All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1997: Better Journey to the West

The hot pains on these faces just said that they must not be as fast as they are in the film and television industry. As a result, the names of these people have already appeared on the list of the members of the TV drama crew of the court, and they are still assistants to the director. I am afraid these people In the most optimistic, I do n’t think I have the opportunity to take up this position before graduation.

"It's okay, it's just a TV series. The artistry of TV series is far worse than that of a movie!" They can only comfort themselves in this way, but they are very embarrassed. At least people have already begun to practice, and what about themselves? I'm afraid this kind of opportunity can only be obtained when the senior is doing the graduation project?

Even so, the short film produced by the graduation project can never be put on the platform of the imperial court, and can only be put in the school's warehouse.

At the same time, in another cafeteria of the school, Shen Long also looked at the subtitles in a daze. "What's the matter? I'm just a temporary worker. Why did Yang Dao mark me as the director's assistant?"

Zang Jinsheng was happy for him, "Great, in the end is the champion, this is only one month after the school starts, your name will be on the court, come and go one more!"

"Feng Du, next time you meet Yang Dao, and help us inquire about it, see if the crew is still missing, I can act as a maid!" Na Renhua and Lin Fangbing and other performance girls looked at Shen Long, eyes are full of stars.

"You are a freshman now. It's when you lay the foundation. The school definitely disagrees with you to go out to perform. When you are in your sophomore year, let's talk about it. If you pass the teacher's assessment at that time, I will definitely help you." Shen Long said These are all performing artists with outstanding acting skills. Shen Long doesn't want to be promoted by Miao.

"Well, I also think I have to learn more, acting is not in a hurry, anyway, you will certainly have the opportunity to forget us, I'm still waiting to play Lu Zhishen!" Zang Jinsheng said with a touch of his head.

"Tomorrow I will go to the imperial court and ask Yang Dao to ask!" Shen Long picked up the glass and touched Zang Jinsheng, and then touched the Arctic soda in the hands of Na Renhua and Lin Fangbing again.

The next day, Shen Long used the time not in the afternoon to arrive at the court station, came to the TV Department to find Yang Dao, and seeing the smile on Yang Dao's face, Shen Long knew she must have encountered something good, "Yang Dao, The leaders in Taiwan are very satisfied with the pilot episode? Can this drama be officially filmed? "

"Well, the leadership's response is really good, but it is still undecidable to shoot. It was broadcast yesterday, and it will take some time to collect feedback and opinions from all parties!" Yang Dao said with a smile.

"My classmates like it very much, and some people are already thinking about writing articles to praise." This is also Shen Long's idea, although he knows that "Journey to the West" will be successfully filmed after all. It may be good to help more.

"Yes, Director Yang, I watched the subtitles yesterday. Why did you hang me as a director assistant? I just came to the crew for an internship!" This question still needs to be clear.

"Xiao Feng, in fact, everyone knows that the work you have done in the crew has even exceeded the duties of the ordinary director assistant. You are still studying and you ca n’t come to work on the stage, and I ca n’t send you. Salary, the power to add a name is still there; the leaders in the stage have heard that you have contributed to the crew, and they all support my decision! This is the honor you deserve. "Yang Dao also said in his tone. Guilt.

"You are so polite, the shooting is so busy, you still guide me, I owe you." Shen Long was touched, this kind of morality of the older generation of TV workers is indeed worthy of admiration.

"That's also how you learn fast. I'll be a little bit like you. When you meet this kind of junior, everyone is willing to cultivate. The leader in Taiwan also said that in the winter and summer vacations, if you have time, you are willing to come to the stage and want to go You can choose the internship in that department, and the internship salary will also be paid to you. Anyway, now you have to pay money for temporary workers. "Yang Dao told Shen Long again.

From now on, his internship at the TV station has been endorsed by the big leaders, not just through the reputation of his champion and Wu Qiang's strong relationship.

"By the way, Yang Dao, during this time I cut the previous film I made and made a short film of more than 40 minutes." After expressing his gratitude again, Shen Long took out a plate The video brought, "You are the gatekeeper, but I think this film can also be played on the stage, so that the audience can understand what we are doing in the TV series, and by the way, they can also inspire their expectations of" Journey to the West ". "

"This method is new!" Yang Daowen said in front of her, and called a few people to find a device to enjoy. The documentary started from the train station. Shen Long used a narration to talk about the origin of the "Journey to the West" project, focusing on It tells about Yang Dao's efforts and the support of the leaders in the stage, and then the big guy reads the script on the train and discusses the details of the shooting.

Arrived in Yangzhou, with the support of local leaders ~ ~ the support of Daming Temple monks, and the expectation of "Journey to the West", and then came to the focus-the shooting process of the pilot episode.

The hard work of the big guy, the joy after the success of the filming, the team ’s collective effort to complete the filming, etc., can be described as all-round. The leaders watched to understand their dedication to the show, and the ordinary audience saw that it was not easy .

Yang Dao was also impressed with the film. From the editing skills, the technique of this film is very familiar, and it does not look like a newcomer's work at all. From the content point of view, it is all-round and does not have any focus. Policy, leadership in Taiwan, and local support, the efforts of every crew member of the crew are shown. Even the most sensitive old qualifications in Taiwan ’s political acumen may not be so thoughtful. Is he really? genius?

"It's a very good shot, I see, you can take it for the director to see it now!" The director of the TV department is very happy, this film is the best display of their contribution to their department, "With this film, "Journey to the West" has a greater chance of being officially approved! "

Supervisor took Yang Dao and Shen Long to go to the high level in Taili. Shen Long thought secretly that although this edition of Journey to the West is a classic, there are also many regrets.

Since I have become a member of the crew, I have to try my best to get more support to make a better "Journey to the West".

Of course, this documentary alone is not enough. He also made more preparations for the shortcomings of this film, and plans to meet with the leader for a while.

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