All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1956: Golden pupil Shen Long

Shen Long did n’t choose to return immediately. It was the same reason as last time. It would be too unkind to leave when he got married. He stayed in this world for some time and spent his honeymoon with Miyuki Nakashima. Then I went to Neon for a while before choosing to return to the real world.

Returning to his home again, a sound of systemic reminder sounds came from Shen Long ’s mind, “Han Chunming from“ Under Zhengyang Gate ”thank you very much for helping him realize his wish and let him get rid of Su Meng ’s entanglement. His antique knowledge and talents are all presented to you, please accept it, please confirm! "

"Accept!" Shen Long estimated that it was also this reward. This is the most valuable thing in Han Chunming's body. His accumulation and talent in this area are indeed good, otherwise he cannot afford a museum.

Then a white light flashed, and Shen Long had a lot of things in mind, all about cultural relics, how to identify the age of a porcelain by style, how to distinguish who is the maker of a snuff bottle, and how to judge a certain article Whether the game is a genuine product or an imitation of a later generation or a fake, these are clearly in his mind.

Coupled with the several books Shen Long obtained from the Hatter in the mission world, and the experience of chatting with Grandpa Guan, Shen Long can now be said to be the first-class expert in cultural relics identification in China, even if you let him preside over Jianbao The program will definitely not be worse than Ma Weidu, or even exceed it, because Ma Weidu has no perspective.

Some things are very counterfeit, but you ca n’t see anything from the outside, but the inside is still not the same. At this time, Shen Long ’s perspective eye can come in handy, you can see the structure inside at a glance, and immediately To be able to distinguish between true and false, he wanted to say that it was true, then just pick up the hammer and hit it directly.

Hey, I really want to go back to the capital. I ca n’t see many cultural relics in my hometown. If I go back to the capital, I might be able to pick up a lot of leaks if I walk around the Liuli Factory? Although Shen Long didn't lose the money, it was interesting to find out the treasures that the boss didn't find from a lot of things.

But it does n’t matter, it is estimated that they are almost going back to school now, and it should not take much time until everything returns to normal? At that time, I will take Arya to the Liulichang. Well, I am so young, and I have this foreign sister paper with me. Those bosses will not think they are experts.

In this case, get a few fun objects, and then take them to greedy Shipu, they must be very interesting, Shen Long can't help YY up, his paintings and calligraphy at home are not as good as those in my room, and writing and painting are not his own. The opponent, expecting the ability to identify antiques to be displayed in front of me, when the pride of him will be beaten, he should not be angry and never come to play with me again? In this case, there is less fun?

It shouldn't be so. You didn't see him look at each of Su Dongpo's and Huang Tingjian's words every time he came to our courtyard. He could not afford to lose the opportunity to appreciate these works.

Although there are few such things in his hometown, he is not without them. Shen Long suddenly remembered that the man he knew on the street writing Spring Festival couplets during the New Year, he seemed to be a member of the local calligraphy association. Most people like to tinker with this. Someone in his circle must play this.

Anyway, it's also an idle egg pain, so Shen Long called him, he was still a little puzzled at first, but when Shen Long talked about the couplet, he immediately remembered, "Oh, Teacher Shen Hello, hello, you have n’t returned to Beijing now ... I have n’t gotten too busy recently, and I can communicate with Mr. Shen, but the opportunity is rare ... Well, do n’t hide from Mr. Shen, I ’m really a little bit It ’s always been my own collection, and I do n’t know if it ’s true or false. If Teacher Shen can help identify it, it ’s definitely very good! ”

The next day, Shen Long took Arya to the party. The middle-aged man named Hong You worked in the local cultural bureau. He also loved to make friends when he was at work. The locals like to write and collect antiques. So, as soon as Shen Long entered the door of his house, he saw five or six people waiting inside.

Most of them were holding a brocade box with some porcelain, inkstones and other objects in them. When Shen Long came in, the big guy got up together, "Oh, you are Teacher Shen, we write the words for Lao Hong. I ’ve seen it, and it ’s good! Old Hong did n’t even want to post it for the New Year. He also said that he would put it up as a family heirloom. Teacher Shen showed us his hands today, let ’s open our eyes?

After the greeting, Shen Long rolled up his sleeves and wrote a word to them. It was nothing else. It was Wang Anshi's "Deng Fei Lai Feng". Fearing the clouds, he looked at his eyes and was at the highest level. "

Immediately won a round of applause, "Mr. Shen wrote the word well, at least he already has 90% of Wang Anshi's style."

Shen Long smiled and didn't speak ~ ~ This is only 90%? Even if you pulled Wang Anshi yourself, it would be written like this; after writing, open the eyes to the big guy, and the next thing is the right thing.

Hong You took the lead, he put a porcelain bowl in front of Shen Long, "Please ask Mr. Shen to palm your eyes, we are all playing at home by ourselves, but we have never seen the word of Mr. Shen."

"Mr. Hong is polite, I think this object you have scouted is very good!" Shen Long told them how to identify porcelain with this porcelain bowl. "The most important thing to distinguish between new and old porcelain is luster. The new porcelain has bright luster. , The fire is dazzling; a ceramic tire, glaze, decoration, color, and shape all meet the requirements of ancient ceramics, but as long as the fire is bright and full of fire, then one vote is rejected: this piece of ceramic must be new; the old ceramic The utensils form a natural crisp light, with a soft luster and gentleness like jade; glazed colored porcelain, which has a long history, has a halo that is customarily called clam light. "

"There is a simple way to distinguish the age of porcelain. You can look at the bottom of the bowl. You see there is a rounded bulge in the middle of this bowl. This is called the mastoid process. The mastoid process in the Yuan Dynasty is the most obvious. The mastoid process in the early Ming Dynasty It was also relatively large. In Yongle Xuande's years, the breast mutation was small. Later in Hongzhi, Zhengde papillae were relatively rare. However, in Jiajing, there were recurrence of papillae in Wanli years, and it did not disappear until the end of Chongzhen. "

"Look here again. In the early Ming Dynasty, because the iron content in the fetal soil was relatively high, the part that exposed the fetal soil when heated would oxidize to brick red or sheep liver color, and the flint red produced by the Ming kiln's cutting feet was particularly obvious ..." Shen Long said everyone was stunned.

Well, you can call me Jin Tong Shen Long.

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