All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1944: Annoying

Now the life in the village is okay. Since contracting to the household, it is no longer a problem to eat at least, so the aunt and the third aunt have also come a little less, making Shen Long a lot quieter, but the arrival of Meng Xiaoxing is broken again This kind of cleanliness.

"Second Aunt, don't you know? I'm almost exhausted one day now. I've finished my work in the field and I have to come back for a blind date. My mother introduced me to the blind date all day." Meng Xiaoxing hugged A bottle of Arctic soda, after a while, she drank it, she is now completely in love with this thing.

"Oh, blind date is not good, you should get married at this age too." Mother said with a smile, she actually a little waited to see Meng Xiaoxing, wishing that she would get married early, so that she wouldn't be bothered by her; Poor and rich, but Meng Xiaoxing's character is really unpleasant, and can cause trouble for you there.

"I don't want to marry those people, I just want to marry the fifth brother!" Meng Xiaoxing did not hide his preference. The blind date the mother introduced to them were all farmers, so would you marry the fifth brother? Others are from the city, Han Chunming ranked fifth in the Han family, so elders or peers called him fifth when he was older, and called fifth brother when he was younger.

"Second Aunt, please talk to Brother Wu, let him marry me!" Meng Xiaoxing didn't know whether it was thick-skinned or bold. At this time, not many girls could pull down their faces to say this, "He and I have given out five clothes long ago, and can get the certificate." It seems that she has been staring at Han Chunming for a day or two, and even studied it.

Do n’t say it, I do n’t want to be clean if you marry, and my mother lengthened her voice, “I ca n’t be the master, Chunming ’s idea is right; I also introduced him to several, I do n’t know if he is How do I drop when my eyes get higher when I go abroad? He did n’t even see those girls, and there are college students! "

Um, the college students in other cities look down on you. Do n’t expect a girl in your village! Although my mother didn't say anything, she meant it both inside and outside.

Meng Xiaoxingke doesn't care, people always have confidence in themselves, "Hey, brother 5 must be waiting for me! Second aunt, I won't leave when I come back, you can help me find a job in the city. ! "

The corner of her mother's eyes couldn't help but swallowed, didn't you just take something away this time? Still planning to live longer? Hey, well, I have suffered. "I don't have that ability. When Chunming comes back, you can ask him to see if he can find you a job."

When Shen Long came back, Meng Xiaoxing also gave Lei a lot of light. If you live in my house, then I do n’t plan to go home. With such a person in the house, who can stand it, and quickly find a way to pass it away, "Sure, I'll take a look at you tomorrow, and see if the restaurant I opened with my friends needs more people, but I have to say it in advance. You can get a good job when you go, and don't mess with those messy things. Son, don't quarrel with people. "

"Little Brother, since it's your restaurant, you have nothing to say? Who dares to quarrel with me!" This answer left Shen Long speechless, and the co-author hasn't been to work yet. Blessed?

"I just invested a little money, but the big one came from someone else." Yes, it was Li Chengtao's and Cai Xiaoli's turn to sing a blush this time. They went to talk to them tomorrow.

Hey, how can I say relatives, no matter how inappropriate, why do you say you want to work in the city? With your geographic location, you can make a fortune by lying down. Now you do n’t have to do anything. Hurry back to get married and have a baby. Have a good relationship with the village. When you come to your village, you will definitely be able to get rich.

Although Shen Long was reluctant, he still had to help with this busyness. Do n’t look at the fact that the aunt and the third aunt kept running towards the capital. It seemed that the Han family gave them much favor. In fact, earlier, especially During the food shortage in those years, the aunt and the third aunt also gave a lot of support to the Han family, otherwise how could the five children grow up so big?

At least in this era, although the degree of urbanization and industrialization continued to deepen, the tradition of mutual help in the agricultural society continued. This situation did not fade until the children started reading after the new century. Relatives have been separated from each other because of work and study, and they have only returned to their hometowns for several years. The relationship has naturally changed.

However, in rural areas, in the circle of old urban residents, this relationship still remains, but it is also much thinner than it is now, and it is far less close than it is now.

The next day, while Meng Xiaoxing was still asleep, Shen Long slipped early and came to the store and said to Li Chengtao and Cai Xiaoli, "There seem to be many people in our store who are in the outskirts of the village? Should we give them to them? Rent a place as a collective dormitory? "I would rather not spend more money on Meng Xiaoxing to live at home.

"They have a place now? Why should they spend this money?" Cai Xiaoli said that she didn't understand. Most of the folks in the store live in relatives or friends' homes. Isn't it good?

"To be honest, my aunt and grandma came to my house, and I couldn't bear it anymore." Shen Long said of Meng Xiaoxing's situation again, "I will spend money to avoid disasters at this time, I will pay for the rent Alright, wait until she arrives in the store, you can do whatever you want, do n’t care about me. "

"Hahahaha ~ ~ You are also afraid of people!" Li Chengtao and Cai Xiaoli were suddenly happy, "OK, I will find a house here, and don't leave you alone, deduct from the store's account Right! "

Cai Xiaoli usually had a good relationship. He asked some acquaintances to inquire about it. He rented a place nearby. When he came home at night, Shen Long told Meng Xiaoxing, "The job has been found for you. You Let ’s clean the dishes first, do more, read more, learn less, and talk, as long as you are willing to learn, whether it ’s cooking, or accounting, or learning to do things, you will learn enough in the future and want to come out and open the store myself. Also try to help you. "

All are relatives. Shen Long also hopes that she can develop better. Judging from the situation in the TV series, this girl does have abnormal people, but she is not stupid. If she is obedient, Shen Longbao can have a good life. future.

"At the beginning, I will give you 60 yuan a month. The store is packed with food, good work, and bonus!" This salary is definitely not low. Teacher Su estimates that it will not be much more than this in a month. Look, how good it is. Conditions, you should go out quickly.

"Sixty yuan? So much! Brother Wu, you are so kind to me!" Meng Xiaoxing started narcissism again. Brother Wu certainly likes me, otherwise how could he pay me such a high salary? "But I don't need him to eat and wrap, I just stay here!"

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