All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1904: Delivery

Hi ... Al, how are you? "Shen Long responded easily. They made Al-Cramer make this call probably because he had a good personal relationship with General Hanmer and wanted to convince General Hanmer through him. However, this is of no use since Hanmer. When the general put the Congressional Medal of Honor in front of his wife's tomb, he made up his mind completely.

"I don't know, Frank, what do you say? I have a bunch of worried guys here, Frank, let me just say ..." General Kramer had a headache, he knew General Hanmer's temper.

The hostages in the prison area were quiet again and watched TV. Through these conversations, as well as the big people who appeared on the TV, they instinctively felt that this was not a simple kidnapping case.

Shen Long interrupted General Kramer ’s words, "Under my command ... 83 marine elites have sacrificed their lives for the country, and 47 have been sacrificed in northern Laos and southern China ..."

Then his words were interrupted, "We have never sent troops to China."

Shen Long asked deliberately that he did not want to expose Bai Ze for the time being, "Who are you? Identify yourself."

"Hayden Sinclair, director of the White House Office," the other responded.

"How old are you this year? Director Hayden Sinclair ... Ho, 33 years old, then, Mr. Sinclair, you may not even understand what I'm talking about. I was engaged in secret activities in China when you were nine years old. Take some tape to Mr. Sinclair's mouth, he wasting my time ... "It was twenty-four years ago. The movie was in 1995, and 1971 was during the Vietnam War.

"Remember how accurate the missile attack broadcast by CNN during Operation Desert Storm? But I used a laser to aim at the target under the ground. After the war, 20 people died in Baghdad and their families were not compensated. They did n’t get any medals. They donated their lives for the country, but they did n’t get the funeral of the military. The situation is already unbearable. "

"You from the Red Cayman Trading Company of Grand Cayman Island ... remit 100 million US dollars into my designated account, 83 military survivors will each receive 1 million yuan, as for the remaining balance, I will properly distribute, I have said enough Is it clear? "After revealing the reasons for doing this, Shen Long set out the conditions.

"Oh, by the way, you may not yet know what this company is. It is the underground fund of the illegal arms sales of the Pentagon. They have sufficient cash reserves; if you do not pay before the noon the day after tomorrow, I will take Measures, and notify the media of all this, this is Hanmo from Alcatraz, the call is over! "Shen Long hung up the phone.

In the movie, General Hammer did n’t want the media to know about it, maybe he did n’t want to make the matter known to the public, or he did n’t want to tarnish the honor of the United States, but Shen Long did n’t care about it at all. .

"Oh, my God, is everything he said true? Are there so many soldiers who have died in other countries that haven't received the compensation they deserve?" Prisoners in the prison area began to discuss.

"For other countries, they are aggressors. The **** Vietnam War has cost me my loved ones. They deserve it! They should not be wasting taxpayers' money on them!" An anti-war person refuted.

"God bless, I hope my little Thomas can return safely." This family member seems to be serving in the US military.

"This is big news. After I go out, I must tell CNN and FOX that I'm going to be famous!" This is a holiday reporter. He seems to see his hope of flying Huang Tengda.

"Will the White House and the Pentagon promise their terms? Can we get out from here?" Of course, most people still care more about their own safety.

"Who can tell me this is really not a reality show? Why can we see the pictures inside the Pentagon?" Others have questions.

"No, I saw that Sinclair on TV, but he is a showy guy! But he will definitely not participate in such a reality show. If it is a reality show, he will definitely play the most popular one, not like It's like a fool now! "Someone responded.

The picture continues to play. The hostages and Shen Long, Baxter, and others saw the scene of Volcker, Sinclair and others intending to send a SEAL team to attack Alcatraz Island. The two groups of people showed different reactions.

"I knew that these **** politicians would not care about our life and death, God, we are finished, we are dead!" Someone cried.

"I won't vote for the Democratic Party by the next general election! I swear!" Another hostage shouted. Now the Democratic Party is in power. The president on the stage is a zip.

But Baxter couldn't help but ask, "My Excellency, how did you do it?"

"You know, it's not just us who are dissatisfied with this kind of thing in the military!" Shen Long said vaguely. Well, it's better to spread this statement. The US military has the ability to clean up inside itself.

"I'm going to prepare." Major Baxter became more confident in the victory of this mission after he heard it. He immediately prepared to go out and take people to prepare, "I promise that no matter who comes, I can take They killed. "

"I ’m convinced about this, but Tom, I do n’t want to kill those kids. They are like you ~ ~ are real soldiers, use narcotic gas! According to my judgment, they are the most likely This is the line of attack! "Shen Long pointed to the Alcatraz map on the screen, and his finger fell on the sewer. In fact, even without these, he was not worried about being touched by others. The live map is really like this on this occasion. So useful.

"Yes, General! I'll set it up now!" Major Baxter saw several soldiers with smiles on their lips, and they wouldn't want to be in the same room with other troops if they wanted to come.

Oh, I do n’t cherish the lives of American soldiers. I just think they are better alive than dead. I do n’t know how they will react when they understand the truth.

Through the picture, Shen Long saw that the naval task force captain Lieutenant Colonel Anderson came down with his elite hands, and with them were Shen Long ’s goals. Captain of the British Special Air Service Regiment, former British agent Captain Mason, he was The only prisoner in history who successfully escaped from Alcatraz Island, he came here as a guide, and the protagonist of the movie, FBI biological weapon expert Gusby.

Haha, yes, it actually delivered to the door. Gusby did n’t matter. Mason had something better. Shen Long immediately ordered, “Let ’s send a warm welcome ceremony for these guests. Right! "

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