All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1961: Lin Xian'er

However, Li Xunhuan didn't say it after all. He felt that Lin Shiyin and Long Xiaoyun must be very happy now. He didn't want to disturb them. Shen Long didn't say anything. After drinking it, he arranged for them to go to bed.

There was also a small episode during that time. I saw such a clean bed. Tie Chuanjia refused to sleep. I would rather go to the living room to make a floor. It was Li Xunhuan who had spoken before he heard it; Didn't sleep well, such a soft bed was too uncomfortable for him.

Continued after having breakfast, the horse pulling the cart slept in the garage yesterday, and ate eggs, beans and alfalfa, so it seemed extra spirited and ran happily all the way until they were blocked by the snowman.

They all got out of the car, Li Xunhuan threw a snowball and hit the snowman's face, the snow on the surface fell, revealing the real person inside, and the black snake who escaped in the inn was awesome. Li Xunhuan seemed to find something, so he said loudly, " Everyone is here, why not come to have a drink? "

The snow on the dry branches of the trees next to the road suddenly fell down, and one person laughed and said, "I haven't seen it for ten years, I can't think of Tan Hualang's sword is still old, but he can be happy."

In the laughter, a one-armed old man with high cheekbones, a pale face, and a eagle-eyed gaze, strode out of the snow forest on the left; a person suddenly appeared in the snow forest on the right. Dry and thin, without four or two flesh on his face, like a gust of wind can blow him down, after this person came out, there was no footprints on the snow, although the snow had frozen here, but there was snow on the ice, this person Actually, I have no trace of snow. Although it is cheaper for some of my body, it is scary enough to be light.

Li Xunhuan smiled and said, "It's been less than half a month since I entered the customs, I couldn't think of the head of Zha Zong of the" Golden Lion Dart Board ", and" Shen Xing Wu "

影 ’Mr. Yu Er came to see me all. The face under him is really not small. "

The little old man smiled sullenly and said, "Xiao Li Tan Hua is indeed well-deserved, and I will never forget it. We are only in thirteen years.

Met once before, but I didn't think Tan Hualang still remembered me as the old waste of Yu Erguai. "

Then four people appeared. Although they were all very young, they were dressed like children. They wore colorful clothes, colorful flowers, and children's shoes embroidered with tigers on their feet. In the apron, all four had thick eyebrows and big eyes, like evil, but they had to be naughty.

The best part is that they even wore shiny silver bracelets on their wrists and ankles, and walked on the road to 'ding ding bang' to make a direct sound [豆豆], but this private person is Miaojiang jiletong five poisons Under the boy's door?

They naturally came to grab the baggage with gold silk armor. Shen Long smiled and wanted to start, but A Fei shot first, and easily killed the six with the sword that looked like a rotten iron piece. The famous players in the rivers and lakes, and then drifted away, it seems that although Shen Long has told him so much, he still wants to verify it by himself.

A Fei has left, but Shen Long has n’t left. They continue to move forward with Li Xunhuan. Soon after, they saw a small restaurant; it was a few open houses at the foot of the mountain, and there were wide corridors on all four sides. Vermillion railings, with green screens.

Li Xunhuan remembers that there was an unknown mountain flower blooming on all sides in the spring day. It was full of fragrant flowers, drinking flowers against the vermilion railing, and the pale wine became a good wine. Now the red paint on the railing has peeled off, and the red flower Replaced by Shirayuki, Shirayuki ruts the horseshoes in a vertical and horizontal direction, and you can also hear the sound of horse hissing behind the house with the wind.

Here they met the wife of Mrs. Rose, who was the chief scoop of the seventy-two water and land terminals in Jiangnan, and the purple face Erlang Sunkui who eloped with her. They naturally came to the gold armor.

Sun Kui revealed a message to Li Xunhuan that the famous plum thief appeared again thirty years ago, "No one in the rivers and lakes didn't know him at that time, and even the head of Cang, Wu who was known as the first swordsman of the rivers and lakes Asking for heaven, he also died in his hands. Wu Wentian just threatened to find him and died in his yard the next day. "

"There are no scars on the whole body, only five blood marks on the chest, which are arranged like plum blossoms. The blood marks are as small as needle holes. Everyone knows that it is a sign of plum blossom thieves, but no one knows what he is using. The hidden weapon? Or is it a very powerful weapon? Because no one who has dealt with him can survive, so no one knows his true face. "

Shen Long smiled, "So you think that as long as you put on this golden silk armor, you can steal the plum blossoms. As long as you can steal the plum blossoms, you can raise your eyebrows and make you famous. And thank you, no one will ever ask you to count the old account. "

"It's a pity that gold silk armor doesn't necessarily protect against plum blossom thieves ~ ~ you can't catch her." Even if you caught these two, you won't get the reward you deserve, after all, in this matter Both the referee and the athlete are a group.

Speaking of this, Shen Long sucked his nose and looked at the door, and a Tsing Yi man walked in. He wore a pair of dark blue iron gloves. His shape looked ugly and clumsy, but its color was impressive. Can not help but creepy.

It is the ninth green devil hand on the weapon spectrum, so it goes without saying that Lin Xian'er. After the blue devil hand Yi cried to death, his disciple gave the green demon hand to Lin Xian'er; um, this guy got the name Isn't it good, I cry one library, one library one library, one library is finished, then you have no strength?

Sun Kui and Mrs. Rose died under Lin Xian'er's green demon hand. She ignored Li Xunhuan and walked to Shen Long. Li Xunhuan also saw some ways, so she smiled and went out.

"The people in that inn all said that you are a sword fairy, but I think they are just a little knowledgeable, you must have cultivated an extremely brilliant sword technique, but after all, it can be said that you can practice sword technique to this point. It's a sword fairy; since your swordsmanship is so brilliant, what do you need gold silk armor to do? Why don't you give it to me? "Lin Xian'er said.

She took out the green devil hand, and took out the fish gut sword given to you by Longsheng, the young master of Zangjian Mountain Villa. She wanted to use these to exchange gold armor with Shen Long. Shen Long was quite interested in fish gut sword. However, Yixian was nothing more than a soldier, so he shook his head and refused.

Lin Xian'er was also not discouraged, and gave out a silver bell-like laughter, "Also, your swordsmanship is so clever, naturally you don't need these, so what about this?"

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