All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1954: Progress fast

"Miyuki, I'm going back to China next week. I don't know when I will see you again." Shen Long said at the dinner in Ginza that day.

"Eh? Will you go home so soon?" Miyuki Nakashima felt a sudden surprise, and at the same time a deep loss rushed into her heart. Wouldn't it be possible to see him often like this time?

"Yeah, the business has already been negotiated." Shen Long sighed. "Now it's not spring, but we're welcoming the farewell." This sentence uses the lyrics in "Spring".

"Chunming, you are Chinese after all, no matter how long you stay in neon, you are going to return to your country?" Miyuki Nakajima's eyes flowed with perseverance, it was rare to meet someone who talked so speculatively, but now, It's going to be separated.

"I don't know if I am honored to give this to you as a memorial?" Shen Long took off the second button of the shirt and handed it to Miyuki Nakajima. In the previous conversation, Miyuki Nakajima already told him this Allusion, "Although we are no longer students, but I think this ceremony can best express my heart."

Miyuki Nakashima's eyes were a little red, and she slowly reached out her hand, both wanting and worrying, "So after getting the button, we will be like many college graduates, will it be difficult to see you from now on?"

"No, I will often come to neon again in the future, in fact ... I actually want to invite Miyuki to go to China to take a look, and even ... even to marry me, just to worry that you will not agree!" You are here How can I not give it up, Baochai Daiyu is just a famous star, but you are the queen of the entire East Asian music scene.

"Chun Ming, in fact, I also like you to come. Although I like a person's life, a person can travel, a person can laugh, but crying alone is really lonely. I haven't started since I met Chunming. I feel that there is finally someone who can make me cry in front of him without feeling embarrassed! "Miyuki Nakajima cried.

"But we are in different countries. I am a few years older than you. Can we really be happy together?" Miyuki Nakajima was born in 1952 and Han Chunming was in 1958. She is six years older than Han Chunming. In the 1980s, the woman was so much larger than the man, the average person was still a little difficult to accept.

"What does it matter? As long as I like you and you like me, that's enough, and now you look the same as twenty-four or fourteen years old, and they are no bigger than me." Shen Long took out her handkerchief to help her After wiping my tears, what was he afraid of when he was only six years old? Bai Suzhen beat me more than a thousand years old, what did I say? Your age gap is a wool?

"Chun Ming, you will always please me." Another girl did not like others to say that she was young, Nakajima Miyuki was amused by Shen Long, and the two chatted for a while. Under Shen Long's persuasion, Zhong Shimizu finally got the courage, "Since you are still a few days away from returning to your country, why not go back to Hokkaido with me to meet my parents!"

So Shen Long flew with her to the home of Miyuki Nakajima, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Miyaka Nakajima's family is quite good, her father Shinichiro Nakajima is a gynecologist and grandfather, Nakashima Takeshi long-term business, And served as the speaker of the Hokkaido Obihiro City Council, it is really a bit difficult for such a family to accept a foreign son-in-law.

So after I heard that Shen Long was younger than Miyuki Nakashima and had not studied university, the couple of Shinjiro Nakajima was really hesitant at first, but when they really started talking, these two people were quickly talked about by Shen Long. After being convinced, whether it is art, literature or medicine, Shen Long can say the truth, which is more profound than the professors in the university.

"Chun Ming, can I call you that too? It ’s a pity that you did n’t go to college, otherwise it ’s okay to be a professor at Dongda University! Miyuki ’s child has no intention of falling in love, but he rushed us It's broken, but now I feel that her wait is worth it, otherwise how can you meet such a good man you! "Shinichiro Nakajima expressed support.

Miyuki Nakajima ’s mother also agreed, "My daughter has finally learned to fall in love, I can finally rest assured, Miyuki, this time you will see his family together with Chunming."

"Please rest assured that I will take care of Miyuki! I will adjust my career direction in the future. I will come with neon to accompany Miyuki. You two don't have to worry at all." Shen Long also has rich experience in dealing with the mother-in-law Yes, I immediately seized the opportunity to give them a peace of mind.

Outstanding knowledge and economic strength are also good. Except for foreigners, they are the perfect son-in-law from any point of view. As for the only problem, I do n’t need to worry too much. Miyuki Nakajima did n’t like various activities. You can go to China to hide.

After spending two days in Sapporo, with the gifts prepared by the Nakajima Shinichiro couples, Shen Long and Miyuki Nakashima returned to the capital together, got off the plane, and Lu Yuanchao was shocked to pick him up. Groove, Chunming, in just a few months, you turned a neon girl back? "

After learning that Miyuki Nakajima is not a normal neon girl, but the most popular singer in neon, Lu Yuanchao does n’t even know what to say, he can only give a thumbs up, "Still you are awesome, buddy." I ’m convinced today! Hey, I know what neon you go to, just go to the United States and forget it. It ’s so grand to turn an American star back! "

Uh, I ’ve already turned this American star, so you do n’t have to worry about it, but after a little surprise, Lu Yuanchao calmed down. After all, he Han Chunming was not the first to turn to a neon star in the circle. , Cough, this will not be said.

Lu Yuanchao drove them to the Friendship Hotel. This is one of the few hotels in Beijing that can receive foreign guests. The famous Friendship Store is downstairs. It can provide Western, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic and other different cuisines. Nakajima Miyuki does not have to worry about eating when she lives here.

Arranged the place to live, rested for a while, and after Miyaka Nakajima recovered, Shen Long took her back to the house of the Miscellaneous House. As soon as Miyuki Nakajima appeared, the Miscellaneous House suddenly exploded, what? Han Chunming turned back to a foreign girl? Hey hello, this is a big show.

"Mom, this is my girlfriend I met at Neon Miyuki Nakajima; Miyuki, this is my mother." Shen Long gave them a brief introduction.

Korean mother was stunned, Chunming, I urged you to find a wife, but you too fast? Immediately brought me a foreign wife back?

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