All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1977: Yichun

"Go back and rest early, and you still have to go to school tomorrow!" Although Kuroko did not study very well, it was not good to miss classes. Wu Jianqiang also pointed to him for his high school diploma.

Heizi left with money, but came back just two minutes after he went out, and followed a few neighborhood neighbors. He apologized as soon as he came in, "Oh, sorry, didn't you disturb you to rest?"

"It's okay, it's okay, I haven't slept yet! What are you doing?" Feng Shengli looked at these people dumbfounded. Isn't it time to come to the door at this big night?

"Victory, your son can save the TV by himself!" An uncle raised his thumb and lowered his voice and asked, "I heard that your home Feng Du channeled a TV to the old Wu family? Can you help my family? Taiwan? "Looking at more and more people with TVs in the alley, no one was willing to buy it at the end. If that was the case, they would lose face.

"Can do it, but ..." Shen Long hurriedly interjected before Feng Shengli said. Hey, this hasn't started publicity yet, the business has come to the door? It is estimated that watching their home and Wu Jianqiang's home have TV, they can't sit still anymore?

"I understand, I understand! I brought all the money, give it, you take it first, let's say it, let me give it to the next one." Uncle immediately took out five hundred dollars from his pocket and handed it over. The current market price is more than three hundred for a TV ticket, plus five or six hundred for the TV, and a small one thousand yuan to go out.

Of course, if you have the ability to get a TV ticket from the unit, you can really get a new TV for only five or six hundred, but the TV ticket is a scarce resource now, and the unit is not ample. You have to find a way to say good things to the leaders and even get a gift. You can't get it lightly. At least 200 yuan.

And the TV tickets are not finished, and there are no extra goods in the department store. There are only a few units after a period of time. They have to fight hard to grab it, and they may not be able to grab it.

According to this calculation, it will cost 500 yuan to bring the TV home immediately, which is simply too cost-effective, even if there is a problem, they are all neighborhood neighbors, and he can ignore what he buys from him?

"Obviously I came first, and I have to give it to the next one!" An aunt squeezed over and withdrew the uncle's money in one hand and the money in the other hand, and the others also swarmed up and surrounded With Shen Long desperately trying to shove him money, this posture is even hotter than the opening of the sales department of the later generations.

Nowadays, the big guy has raised his salary, and it ’s no longer a problem to eat. Some of them have saved some money. The unit has a canteen. If you are sick, you can reimburse. You do n’t need to hollow out six wallets to buy a house; so you can spend it. There are not many places for money, so it ’s easy to see the odd thing about TV, who does n’t want to move one home to look at it!

I could n’t find a TV ticket before, but now there ’s a guy in the alley who can save the TV. They might have been a little hesitant before, but watching Feng Shengli ’s TV was okay, Wu Jianqiang took the stage and went back. What are you waiting for? Let's go quickly, if we miss this village, we will not have this shop.

"Thank you, thank you uncles for trusting me. Do n’t worry, big guys, as long as you wait patiently, for at least half a month, I will save you all TV! Kuroko, go to my house to get a pen and The book came out and helped the big guys to keep it in mind. "Shen Long happily collected money to keep accounts, and then gave them receipts for them to take back, and then came to get the TV by the notes.

"Half a month? Is this too long?" As long as I could get a TV ticket, I was afraid of waiting for half a month, but now I can't do it anymore. There are already three TVs in the alley. Every day I watch people happily in the house. Watching TV, I can only rub my cheeks in the past, this taste is uncomfortable, so someone clenched his teeth and shot five dollars, "Feng Du, I will add five more for you, and I have to keep the next TV. Writing! "

"Hey, is it interesting? They are all neighbors of the neighborhood, what kind of garlic do you charge? Feng Du, I will add ten pieces to you, and you will keep me for the next one!" The big guy started to bid.

"Don't don't, I can't ask for this money! Don't worry, the big guys are all neighbors in the neighborhood. Why do you hurt because of this little thing." Shen Long knew that if he received this money, whoever gave it more At the front, his reputation was broken, so he confiscated one and persuaded him.

"Look at me, otherwise, Grandma Li's legs and feet are not good. It's too hard to watch TV at Uncle Xiao's house every day. The next TV will be good for Uncle Li's house ..." Shen Long ranked according to the situation of each house The order, "I also hurry up and try to save the TV set earlier. In fact, it's just two days a day. Don't worry, big guys."

"Feng Du, you are more sensible now. Listening to what these people say is better than those of us who are grown-ups, so that's the deal. I'm not in a hurry, just give the old Li family! It's not too early, I'm going back to rest, Feng Du, you also go to bed earlier ~ ~ Don't exhaust yourself! "The big guy was speechless and left money to take notes gone back.

Feng Shengli smashed his mouth, and he was both happy and sad. In his heart, his children were more and more prosperous, but sadly, he seemed to have been overshadowed by him.

At noon the next day, Shen Long called Guo Procurement at the shop in front of the school. "Brother Guo, do you still come to Beijing recently? I still need some accessories here. The number is more than last time. It is still old. Rules, can you get it? "

"No problem, just look at it! I can get all these things, and I will send it to you in the future!" There is a chance to make money, and if anyone misses it, he will not say anything.

"That's it, I'll go to Donglai Shunding place after class! Brother Guo, what wine do you like to drink? I'll prepare it for you too!" Yes, most of the components are ready, and the rest will be bought by yourself, or It ’s okay to disassemble it from the TV.

After calling back to the school, Yi Chun found it. "Feng Du, what are you busy with these days? After school, you ran away, are you saving TV?"

"Well, I have already saved two for my family and the Heizi family, and other neighbors have booked several, and I am too busy to come!" Shen Long has seriously begun to consider whether to ask for leave.

"Yo, are you having a good time? Is it fun to save TV? Can you take me to see it? By the way, my dad always wanted to buy a TV for my grandma. Help me save one too? "Yi Chun said in succession.

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