All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2035: Issues in Casting the Romance of the Three Kingdoms

"I play Zhang Fei?" Isn't it good to play Lu Zhishen? Ye changed to Zhang Fei again? But if it's really good to play Zhang Fei? Zang Jinsheng touched his head and wondered.

His development over the years has been neither good nor bad, sophomore went to the film "Twenty-Six Girls" directed by Huang Jianzhong, and the junior starred in the drama "Gold Rush". He was attracted attention as "Xu Tianxiong", a gold digger who played the role of Yi Shucai and a superb martial artist; he also appeared in "I Love My Home", and now he often meets someone to greet him when he eats out. He also won the Young Actor Progress Award last year. It's a little famous actor.

"Yes, look at your figure, I think it is appropriate to play Zhang Fei." Shen Long said, this time he did not intend to copy the role arrangement in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" as it is.

In this "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", some characters are very outstanding, such as Cao Cao played by Bao Guoan, Zhu Geliang played by Tang Guoqiang, Guan Yu played by Lu Shuming, Lu Bu played by Zhang Guangbei, Zhou Yu played by Hong Universe, Sima Yi played by Wei Zongwan and so on. It left a very deep impression and is a classic.

Oh, there is also Wang Situ played by Mr. Dong Ji. Although he has not played much time, he has achieved some classics. Even after more than 20 years, there are still countless people spreading screenshot images of Wang Situ on the network platform.

But there are also many shortcomings. For example, Liu Guan Zhang brothers Guan Yu is the best, Liu Bei is second, Zhang Fei's performance is also very outstanding, but compared with the previous two, it is slightly weaker.

Shen Long thought about it carefully. The highlight of Zhang Fei in the play was probably the fragment of the brothers slowly approaching on the grass after the ancient city met after a thousand miles of single riding; Most of the shots and characters are too thin. Of course, this may be because Zhang Fei spent most of his time with Guan Yu and Liu Bei, and was overshadowed by the performances of Lu Shuming and Sun Yanjun.

"Since you think you can do it, then I will try it!" If this role is played well, it will definitely be very helpful to his career, and it is still proposed by Shen Long. Zang Jinsheng can't find a reason to refuse.

In fact, this is not the biggest problem of actors in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms". The performance of the teacher Li Jingfei is far above the level, which is much better than the performance in the "New Three Kingdoms". The Zhang Fei in the new version is really People don't know what to say.

The biggest problem is that in addition to a few core protagonists, the rest of the supporting roles are often changed. For example, Lu Su and Zhang Liao changed three people before and after, Wei Yan changed four people, Cao Hong and Xu Huang even changed five people. And one of them, who played Cao Hong, also played Xia Houdun. More than one person played such important roles as Yuan Shao, Jiang Wei, Liu Chan, Pang Tong, Lu Meng, and Huang Zhong.

The most unacceptable thing is that even a character like Zhao Yun, who is extremely popular and extremely important, can also change the three actors before and after. Even if Zhao Yun's age span is too large, can't he be so frequent? Isn't it good to let Zhang Shan continue acting? Isn't it difficult to use makeup to solve the change of age in the later period? Isn't that what Zhuge Liang did?

Moreover, one person played several roles and played more than Xiahou Dun's Balajur. Hong Yuyu, who played Zhou Yu, had also played Yuan Shao.

This is not a monster film like "Journey to the West". In "Journey to the West", Teacher Yan can play multiple roles at the same time. That is because the monsters are all strange and weird, with many horns and some different colors Once these things are covered up, who cares about the details of the characters? It is impossible to find that these are all performed by one person.

"The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is different. Even if Zhou Yu and Yuan Shao have different armor, that person's face will not change. I just saw Yuan Shao in front of the 18th Route princes, but later I saw him running east Wu went to command the army to attack Cao Cao, many viewers would be very depressed, right?

Could it be that you lost your previous conviction in Guandu! So, went to Dongwu again to find another boss to trouble with Cao? Don't cheat you like this!

Shen Long thought about it carefully, and felt that it was too long for the filming of The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and it was related to shooting in several groups. The time span is large, and the stability of the crew of the crew will have problems. Some actors have already performed After a certain role, and then withdrew from the crew for various reasons, of course, you can only change people.

And some actors clearly filmed with the director in this group, and another group thousands of miles away also needed him to appear. What should I do? As long as it is not such a big protagonist as Liu Bei, Cao Cao, Guan Yu, it can only be replaced temporarily by someone, so Wei Yan, Cao Hong, Xu Huang and others have appeared many different faces.

I feel that these people are NPCs, and the director doesn't pay much attention to it. Letting them finish speaking after the line is over, which is a bit less professional. If you only play a small role once or twice, it is not impossible to act like this. Characters like Lu Su, Wei Yan, Cao Hong, and Xu Huang are not bad. Every time they make a face change, the audience will definitely feel awkward. Among the four famous TV dramas, "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" has the lowest evaluation and ratings. Shen Long estimated that the problem of casting was one of the reasons.

In addition, there are problems with the design of costume props and makeup ~ ~ The costume design of this drama is not as good as "Dream of Red Mansions". Many designs are very sloppy and do not make the characters stand out. Diao Chan is one of the four beauties what! Chen Hong's face value is also good enough, why didn't he leave a deep impression like Su Daji in "Feng Shen Bang"?

Jiangdong Sun Lang Sun Ce is famous for his beauty in the history books. That is a big beautiful man. The player Pu Cunxin is also a handsome guy. Can you look at his appearance in the TV series? Does it mean a little handsome?

There is also the issue of war dramas. The "Water Margin" has a later playing time, but the ratings have surpassed "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms." A big reason is that the martial arts are well filmed and the costumes are more beautiful.

Of course, there are also reasons for the theme of the TV series. The threshold of appreciation for "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is higher than that of "Water Margin". The characters are more diverse, the clues are more complicated, and the story is more profound. .

Regarding this issue, Shen Long has already figured out a solution, and now the preliminary preparations have begun, and now it is more important to solve the problem of casting. It is absolutely impossible to make the mistake of the original.

After the generals were all there, I personally started to teach them how to fight immediately!

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