what he says. You are not even living well, and you want to make us rich?

"The money matter is easy to solve. The big guys get together and seek government support. I will go to invest some more and I will definitely be able to get together." Maybe Wu Di can also be brought up?

When Shen Long and Shen Bing's engagement ceremony was busy, Cheng Feng had been taken back to Beijing and came downstairs to Dade Group. He saw many reporters at the door.

Entering the meeting room, Cheng Feng was about to get angry. He saw Cheng Shengen throw a newspaper in front of Cheng Feng. "You gave me a long face this time!"

Looking down at Cheng Feng, he saw that the newspaper had written "Dade Group Suspected of Bankruptcy, Heir Cheng Feng reduced to a thief". He was really angry.

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