All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1911: American public opinion also exploded

The VX poison gas missile, a neurotoxic agent that is more toxic than sarin, is one of the most deadly chemical weapons. It is a colorless and odorless oily liquid. Once it is exposed to oxygen, it will become a gas and can pass through the air. Or water source transmission, almost undetectable, can cause central nervous system disorders, respiratory arrest, and eventually death. Shen Long explained to the audience in front of the TV the horror of this weapon.

"A tablespoon of poisonous gas fell to the ground, and everyone within 100 feet died. A spoonful of poisonous gas detonated in the air. Creatures within eight streets will be spared. Such a missile can cause 70,000 casualties. Terrible weapons should not exist in the world! Even though I am a soldier, I still have to say that. "

"War is a military matter, and the lives of civilians should not be threatened." Of course, Shen Long knew that this was nonsense, but it is certain that Americans like to listen to it. After all, since the founding of the country, except for the British and the civil war. In addition, all the wars caused by the Americans happened overseas, and they have long forgotten what the civilians in the war are like.

"So I can accept weapons like guns, but I ca n’t accept poisonous gas bombs. When I think of so many biochemical weapons with amazing lethality stored in the United States, I am worried about the safety of the American people. Once such weapons are leaked Do this? "Shen Long showed a gesture of compassion and compassion.

Linström and Vormark were so angry that their teeth were tickling, aren't you planning to take these weapons and attack San Francisco? To be honest, this setting is not very common sense. Since General Hanmer loves his soldiers so much, how can he use this kind of weapons of mass destruction against ordinary people? This is definitely a bug.

"I snatched these weapons. The first is to remind Americans of the danger of this weapon. The second is to protect yourself. As you all know, sometimes it is dangerous to tell the truth. I have demolished these missiles. The launch system, as long as they do not attack Alcatraz, these gas bombs will not cause any tragedy; of course, this also puts me in danger, but for me, these gas bombs are much safer than those politicians. "Shen Long Another hack of American politicians.

"My only requirement is to restore the honor of the 83 American soldiers who died abroad, such as Steve Rogers and James Buchanan Barnes, and give them their due pension, as long as the US government can To do this, I am willing to lay down my arms for trial! "Shen Long said, to prove that he did not seek any benefit for himself.

Presumably General Hammer thinks so too? Perhaps Major Baxter will go into exile and go to a country that has no extradition treaty with the United States, but he will never leave.

"He's not a bad guy, he was just forced by the politicians raised by the **** to nowhere!" The audience in front of the TV was infected by Shen Long and began to sympathize with General Hanmer.

"Yes, he can obviously use these missiles to threaten us, but he did not do so!" Shen Long's last move to dismantle the missile won the people's goodwill, and they saw the problem when their security was not threatened. The way is naturally different. If those missiles are still on the launch pad, they will definitely not say so.

"Hello, Fox TV? I'm Sinclair and Donovan's Clay Sinclair, please help me to convey the message, I am willing to provide a free defense for General Hanmer!" Some people with sharp senses have already acted , Intending to use this matter for his own benefit.

"Biochemical weapons are too dangerous, we must protest!" This is a member of the environmental protection organization, and they have begun to prepare for contact.

"The country has spent too much money on military operations in recent years. We must use this opportunity to let them spend the funds elsewhere, so that we can get the opportunity." This is a representative of other interest groups.

"Damn, this matter must be handled properly, otherwise the morale of those soldiers on the front line will be completely over. How can we sell our weapons?" Even the military industry group was dissatisfied.

"Those guys are so pitiful, the government should not hide their news, and should not make their mothers sad." This is a representative of a group that is overflowing with love.

"Impeachment! We must impeach! This will win us a favorable position in the next presidential election!" This is a member of the opposition party.

On the TV screen, Shen Long spoke again, "This world is far less beautiful than you think. There are still countless things hidden in the dark. What I am talking about today is only a few of the truths I know ... … Ah, the satellite signal seems to be disturbed. Some people do n’t want you to know that, but I hope I have the opportunity to reveal more to you. ”

Then Shen Long's figure disappeared, which caused a protest from more viewers in front of the TV. "Hey, we have the right to know this. They can't help but let you talk!"

"No, we haven't done that!" Womack was about to cry. If I could do it, you might not even be able to say a word, why wait until now?

"But the public will not believe it, nor will other countries believe it!" Said the White House staff who knew the voters. "He is threatening us, not using VX missiles, but using the secrets he knows ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ This is more difficult to deal with than those missiles! "

"We can't even attack Alcatraz now! The poison gas can still diffuse to San Francisco, those hostages are still in his hands, and the people will oppose us to do so!" Whoever gives this order means the end of political career, No one wants to bear this black pot.

"How much does he know." The president felt more headaches. A terrorist holding a gas bomb and a public idol holding secrets are obviously the latter who are more difficult to deal with.

"He was involved in almost all secret military operations after the Vietnam War. If he said everything, not only our old opponents will be angry, but I am afraid that allies will also protest to us." General Kramer replied, knowing those secret military operations in the United States The target is not only the enemy of the United States, but even the allies of Europe.

Of course, allies may know these things, but in that sentence, only top management knows the same thing as everyone knows. Once exposed, the top management of European countries will have to face the pressure of public opinion.

"This is awful! Why didn't you do a good job of comforting?" See how much trouble you have left!

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