All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2060: Double award

"Received the award? Didn't you get it last time?" Yo, it's time to pay attention to the award season again. In fact, Shen Long followed the crew to participate in the award ceremony quite a number of times.

"Journey to the West" won the Golden Eagle Award and the Feitian Award double awards, and the six teachers also won the Golden Eagle Award for Best Actor, which is a well-deserved visual emperor; later "Dream of Red Mansions" was also the Golden Eagle Award and the Feitian Award double awards, played by Wang Xifeng Deng Jie won the double best supporting actress award of Golden Eagle Award and Feitian Award for her outstanding performance.

It was my turn to shoot the film. "I Love My Family" and "Fengshenbang" won a lot of small awards. However, due to the theme and seniority, Shen Long failed to win the two highest awards in the field of domestic TV dramas.

However, after the broadcast of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", he finally ushered in the favor of the grand prize. Some time ago, he went to Hangzhou, Zhejiang to participate in the award ceremony of the Golden Eagle Award, and won the award for the best feature-length drama. Bao Guoan also relied on Cao Cao. The outstanding interpretation of this role won the best actor award, Lu Shuming also won the best supporting actor award with Guan Yu.

This is a bit different from the original history, mainly because Shen Long's arrival "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" was completed and broadcasted earlier. In the original history, the best supporting actor was Chen Xiaoer's father Chen Chen, Chen. Not only did the old man contribute a wonderful acting in "Flying Disaster", but also his seniority, Lu Shuming's competition is reasonable.

But this year it was Xie Yuan who competed with Lu Shuming for the best supporting actor. His qualifications and acting skills were not as solid as that of Mr. Chen, so he was snatched a trophy by Lu Shuming. In addition, Uncle Ge was also unlucky. The story of the editorial department got the best actor, but was taken away by teacher Bao Guoan.

"Oh, it's the Flying Awards!" Shen Long suddenly understood that the awarding of the Flying Awards was a little later than the Golden Eagle Awards, and the time should be calculated to this year's Flying Awards awarding ceremony. I don't know how many awards I can get this time. .

So Shen Long had to put aside the matter of "Water Margin" and went back to prepare for the awards ceremony. On the day of the official award, Shen Long and teacher Wang Fulin, Bao Guoan, Lu Shuming and other crew members came to the scene together.

The Golden Eagle Award is sponsored by the Chinese Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the Chinese Television Artists Association. The TV Art Awards are mainly voted by the audience. The popular awards are private awards; the Flying Awards are sponsored by the National Press and Publications. The highest official award.

At the scene, Shen Long saw a lot of acquaintances. Uncle Ge who came to "I Love My Home" came as a representative of "The Story of the Editorial Department"; some played Boyi in the "Fengshen Bang". Tang Zhenzong, he contributed wonderful acting in "Alien Girl".

I stepped forward to say hello to them, "Yo, meet again, I hope you will win the prize this time."

"Don't dare to think about it. With your" Romance of the Three Kingdoms "here, we all accompany them!" Uncle Ge waved his hand, but he was not angry because he lost to Bao Guoan before.

"Feng Dao hasn't seen you for a long time." Tang Zhenzong's attitude is more respectful. He has made up his mind to come to the mainland to develop. Naturally, he has to have a good relationship with a powerful director like Shen Long, and he still hangs Feng Dayou's products. Endorsement.

After a few words of greeting, the awards officially started. There are not many awards for the Flying Awards. There are only seven awards for the best long, medium and short TV series, and the best male and female protagonists and supporting roles. Occasionally special awards will be awarded, and the awards will not play those fancy. Yes, it ’s done by announcing the list and claiming the prize.

According to the convention of awarding small awards first and awards later, the best supporting actress is awarded first. There is no drama in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms. The Three Kingdoms is a man's drama. The female lead only Diao Chan and Mrs. Sun are slightly memorable, but they can still be Unable to compete for this award, the final award was won by Cao Shufen in "Shanghai Family".

Then the best supporting actor, Lu Shuming suddenly stopped his waist, the award was announced, Xie Yuan not far away sighed again, he lost to Lu Shuming again, "The Three Kingdoms" crew won the first award.

Then the best short TV series and best middle TV series were awarded, and it was the best actress's turn. The heroine of "The Story of the Editorial Department" Lv Liping won the award. Uncle Ge applauded on the side. Their crew was not in vain this time.

When the best actor award was announced, Bao Guoan was a little nervous. This time was different from the Golden Eagle Award. The Golden Eagle Award only focused on feedback from the audience. The Feitian Award also considered the award for the main melody work. This year, there is "Zhao Shangzhi", The two strong enemies of "China Shenhuo", which talks about the development of China's aerospace industry, of which "Shang Zhizhi" starring Gao Qiang performed very well.

"The best actor to win this year's Feitian Award is Gao Qiang-" Zhao Shangzhi "!" The prize-granting staff announced the award. Bao Guoan had not had time to sigh, but he heard on the stage continued to read, "Bao Guoan-" Romance of the Three Kingdoms " ! "

This time, I opened a double-yellow egg. This is not the first time that the Feitian Award has done so. In the third term, the Feitian Award also gave out double yellow eggs to the best male and female protagonists; only many times, But there is one saying that those winners really have no parallels, but they are not comparable to the Golden Eagle Award.

The Golden Eagle Award male and female protagonists appear more than one prize at the same time than the Flying Awards ~ ~ and the choice of awards in the future is also questioned. What other authority is there?

As mentioned before, since it is the hosted government award, we will definitely consider awards for the main melody works. The ratings of some main melody TV series are not high, but the performance of the actors and the overall quality of the TV series are very high. So there is this double yellow egg.

Finally it was the most important award for the best feature-length TV series, and several awards were also awarded this time. The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, China's Shenhuo, Foreign Girls, and the Story of the Editorial Department won the award together.

Shen Long came to the stage and lifted the trophy of the Dunhuang Flying Goddess with other winners. From now on, he is also a double award director like Yang and Wang, and it can be guaranteed that this is absolutely not It will be Shen Long ’s only double award, and will continue to win awards in the future.

Taking the trophy home and putting it in the honor room, Shen Long looked at the flying eagles and golden eagles on the shelf and sighed slightly. Hey, why can't the awards in the film and television category be the same as sports competitions?

Otherwise, you will be like the big devil Zhang Yining in the future, my son, those golden cups can play casually, silver cups are not allowed to touch, Dad has too many golden cups, and the silver cup can be the one!

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