All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1900: "Dragon Island"

General Frank-Hammer from the world of "Adventure Island" hopes that you can help him and give his soldiers who died for the country to get the honor and compensation they deserve. "This is the new task Shen Long received this time.

The film "Breaking Out the Island" tells the story of General Frank-Hammer of the US Marine Corps because of the government's dissatisfaction with the compensation and welfare of veterans, soldiers and their families, and led the newest biochemical weapon vx The gas bomb was smuggled to Rock Island, hijacked 81 tourists who were visiting the island, took control of the island, and threatened the US government to pay a ransom of 100 million yuan within 48 hours or it would kill the hostages and attack San Francisco with the gas bomb.

Rock Island used to be the most tightly guarded prison in the United States, easy to defend and difficult to attack; the US government accidentally found from the archives that the former British agent Mason had successfully escaped from the prison, so they invited Mason and the biological weapon scientist Stanley Gu Spie, asked them to lead the special forces to capture this "devil island" within 30 hours.

After a hard struggle, Mason and Stanley-Gusby successfully completed the task. Although General Hammer still has the ability to launch missiles at the last minute, in his heart, there is still the glory of soldiers, refused to The civilians started, so no missiles were launched, otherwise Mason and Stanley-Gusby would not be able to complete the mission.

Shen Long sat at the head of the bed and asked Bai Ze to project the film on the wall, preparing to review the film first. It was the memory of General Frank-Hammer from the beginning.

"We can't stand it anymore!" The soldiers of the Marine Corps were trapped by the enemy. "General Hanmer, leave here!"

"I will not disappoint you, no, children!" General Hanmer is trying to find a way to win reinforcements for them.

"Sir, how long do we have to wait? We have 15 casualties." The situation of the soldiers is getting worse and worse, and they have suffered heavy losses.

"I'm General Hanmer, save my men!" General Hanmer asked his superior for help.

"We are not allowed to enter the enemy zone." However, due to various concerns, the superior gave up these soldiers.

"Sir, they won't come to rescue us, right?" He didn't wait for the rescue, and these soldiers gradually realized that they began to despair. They didn't blame General Hanmer, because they knew that it wasn't Hanmer who gave up on them. General.

This time General Hanmer lost 20 elite men, but this was not the only one. Before this, his men had infiltrated into Iraq to provide laser guidance for cruise missiles; entering Laos, even southern China, also paid Great sacrifice.

As a general, Hanmer, after hundreds of battles, he has long been accustomed to enduring the pain of sacrifice. What he can't stand is that the sacrificed soldiers can't get the honor and compassion they deserve. What can be left? If, after their death, their family members have to live on the streets because of poverty, what is the point of what they have done to protect this country?

Despite his anger, the general did not dump the rifle bullets on those bureaucrats, but still restrained the protest to the parliamentarian. stop."

However, all this was useless. The politicians sent him away carelessly. General Hammer could only do something for the eighty-three marine soldiers in his own way, so as to ask for their response. Honor and compassion, but General Hammer knew that this time the enemy he was facing was no longer an army of other countries, but an American politician, which meant betrayal, so he could not make up his mind.

Until his wife's departure, he was no longer concerned, he came to his wife's tombstone with a bouquet, placed his old congressional medal on the wife's tombstone, bid farewell to his past, and then brought The soldier, who was as dissatisfied with the bureaucracy as he was, embarked on a journey of honour.

He was a soldier, he didn't understand the messy things, he only knew to go straight, so he took a vx gas missile that was enough to kill millions of people to board Devil Island, and kidnapped the tourists on the island. At this time, General Hanmer remained In view of the glory of the soldiers, he did not embarrass women and children.

"Little sister, have fun? Would you please help me do something? I want you to tell the teacher and ask the teacher to take you back to the boat immediately." He released the women and children, leaving only adults as hostages , And then inform the members of the parliament that he only wanted to respond to something for his soldiers.

After learning of the general rebellion, the Pentagon and the White House still gave the general high praise. The conversations of these politicians revealed that General Hanmer had many achievements and outstanding achievements, and considered him a "legendary hero".

On Devil's Island, the general convening department delivered a speech. The Marine Corps carries out the most dangerous missions for the country, and it sheds blood on the battlefield. But after the sacrifice, his family could not get any compensation. His body could not enter the cemetery of the martyrs. As the soldier ’s only honor was deprived, the general could not bear it. He thought he was a treason. On the contrary, he was awakening the country ’s lost conscience. I am a patriot!

Unfortunately, those politicians did not agree to his request. After the failure of sending the task force, they sent Mason and Stanley, defeated General Hanmer, and destroyed his plan.

Hey, it was actually to help the generals of the US army ~ ~ But fortunately, it was not to help the US military to go to other countries to do things, but to add trouble to the United States. This task is quite like it.

General Hammer ’s starting point was right, but he underestimated the determination of the US government. Americans were not mean to treat veterans once or twice. At that time, tens of thousands of veterans petitioned the White House in hopes of getting compensation, but the White House There is no concern for these national heroes.

Relentlessly sent MacArthur, Button, Eisenhower and others to suppress these soldiers, to say the credit, the credit of these people can be much greater than that of General Hanmer.

So, how do you accomplish this task? It seems inappropriate to use poison gas missiles to threaten like General Hanmer. Shen Long can of course easily manage to attack their enemies, but this will undoubtedly lose the hearts of the people and even the sacrificed soldiers will be disgusted by the people.

In this case, you have to re-think a plan. General Hanmer is a soldier, and he will only go straight. I am not. After watching the movie, Shen Long leaned on the bed and slowly figured it out, and then let Bai Ze find information for himself. And start to make your own plan.

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