All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1896: Move to new house

The Cheng family is completely down now, but Shen Long still does not hear the reminder sound of the task completion in his mind. It is normal to think about it. After all, he has not yet married Shen Bing and the task has not been completed.

Don't worry, don't worry, anyway, even if you go back now, you can't play around, then just spend some more time in this world! Shen Long got into the car with a pleasant whistle, and went to the company. His working hours are now very free. As long as the work can be completed on time, any time he can go.

"Cheers!" Still in that private club, Liang Junzheng and the small shareholders of Dade Group and some senior executives happily raised their wine glasses and met together. This time they won a big victory and must celebrate it.

"Cheng Shengen's shares are all gone. Now Dade Group is ours." Liang Junzheng's long-cherished long-cherished wish seemed to be extremely satisfying. Cheng Shengen's shares were either acquired at a low price or were mortgaged to banks or Private lending institutions, and the collateralized funds have floated in the stock market, can be said to have completely kneeled.

And he also made people report Cheng Shengen and Hong Demin, and there is no obstacle ahead in the road of taking charge of the Dade Group, so he poured himself another cup, "These private lending institutions have already contacted me and want to sell Cheng Shengen to mortgage Their shares, the big guy to discuss how to allocate it. "

Cheng Shengen is definitely not going to pay the money anymore, and those private lending institutions have no idea of ​​holding these shares for a long time, so they find Liang Junzheng and want to sell them to him.

"Generally speaking, in this case, there are not many loans that can be mortgaged. We can get the shares at a lower price. Obviously it is very cost-effective!" A small shareholder said with a red face. During this time, he passed Shorting Dade Group's stock made a lot of money, in stark contrast to Cheng Shengen.

"Yeah, now we have a lot of cash flow, and we can just get the shares, but the big guys have to negotiate a ratio first, and then go talk to them together, so that they do n’t sit on the floor, I mean this. "..." Liang Junzheng talked about his distribution plan.

According to the strength of these small shareholders, each gave a part. Of course, the biggest part is still owned by him. After all, his strength is the most abundant of these people. During these small shareholders, some small disputes also occurred. But under Liang Junzheng's mellow wrists, they still reached an agreement.

"Okay, then let's do this, let them dry for a few days, and then talk slowly." At this time, you can't look anxious. If you are anxious, those private lending institutions will be aware of their urgency and increase their prices.

"No hurry, Cheng Shengen has already cooperated with the investigation. What are we in a hurry now?" A small shareholder laughed. "We said that the stock price of Dade Group has fallen too much recently, and the big guy is busy with the company. For the matter, we also spent a lot of money to support the market, but there is not much idle funds. "

After a lot of effort, these people finally got what they wanted, and a large sum was split from Cheng Shengen's 70% share. Liang Junzheng became the largest shareholder of Dade Group and successfully boarded the chairman of Dade Group. In the throne of China, some of the remaining shares are in the hands of banks, others are in the hands of Wu Wei and Shao Huayang, and there are also many retail investors.

But do n’t worry about these. Banks will not directly interfere with the company ’s operations. Wu Wei and Shao Huayang are speculators, and they have no plans to hold these shares for a long time. Liang Junzheng still has time to continue to recover the shares. There is no big deal in the market.

Without Cheng Shengen's interference, without Cheng Feng doing things here, and more importantly, without Shen Long's targeting, Dade Group gradually returned to normal, performance began to gradually improve, and the stock price was slowly rising; unfortunately all this It has nothing to do with Cheng Shengen and Cheng Feng's father and son.

Cheng Shengen ’s results soon came out. Under the solid evidence, Cheng Shengen chose to plead guilty, and the court issued a sentence and sentenced Cheng Shengen to seven years ’imprisonment because he had a heart disease. The application for medical treatment outside the insurance was approved quickly.

"Dad, let's go back to pack things first, and then go home!" Cheng Feng pushed the wheelchair to bring Cheng Shengen into the car. Of course, this car is definitely not the sports car he used to drive, but a taxi.

Returning to the original residence, the house is no longer owned by them, but they can still take away some personal belongings. When they arrived in the community, they just met Lu Manjia.

Lu Manjia held the key in his hand and said to Cheng Feng with a smile, "I saw the bank auction property a while ago, so I bought this house ~ ~ Although the house is older, the decoration is not It fits my aesthetic too, but who made me love you so much, it's good to live in the house you lived in. "

Although there is a smile on her face, there is no smile in her eyes. I am afraid that buying this house is more because of hate than love? Lu Manjia was very happy to see that Cheng Feng was down.

"How could you have the money to buy this house?" Cheng Feng was extremely embarrassed, and at the same time mixed with a bit of anger and doubt.

"Hey, although I don't have any skills, but there are good parents. This house was given to me by Uncle Liang." Lu Manjia smiled naughtily. This is the reward of Liang Jun's reward for merit.

Hearing Cheng Feng's ears was particularly harsh, he still wanted to say something, but he was stopped by Cheng Shengen. "Let's talk less, sorry, Miss Lu. I'm in trouble for you. We took the things and left." Of course he can guess why Lu Manjia got this house, but what use is it now? It's just an increase in trouble.

When I entered the room, I saw that it was turned into a mess. This was naturally done by a private lending company. The valuable things in the family were almost taken. Cheng Feng and Cheng Shengen took some personal items such as clothes and left.

Then Cheng Feng took Cheng Shengen to the house where he rented, a basement. Cheng Shengen's heart disease required a lot of money, and he can only afford this kind of house now.

Cheng Feng's reputation is now broken. He can't find a very good job. He can only do some relatively low-level work. Finally, he found a small company. Just like Shi Xiaomeng, he accepted the boss's squeeze.

On this day, Cheng Feng asked the property management at the door for a long time before he got the opportunity to enter the community to post advertisements. Suddenly a familiar voice came from his ear. it is good!"

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