All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2068: To feel like painting

When Shen Long discussed the roles with other members of the crew and talked to Shi Li, Li Xuejian blurted out, "Let He Qing act, she played that" Li Shishi "that year was really outstanding, I still remember now, in addition to her I can't think of there Who can perform Master Li so well. "

In the 1980s, He Qing filmed a 16-episode TV series "Generation Prostitute Li Shishi", which left a deep impression on many people, so Li Xuejian thought of her when she heard the three words of Li Shishi, which is also Shen Long Acquaintances who have worked together many times, so this role is set.

Thinking of Zhu Yanping who played Wu Song, it is really the same experience of different fate. If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself for not looking good. Sometimes, acting in acting is really relying on your face to eat.

Although Li Shishi played by He Qing is a prostitute, she is not charming at all. She is gentle and generous. She smiles and makes you enchanted. This is also in line with the name of Shishi. In the Song Dynasty, all the disciples of Buddhism were called masters. For the sake of being fostered in the Buddhist temple by my father, if the teacher is too enchanting, it doesn't seem to grow up like a Buddhist gate.

And charming women can only attract local tyrants such as Ximen Qing. Cultural people like Zhou Bangyan and Song Huizong still prefer pure and pleasant women, so He Qing's appearance is just right.

In the morning, I filmed the scene of Song Huizong meeting with Li Shishi. At noon, I then took a picture of Li Shishi looking at Yan Qing's tattoo. When I went down, I directly filmed the scene where Li Shishi followed Yan Qing's elopement. Based on her scourge of Song Dynasty, she was deserved to be pure green.

This is actually an adaptation of the screenwriter team, not the content of the original book. The ending of "Water Margin" is too miserable. There is still a little sunshine in the darkness. One hundred and eight heroes, dead and wounded, The crippled crippled, there should always be a few people who can have a good ending, otherwise the world will be too tragic, and the audience is difficult to accept.

The pair of lovers Yan Qingneng and Li Shishi can eventually become dependents, which can be regarded as a bright color to the dark ending, so that the audience can feel a little warm.

Then there was the scene where Liangshan heroes entered the palace at night and saw Song Huizong writing on the screen the names of the four major invaders: "Songjiang Songjiang, Huaixi Wangqing, Hebei Tianhu, Jiangnannanla". The actors arrived on the scene, lighting, video and other work The staff was in place, and it was about to start shooting, but Shen Long suddenly stopped, "Wait, the words on this screen are wrong!"

"Director, it's okay for me to look at it! Our props group also specially found the characters of thin gold body!" The props are also very hard, knowing that Song Huizong writes a good thin gold body, so these words are also modeled on the thin gold body written.

"It ’s okay to write thin gold body, but these words are too general, the brush strokes are stiff and the structure is loose, and they have to wait for their form and not wait for their gods. It ’s like someone who has just learned thin gold body. It ’s not like Song. The calligraphy of Huizong, everyone's handwriting, may not be visible to the general audience, but "Water Margin" is a big drama that is deeply concerned by the cultural community. It is inevitable that some people who understand calligraphy will see this flaw, which is not perfect! "Shen Long explained those words by pointing at those words."

"Oh, director, you're so embarrassed for me. I went there to find a calligraphy master who can write thin gold." The props said they were helpless, which is really not what they can do.

"I don't mean to blame you, in fact, you can think of these already very good!" At least I also know to make props and arrange scenes based on historical facts. Which, like some crews in later generations, clearly filmed historical dramas of the Tang Dynasty, but You wrote "Qin Yuan Chun-Snow" on the screen behind the general, what's going on?

Let ’s not talk about whether Li Shimin will cut you down. Zhao Kuangyin and Tie Muzhen are still hundreds of years away from their birth. This kind of scene lets the audience watch the play for a few minutes.

"Bring me the pen and ink, let me write these words!" The props quickly and carefully uncovered the original words, and covered the screen with a layer of silk and silk of the same color, and then rubbed the ink and handed the brush. Give Shen Long.

Standing in front of the screen, Shen Long thought for a moment, then cantilevered in the air, and wrote the names of the four major invaders, "Songjiang in Shandong, Wangqing in Huaixi, Tianhu in Hebei, and Tiannan in Jiangnan" in thin strokes.

"Feng Dao's calligraphy does have kung fu, not only regular script and cursive writing, but even this thin gold body has already entered the room and got the soul of Song Huizong!" Li Xuejian, who is proficient in calligraphy, once again shined before him, he had already started After thinking about it, after the filming of this scene is over, I quickly find a prop team to collect this character back, which is a good thing!

Last time he got the anti-poem written by Xunyang Lou in Shen Long, but after copying it for many days, the more I copied it, the more I felt the word taste. Now that I see Shen Long's new work, I am willing to let it go.

After spending more than two months, the plot of Bianliang City has been filmed, but the crew did not immediately leave the film and television city to shoot elsewhere, but bypassed Bianliang City and came to the Song Dynasty Street next door. In the film and television city, there are not only the Bianliang reproduced in accordance with the "Qingming River Map", but also the streets of the state and county towns.

Here, Bianliang City is next to Daming Mansion, Yuncheng County next to Daming Mansion, and the streets of Yuncheng County only need to be photographed from another angle, and it can become Jiangzhou issued by Song Jiang ~ ~ It can meet the needs of various crews shooting different scenes.

After the shooting of "Water Margin" is completed and broadcasted, there will be another wave of tourists here. When tourists gradually lose their freshness to this place in the past few years, they can also learn to rehearse the live-action drama like the Long Song Mountain Chivalry City Scenic Spot in Kaifeng City. What!

Tourists walked on the street, and suddenly there was a fight inside the restaurant on the street. Then, with a puff, a big man was thrown from the second floor to the middle of the street, and the person who chased him jumped down from the upper floor. Going down the blood and spitting, the tourists will be terrified when they see this scene, leaving a deep and unforgettable memory?

These actors usually act in live-action dramas. When a crew arrives, they can run the dragon. They play martial arts movies. That is definitely more professional than ordinary actors!

I stayed in the film and television city for a while, and ended the shooting of scenes such as Damingfu, Jiangzhou, and Yuncheng County, and then I could finally take the crew to the scene.

Shen Long had a special requirement for the external scene drama. They performed very well in the city scene drama. There is a trace of the essence of "The River at Qingming Festival". The external scene drama cannot be left behind. It must also have a feeling of painting. What came out of the comic book is that the city scene is like the Qingming River Picture, and the location scene is like the landscape painting.

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