All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1927: Ready to work

"I can't compare with you. You are a high school student. I only got a junior high school diploma, and all of them have passed for several years. I was afraid that I had forgotten that thing I had forgotten for a long time, and I will definitely not be able to pass the exam, or forget it!" Shen Long Waving hands again and again.

"Chun Ming, you are so smart, as long as you review it, you can do it." Su Meng was anxious and took Shen Long to his house. "You haven't found a job after returning to the city for so long. What do you know about the neighborhood neighbors? ? Even if you do n’t want to go to those units, should you always want to go to university? You have to seize this opportunity. "

What do people say about me? I care about my birds. You care about these things, right? Shen Long continued to refuse, "No way, I am really not learning material, you can do it by yourself!"

"Chun Ming! Why don't you understand! You don't think for yourself or for me!" Su Meng was even more anxious and couldn't help blurting out, "My parents are teachers, and they will help me make up classes, I'm sure Can be admitted to college; when the time comes after finishing college, the gap between us will be even greater. Then ... you should understand? "

Su Meng is still not embarrassed to say that I want to marry your family members at that time. I am definitely against it. Is n’t it that you do n’t think I ’m embarrassing you? Shen Long wants to do this, so he still shook his head, "Forget it, I wish You were admitted to college earlier, I will continue to do this, I think it is very good. "

Su Meng was so angry that she didn't know what to say. She stared at Shen Long and went out. She went home and was greeted by her grandmother and said, "Su Meng, why do you still care about Han Chunming? You are such an adult, not yet Find something serious, what it looks like. "

Cheng Jianjun also saw Su Meng coming out of the Han's house, but he was very uncomfortable. He thought about going back and working for two days, and then found Shen Long, "Chun Ming, don't you think that Yili Food Factory is bad? I helped you get a place for a hardware company, should you be satisfied now? As long as you want, you can go to work tomorrow. "

He was n’t doing it for Shen Long. Cheng Jianjun also heard about the need to resume the college entrance examination. He was afraid that Shen Long would compete with him, so he wanted to find him a job to tie him down and reduce his opponent. When the time came, Shen Long worked at the hardware company. It ’s so beautiful to go to college with Su Meng.

The current college student can become a cadre as soon as he graduates. In the future, Han Chunming and Su Meng will be a worker, and a cadre will definitely not be able to go together. It is more appropriate for me to match Su Meng.

You must be a good player to play eating chicken, and Lao Yin is pretty good. If I knew it in advance, I really regarded you as a good person. Shen Long sneered, and once again decided that Cheng Jianjun, "Forget it, the hardware company also Very boring, I do n’t want to go. "

In the TV series, Han Chunming gave this quota to Li Chengtao. Shen Long plans to take Li Chengtao to do business with him in the future. Why not let him toss him again, let alone want to owe Cheng Jianjun's favor, if he wants to go to work or arrange work for Li Chengtao and Cai Xiaoli, find Wouldn't Lu Yuanchao be better? Can the job that Cheng Jianjun can find be comparable to that found by Lu Yuanchao?

"Chun Ming, we are good brothers from childhood to old age. I have to worry about you. Do n’t you know what the outsiders say about you? I ’m so ashamed of you. You are all grown-ups. Do you still let me Is the family raised? You should go out to help make money at home. "Cheng Jianjun's words were very serious and indignant.

Don't worry about this, I can earn you a year's salary when I go out for a day. Our family has been affluent recently. There are no shortage of food stamps, various food stamps and industrial stamps. Lu Yuanchao can solve them. The factory is not too moisturizing for me.

No matter how the process of building the army is true, those who have no children at home this year will definitely look at each other. There is no way. Everyone ’s minds are not open this year. I ca n’t tolerate the strangeness of Shen Long for the time being, but it does n’t matter. Long could reverse this view.

Cheng Jianjun said that Shen Long just didn't agree, which made Cheng Jianjun extremely depressed. I'm on the pole to give people benefits, and others don't want it. What a deal!

Soon after, there was news in the yard that Cheng Jianjun had been on a long-term business trip abroad. In fact, he hid at a relative's house for review, and Su Meng took leave from the unit, thinking about staying at home and preparing for the college entrance examination.

Shen Long continued to do nothing all day, either to take pictures of the children in the courtyard, chatting and bragging to connect feelings, or to go to Li Chengtao and Cai Xiaoli to drink; that day, he also went to the broken Hou family and met his daughter Han Su'e to hurt himself Shen's husband went to the doctor to borrow money, and Shen Long helped him, and by the way, he enlightened the ruined Houfan, so that their father and daughter eased the relationship.

After another period of time, the college entrance examination was over, Su Meng and Cheng Jianjun successfully received the admission notice of Jingcheng Teachers College, the two of them had a good celebration, the neighbors were full of envy, and many people took Shen Long and him Comparing the two, educate your own children to have a good fight, don't be the same as Shen Long.

If your children can be like me, that's a great convincing, we were in Tsinghua in those days; Shen Long was not angry, as long as he didn't erect tall buildings, this kind of thing would be inevitable. After a while, they will change their view of themselves.

Perhaps it was heartbroken by Shen Long's indisputable manner ~ ~ or he felt that he was not a class person after entering college and Shen Long. Since getting the notice, Su Meng looked for Shen Long's The number of times has decreased, and Shen Long is so happy. Well, it is best if you find an object at the university. If Cheng Jianjun is even better, I feel that you two are quite suitable.

Su Meng and Cheng Jianjun went to college, and Shen Long felt that the yard was a lot cleaner. Now his reputation in the children ’s circle of the courtyard is getting more and more famous. People who ask him to take pictures even have to make an appointment. Shen Long still Go out and take a picture every three minutes, take a bottle of wine to find the old Guan Guan, and go to the ruined Hou family to see his treasures, chat with Cai Xiaoli and Li Chengtao.

The time passed so unknowingly, the outside of the yard was constantly changing, various policies were continuously released, the whole society gradually became more open, the aunts and the three aunts came less, and the life in the village gradually became better. It is no longer necessary to find Han Chunming's mother again, but Meng Xiaoxing still comes to harass from time to time, Shen Long is very annoyed.

On this day, when Shen Long strolled outside, when he saw someone outside stalls to buy clothes, he immediately understood that it was time to make money.

He quickly found Li Chengtao and Cai Xiaoli. After drinking a few glasses of wine, Shen Long lowered his voice and said, "Do you want to make money?"

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