All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2058: Next time we continue to cooperate

"Liu'er, I have to trouble you again this time!" Shen Long ran to the Capital University of International Business and Economics and found Liu Huan just after class. The theme song of "Beijing in New York" had to be sung by him.

Liu Huan ’s experience is also quite magical. He is from Jinmen. When he was a kid, he liked to talk about crosstalk. So he joined Dai Zhicheng in the elementary school and the same school. He was in charge of teasing and often participated in various performance activities, and was then taken by Chang Baohua. He wanted to accept them as apprentices, but unfortunately Liu Huan ’s mother did n’t want him to do this job, so there was no fat man in the crosstalk world, and the abandoned Dai Zhicheng could only run to cooperate with Jiang Kun.

Otherwise, Liu Huan was the brother of Hou Yaohua and Niu Qun. When Guo Degang met him, he had to shout respectfully, uncle, because Guo Degang worshipped Hou Yaohua's brother Hou Yaowen as a master.

In addition to the crosstalk, Liu Huan ’s Peking Opera also sings well. He will also say Shandong Kuaishu. Well, after the filming of "Water Margin" is finished, in addition to singing "Heroes", he can also let him participate in variety shows and give everyone a section. By the way, Liu Huan used the Allegro to say "Dang Li Dang Dang, Dang Li Dang Dang, Dang Li Dang Li Dang Li Dang Dang! Don't gossip, don't say anything, show a good man Wu Erlang" will be very, very interesting.

Perhaps when he was a child, studying Peking Opera allowed him to develop a good voice. During his studies in French Literature at the School of International Relations, Liu Huan began to show his talent in the music industry.

When he was studying, it was the era when Chinese poets and singers were the most popular. Many students like to hold the guitar and play around. Liu Huan looked at it in the past and found it not difficult. After going back to practice for a summer vacation, he became the best in the school. He was forced, just when others could only sing songs, he had already begun to try to compose his own music, so talented people are so self-willed.

When graduating soon, the French embassy held a French song competition outside Beijing, and the winner went to France for a week. Liu Huan participated in the competition and won the prize. At the end of the same year, the first college English song competition was held in Peking University. Liu Huan participated again and sang three songs. The first English song composed by myself won countless applause.

One year after graduating, Liu Huan came back from the field to teach and participated in the court party "Cinema World" weekend literary evening, singing English and French songs "Country Rock", "My Way" and the movies "Tehran 43 Years", "Wild Goose Daredevil" "The theme song has since officially entered the music industry.

First sang the theme song "The Sun in My Heart" of the TV series "Syracuse", and then became famous with the theme song "Undercover Police" of "Underwear Policemen". At that time, "golden shields were played everywhere on the street. "'S singing.

At the Asian Games, he and Wei Weiwei sang "Asian Heroes" before Shen Long filmed "Romance of the Three Kingdoms". He also called him to sing "This Worship" and other episodes. Both sides already knew each other.

Despite his fame, Liu Huan did not give up his job, and continued to stay in the school to teach "History of Western Music" to students of the School of International Relations and Capital University of International Business and Economics, and was well received by the students.

"Yo, Feng Dao? I heard that you went abroad to make a TV series. This is for me to sing the theme song? You just need to make a phone call for this little thing, so it takes a trip!" He also saw Shen Long. Very happy.

"Isn't it a long time since I've seen you? Let's go, let's find a place to eat while talking." Shen Long took him to the restaurant outside and ordered the "Beijing in New York" theme song "Ten Thousand Times" after ordering. "A Question" and the lyrics of other episodes were handed over, "This time not only to sing, but also to help you compose music."

These songs were originally written by him, and the lyrics were written by the members of the original crew. Since Shen Long filmed the TV series before them, the lyrics could only be written by him.

"The words are pretty good. When do you want them? I ’ll count the time and write them as soon as possible. If I do n’t record the class, it ’s okay! By the way, there ’s a song that seems to be more suitable for men and women. Who is it? "Liu Huan took the lyrics and immediately agreed, the word was really well written.

"Mr. Gu's student Ye Henalaying, you should also know." Shen Long said, this one was appreciated by Mr. Gu Jianfen when he participated in the young singer contest, and she was accepted as a student. Before that, he raised funds for the Beijing Asian Games Performed at the prelude to the Asian Games, and Liu Huan also went there.

"Her singing is good." Liu Huan nodded and said nothing. If you come to a singer who is not strong enough, he will definitely be crushed by him, and the chorus will not be heard at all.

After dinner, Shen Long and Liu Huan returned to the stage to sign the contract, and then sent him home; not long after, Liu Huan came with the written song, went to the studio to sing, Shen Long stood up immediately It ’s just one word, perfect!

Taking advantage of his good condition, I started recording now. It took a few days to record the tune. The process was relatively smooth. Only the chorus repeated several times. Liu Huan ’s treble Naying could n’t keep up. In the end, I changed the singing method to lower the business a little bit before recording successfully.

"Okay, you can take the master tape to the record company. They are all in a hurry!" The old business still has to do it. After all, it cost a lot of dollars this time, so I have to make more money for Taili.

In fact, although the screening has not yet officially started ~ ~ The cost of filming has been recovered. Shen Long specifically found some units and enterprises with overseas branches to sell them to implant advertisements.

For example, what is the Bank of China New York branch? People have resumed business in New York in 1981. Although some other units entered late, they also have their own business offices in New York.

Shen Long said to them in the past, they immediately expressed their interest, what is the most worried about employees who stay abroad? That must be afraid of forgetting themselves in the country, if their doorsteps can appear in the domestic TV series several times, The leader must have been impressed.

And it also helps the image of the headquarters? Have a look, our unit branch has opened to New York, what does this mean? Explain that our unit is strong. If you have any business next time, you can consider us more!

So I ran a few large units with branches in New York, and it became a thing. The money allocated to Shen Long in the stage was earned back.

"Liuer, I'll trouble you this time. Next time I'll start the show again. Let's continue to cooperate!" Shen Long and Liu Huan shook hands and murmured in their hearts. Now it's almost time to consider preparing for "Water Margin", right? The four great books are just this!

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