All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1963: Long Xiaoyun

To be honest, Gulong's martial arts world is much more dangerous than Jin Yong's martial arts world. This is not because the martial arts of the ancient dragon martial arts world is higher than that of Jin Yong's martial arts world, but because the ancient dragon martial arts world is more chaotic; Persevering in a bright and upright confrontation, unexpected means such as hidden weapons and poisons are much more powerful than the Jin Yong martial arts world.

In Jin Yong's martial arts world, the first thing that comes to mind when using poison is Western poison Ouyang Feng. Ou Yangfeng's poison is not necessarily worse than that of Gulong World, but the method of poisoning is not as pervasive as those masters in Gulong World. Perhaps his pride as one of the world ’s five must-does does not allow him to do this, but the poison master in Gulong World is not so reserved.

Wei Xiaobao can rely on Menghan medicine and concealed weapons to mix in the world of Jin Yong martial arts, but can you let him try it in the ancient dragon martial arts world? I'm afraid that every second child in the store can play better than him.

Masters like Li Xunhuan are in Jin Yong ’s martial arts world. It ’s difficult for others to poison him. However, in the ancient dragon martial arts world, the masters like Li Xunhuan and Lu Xiaofeng have not poisoned them once or twice; However, it is calm and abnormal.

Shen Long was also a bit speechless. It felt like Li Xunhuan was poisoned as if the black milo in Africa heard a gunshot. It seemed that this was a normal thing, and he could only nod. "As long as I am with you, you can't die even if you want to die. "

He walked up to Li Xunhuan, and did not take out a big killer like fairy magic or alchemy as soon as he came up. Instead, he diagnosed and treated Li Xunhuan according to the records in Hu Qingniu's Medical Classic and Wang Nangu's "Drug Classic". In the same way, the poisoning skills of this world do not exceed the knowledge of Hu Qingniu and Wang Nangu, but the trick of poisoning is more unique.

The internal force of "Jiuyang Zhenjing" can relieve the hundred poisons. Shen Long first used his internal force to protect Li Xunhuan's heart, then slowly helped him remove the toxins from his body, and finally took out a few of them in the world of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" Jiuhua Yulu pills obtained from Huang Yaoshi gave Li Xunhuan, "After eating these, the residual poison in your body will be cleaned up."

"It's a bit different from thinking next." Li Xunhuan swallowed Jiuhua Yulu Pill, "He thought that the magic medicine given by the fairy could make people soar in daylight."

"Oh, even if I have this elixir, would you be willing to eat it?" Shen Long smiled, "You still have a lot of hardships in the red dust, I am afraid it is not so easy to give up all this?"

"Reasonable." Li Xunhuan stopped talking, his eyes fragrant from afar, and wondered whether Lin Shiyin was remembered again, his brows slightly wrinkled, and his eyes were full of sadness.

"Don't you wonder why you are poisoned? Xiao Li Feidao hasn't entered the rivers and lakes for more than ten years. Why did he encounter so many things as soon as he entered the customs?" Shen Long asked.

Li Xunhuan shook his head, "I don't know, maybe some grudges and people can't let go?"

"Same thing, but these people are probably not the same as those you think." Shen Long got on the carriage and allowed Tie Chuanjia to move on. Li Xunhuan thought these people were his enemies back then, but is that really the case?

Shen Long felt that this way was like playing a horizontal arcade game when he was a kid. Enemies kept appearing along the way. He had previously encountered Zhuge Lei and Lin Xian'er, and this time someone stopped in front of them.

This time it was still an inn tavern. Shen Long and Li Xunhuan just sat down and had a few drinks. There was a washed white blue robe. The sleeves were on the chest, but they were covered with oil. It was all muddy. Although wearing a scribe kerchief, his hair was exposed to the outside like a grass, and his face was yellow and thin. It seemed to be sitting in front of a poor and talented guy.

He stared at Li Xunhuan for a long time, "Strange, weird, you can still live to such a high degree of poison? And you dare to drink? Do you not know that you still have residual poison in your body, and if you drink alcohol, you may have a life Worry? "

Li Xunhuan said, "How can we delay drinking because of such things as life and death."

The poor and sour show smiled with a palm, "It's not bad, life and death are small, drinking is big. Your words are really my heart." He suddenly glared his eyes, staring at Li Xunhuan, "Your predecessor already knows who I am. Now. "

"I have heard Mr. Mei Er's name. I have heard for a long time that" Miao Langzhong "Mr. Mei Er's medicine is unparalleled in the world, and the use of poison is also unparalleled in the world."

"Hahaha, I didn't expect Xiao Li Tanhua to remember me, haha, haha, oooo ~~" Mr. Mei Er smiled and cried again, "Medical world Wushuang, don't say this with poison world Wushuang By the way, I thought my 'Hanjisan' world was unsolvable, and I didn't expect it to be broken so quickly. "

"Oh? It turned out that I was Mr. Mei Er's" Hanjisan "? This is destiny." Hearing that the culprit who poisoned himself was in front of him, Li Xunhuan was not surprised.

"Well, the poison that I have Mr. Mei Er ~ ~ Why let others solve it?" Mr. Mei Er suddenly took Li Xunhuan's hand, "Go, there are residual poisons in your body, follow me back , Mr. Mei, the eldest of my family, is nearby, and Hanjisan ’s antidote is at him. I promise you to go to the poison. "

Li Xunhuan looked at Shen Long. Shen Long smiled, "Well go, I also want to see what is the difference between Mr. Mei Er's antidote and what I think!"

"Huh? Did you solve my Hanjisan? Well, I will try to compare it with you later." Mr. Mei Er's eyes lit up, as if Ximen Fuxue had heard of Ye Gucheng, he was using poison He has always been proud of his medical skills. Now he meets a master who can relieve Hanjisan. He naturally wants to compete with him.

So there were three more people in the carriage. Li Xunhuan reclined on the seat, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, as if listening to them, as if he had already lost his mind, and a heart had nowhere to know where to go; the pollution of the world , Seems to have been washed by snowflakes, looking out from the car window, the world is silver and white.

Under the command of Mr. Mei Er, the carriage and horse turned into a trail at the foot of a mountain and walked to a small bridge, where it could not pass; the snow on the small bridge was like new, and no one could see the footprints of the person. The dog's footprints sprinkled on the railing like a series of plum blossoms.

A few people got out of the car and walked across the bridge, they saw three or five stone houses, red flowers and white houses in the plum trees, and the scenery was like pictures; there was a voice coming from Meilin, and when they approached, they saw an Efu The old man with a high crown is directing two boys to wash the snow on the tree.

After a short conversation, three more people appeared, one of them was Long Xiaoyun.

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