All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1958: Do you know that the heart is evil?

"... He felt that he had treated Lin Shiyin too much and wanted her to have a better life in the future." Shen Long received a new task again. He sat up in the bathtub, martial arts world?

Do not know when to enter this world? If it were earlier, it would be simple. The reason why Li Xunhuan gave up Lin Shiyin was because Long Xiaoyun was seriously ill. He had a life-saving grace for Li Xunhuan. Li Xunhuan could n’t bear to see Long Xiaoyun haggard and died, so he made concessions, but as long as When Shen Long went, Long Xiaoyun was afraid that it would be difficult to die. This problem was solved naturally.

But what if I go in after the original work begins? That would be a bit difficult. At that time, Long Xiaoyun and Lin Shiyin had already been married. After living in Guiyunzhuang for many years, even Long Xiaoyun was so big.

What should I do to complete this task? After finishing washing, Shen Long returned to his bedroom and asked Bai Ze to help him tune out the original book and quickly browse through it, and then found many online novels that crossed the world of "Little Li Feidao" to see if he could find anything. inspiration.

This view can be described as an eye-opener, nest grass, Wang Dong You think Lin Xian'er is too dirty to touch her, why let her give you that pinch? And you, a 13-year-old little loli, have trained the Jiuyang Divine Skill and the 18 Dragon Palms so powerfully, and directly hanging the old man of Tianji and Shangguan Jinhong, are you afraid of having a long throat and a long beard?

Hey, is this brain hole too amazing? What the **** is 100% passive empty-handed access to the white blade? Oh, you take out your sword and swing it, as long as you shout whose name, who will have to come over and pick up the white blade empty-handed, is that too bad?

Is under the service, the brains of you guys are really too big, I can't bear it anymore, you are all Xiu'er, they are all *, they are all made of Zhongshenxiu! No wonder you can become gods. Ordinary people cannot compare with you at all.

But these books look really interesting. Shen Long looked at it with interest, and it was so enjoyable that I even rewarded some lords, silver damen, and so on. Anyway, now I have money. If I am happy, I should also reward it. Now, is it enough to encourage the author to write better? After all, the author should eat it too, can he be strong enough to code.

After brushing the net for two days, Shen Long was ready to enter. A white light flashed through. He suddenly felt that the temperature had dropped a lot, and the cold wind was like a knife, using the earth as a chopping board, seeing all beings as fish and meat; As a furnace, everything is silver.

Shen Long has now arrived from the warm spring of the small town in the Northwest, outside the ice and snow in the north, and looked around. There are no people in the surroundings. Only the North Wind Fury and the heavy snow flew, reminding him of his years in the world of "Crossing the Kanto". Shen Long He had already guessed what this place was, so he did not leave on the doomsday cloud.

Instead, he went along the road that was almost buried by heavy snow. He took out a bottle of Erguotou from the space and opened it for a sip. The liquor entered the throat like a line of fire from the throat to the stomach. The whole person warmed up and was proud for a while. Dunsheng couldn't help singing the theme song in another martial arts work.

"The cold winds are low, the snow is drifting, the long road is long, and the song is walking; looking back ~ looking at the stars, the past ~ like smoke clouds, when remembering to leave, stay in the snow, love in the snow, love in the snow, dream in the snow , Infatuation was exchanged for life's tears ... "The singing voice fluttered in the snow and spread far away.

Behind Shen Long, a carriage came from the north, and the rolling wheels crushed the snow and ice on the ground, but it could not crush the loneliness between the world and the earth; Li Xunhuan yawned and put his two long legs on the soft mink as much as possible Straighten, although it was very warm and comfortable in the trunk, this journey was too long and lonely. He not only felt tired, but also felt very disgusted. What he hated all the time was loneliness, but he always associates with loneliness.

Life is full of contradictions, no one is helpless, Li Xun sighed, took out a wine bottle from the corner, he coughed loudly when he drank the wine, the cough kept making his pale face Above, a sickly red color appeared, like the flames in hell, burning his body and soul.

When the bottle was empty, he picked up a knife and began to sculpt a portrait. The blade was thin and sharp, and his fingers were slender and powerful; this is a portrait of a woman. Under his skillful technique, the outline and lines of this portrait appear to be So soft and beautiful, it seems to be alive.

He not only gave her moving lines, but also gave her life and soul, because his life and soul had slipped away from the blade quietly; he was no longer young, his eyes were covered with wrinkles, every wrinkle was Full of sorrow and misfortune in his life, only his eyes are young.

These are bizarre eyes, as if they were aquamarine, like a willow branch swayed by the spring breeze, gentle and flexible, and like the sea water in the summer sun, full of pleasant vitality; suddenly these eyes were frozen, Li Xunhuan's ear moved, and he heard the song sung by Shen Long.

"Good song, infatuation can change my life's tears. Isn't that what I said?" So he lifted the car curtain and said to the big man with a sharp face like a bird of prey, ~ "Hurry up."

Tie Chuanjia did n’t hear Shen Long ’s singing, but Li Xunhuan said he would n’t object, let alone this is a trivial matter, “It ’s getting dark, the road ahead is still far away, it should be faster . "

Soon Li Xunhuan noticed that a line of footprints appeared abruptly next to the rut. He did n’t see where the footprints came from, as if someone had fallen from the sky and fell here. The depth of each footprint was exactly the same, between the footprint and the footprint. The distance is the same, as if someone carved it with a knife.

Tie Chuanjia is not only worried, he has seen that the master's martial arts are definitely not comparable to his own. He can't help but turn back to remind, "Young Master."

"It's okay, the people of the Fly Camp Dog Gou can't sing such a heroic song. They haven't returned to the Central Plains for many years. It is expected that there will be some new heroes in the Central Plains?" Li Xunhuan continued to drive Tie Chuanjia forward.

Li Xunhuan continued to sculpt. He heard the song getting closer and closer. The other party should have discovered the carriage, but he was not moved by it, and he still sang while moving forward.

Li Xunhuan lifted the curtain made of mink and pushed open the window, he immediately saw the lonely figure walking in front; this person walked very slowly, he did not bring an umbrella or a hat, but snowflakes Never fell on him, his thin and strange clothes were not wet at all.

The whole person has a chic that can't be spoken, Li Xunhuan is about to speak, but the man suddenly turned back, "Do you know Dao Xin is a kind of magic?"

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