All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1919: Working is impossible

Walking on the street, Shen Long was thinking about the way to get rich. It is only 1976. It is not easy to do business. After all, it is necessary to go to the famous economist Xue Muqiao to suggest that young people returning to the city should be encouraged to find employment, restore snacks and small stalls. Only then can we start doing business relatively brightly, but we can't hire workers yet.

When you start hiring, you have to wait for the fool Gu Zi Nian Guang Jiu. At that time, another economist Lin Zili turned out a calculation example from Ma Dawei's writings and extrapolated a conclusion, "the following 8 people are called please Helper, more than 8 people are called hired workers, and 8 or less is not considered exploitation. "

Of course, this is not absolute. Some bold people have already started to do it. Cao Dewang, the boss of Fuyao Glass, secretly collected Baimuer from his hometown and took it to Jiangxi to sell, and then sold saplings. He earned 60,000 yuan, and now a worker only earns dozens of yuan a month. These 60,000 yuan are almost equivalent to the salary of more than 200 workers a year. Cao Dewang dare not show his wealth and can only hide all his money at home. Under the bed, there was a whole stack.

Doing so is risky, because according to the current legal regulations, these are considered speculative, and seizing not only will confiscate illegal income, but even jail; Cao Dewang was investigated by the militia when selling fungus, not only did not earn He paid nothing for the money. In order to pay off the money of the villagers, he went to the village to repair the reservoir and found a way to sell saplings.

Shen Long is not afraid of being investigated, but now the big guys live in the courtyard, and someone will definitely find him doing this. Han Chunming ’s mother will be worried if she knows it, so she should think about other ways first, and wait two years. Consider doing business.

There are a lot of young people who are idle on the street like him, and now the educated youths have begun to return to the city one after another, but the city ’s placement capacity is limited. It is still not easy to find a job, but it is still pretty good at the moment. Alright, the place where Han Chunming jumped in line was in Fangshan, and it was not yet out of the capital after being put into the future generations, so he came back quickly, and belonged to the earliest batch of educated youths who returned to the city.

So he had the opportunity to enter Yili Food Factory, and Cheng Jianjun to enter the piano factory. After a few years, when the educated youths from all over the country came back, it would be even more difficult. Compared with the situation, it's nothing at all.

There are not many shops on both sides of the street, and it is even less than the townships of later generations. The service attitude is not to mention. Now the salespersons are all uncles, and they are arrogant. They have been walking all the way and have heard a lot of quarrels inside. .

When passing by a photo studio, Shen Long heard the quarrel again. He was a little bored. He went to watch the fun and listened for a while to understand what was going on. Two educated youths who had just returned to the city like him came to take photos It turned out that the photos didn't look good on themselves, so I had an opinion.

The current photo studio is also a public unit. The photographers in the restaurant all eat public meals. Their attitude is naturally not as good as that of later generations, so they quarreled. "I do n’t think I ’ve taken a good photo here. Go to another place? I ’m not afraid to tell you that it ’s the same when I went to another place. "

"I looked at it, did you take a bad photo there?" Shen Long leaned in and suddenly understood that the style of the photo still maintained the style of the revolutionary era, and the two girls were taken like revolutionary soldiers.

Look at these two girls well dressed, although it is not the exaggerated style of bell pants and bat shirts in the future, but the style already has a little bit of the characteristics of Hong Kong and Taiwan, which shows that they are definitely not ordinary families and can reach out. Some of the things, so this old aesthetic cannot naturally meet their needs.

What people want is not the seriousness and heroism of the revolutionary era, but photos that can reflect the charm of women, which is a bit difficult for the photographer. Shen Long glanced at the seagull 4 double-lens reflex camera hanging on the photographer ’s neck. , "The seagull is not a multi-layer coating film head. When the backlight or stray light penetrates the lens, the picture will have a great impact. If you use a large aperture, the overall quality of the picture will decline, and the edge and center will be very different. Well, your photo is There is such a problem. "

This camera is quite classic. It has been in production for more than 20 years from the late 1960s to the early 1980s. Several of these models have become popular among photographers, and the appreciation in the future is quite large.

"Will you take pictures?" The two girls' eyes suddenly lighted up when they heard Shen Long's dress, and they felt like returning to the city as educated youths, so they were more kind. "You just returned to Beijing? Have you been in Beijing before?" Cut in there? "

"Not far away, just in Fangshan, do you want a softer effect? ​​If so, you can't use this kind of light now. You can put a gauze on the lens and rely on the density and elasticity of the gauze Control the effect of soft light, so that the photo effect can become hazy and achieve a dreamlike effect. "Shen Long said.

When he was in the world of "The Godfather", he once talked with Huang Zongzhan about photography techniques, but the big photographer who is enough to make an annals of history, a little learning from him is enough to Shen Long fooling people.

"Can it still be like this?" Hearing this, the photographer did not care about the quarrel. After all, he ate this bowl of rice. Everyone hoped that his skills would be better. Learn these? "

"Oh, an old photographer named Huang, he used to take pictures of those movie stars, but he just learned a little bit of fur." ​​Well, I'm telling the truth, Huang Zongzhan really depends on Started taking pictures of Hollywood stars.

"No wonder, the old photographer on the beach in the past, right?" The photographer in the store thought that Shen Long was talking about Hu Die and Ruan Lingyu, and he chatted for a while. The camera showed him both hands.

"We are here to be your models!" The two girls also heard the staring eyes, and their teachers can take stars, so the photos he took must be beautiful.

Shen Long is also welcome. He borrowed a gauze cover in front of the camera and used soft light photography to take a few photos of them. He has also used this technique in other worlds, helping Guan Juer and Gao Xiaoqin. Although the photos used digital cameras at the time, the reason is the same.

"Okay, but taking pictures indoors and taking pictures outside is not the same." Shen Long suddenly realized that this might be a chance to make money, so he deliberately said more.

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