All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2071: 100,000 yuan insurance

"No, director, don't we need to work so hard to film?" Hearing this, Ding Haifeng and Zhao Xiaorui's livers are trembling, that is a tiger, not HelloKitty!

"Director, director, tigers, but animals are protected. Let's just shoot the vision. It's really inappropriate to shoot." The two of them took Shen Long's arm and said they didn't dare to shoot anything. You want them to take a real shot. In martial arts, whether they are beaten with sticks or jumping off the city walls, they promise not to say anything, since they are eating this bowl of rice, they must have professionalism.

But it ’s not the same as the tiger filming. That ’s really life-threatening. They do n’t want to make fun of their lives anymore. Shen Long stopped to comfort them. “It ’s okay, I ’m ready for safety! You can rest assured Let's go shooting? "

"What safety measures?" Ding Haifeng asked quickly. "Aren't we numbing the tiger's medicine? Let's go up and pose?" If that is the case, we might still be able to shoot, but we must ensure that the anesthetic is really effective, otherwise What should I do if I wake up just after I ride on the tiger's back?

"I bought insurance for you!" Shen Long said seriously. Ding Haifeng and Zhao Xiaorui were speechless after listening. Is this insurance? If something goes wrong, we need insurance to use wool.

"How much insurance?" They subconsciously asked Shen Long's words.

Shen Long raised his index finger. "For this number, I bought you two hundred thousand pieces of insurance! If there is any problem, the insurance company will pay you one hundred thousand pieces."

"Ah? Only one hundred thousand?" These two are dumbfounded. Although neither of us is a big star, we can earn 100,000 yuan without much effort. "No, director, neither of us is worth 100,000 yuan. ? "

"Surely not. How can human life be described by money? Isn't this the crew's funding shortage? Is there really no way?" Shen Long replied with a smile. In fact, he was there, and there was no risk of filming with the real tiger. The ability is just here to come in handy. Keep what kind of effect you want, and have what kind of effect.

"Okay, okay, no kidding, this tiger is a circus, already used to contacting people, and the trainer is watching next to it, we will feed it every time we film, the tiger doesn't like to save Food, once you ’re full, as long as you do n’t provoke it, it wo n’t attack you! ”Shen Long calmed down and smiled comfortably,“ Let ’s go and see the tiger first, make sure there ’s no problem starting the shooting, you two There are so many scenes that have n’t been filmed, and you ’re definitely not allowed to have an accident. ”

"I'll say it!" They were relieved, and they followed Shen Long to the cage of Guan Tiger. The tiger the team found was a Bengal tiger. It must be the one that Wu Song played in "Water Margin". Variety is different.

Jingyanggang is in Shandong, so he should fight the North China Tiger, which is a subspecies between the Northeast Tiger and the South China Tiger. It is more close to the South China Tiger. It is now extinct in the wild. Only a few in the zoo exist. .

This tiger was historically mainly distributed in Hebei, Shanxi, Shandong, Shaanxi, Henan and other provinces of North China. Its size is slightly larger than that of South China Tiger. Today, the only existing North China Tiger specimen in the world is three meters in length and weighs 100. Ninety kilograms is equivalent to the weight of two Wusong. He can beat a tiger with bare hands, which is really powerful.

The biggest characteristic of this kind of tiger is its white forehead. Combined with the "Hanging Eyed White-fronted Big Worm" written in the "Water Margin", then this kind of tiger is definitely the North China Tiger that has not run away.

The Bengal tiger of the circus is still different from the North China tiger. The body size is about the same. However, the North China tiger has short and narrow stripes on the fur. The spacing of the stripes is larger than that of the Bengal tiger. This is also a feature that the Bengal tiger does not possess.

But that zoo will not lend the precious North China Tiger to the crew for filming, so it can only be the next best. For the time being, use the Bengal Tiger instead. Fortunately, there are fewer people who really know the difference between these two tigers. So it makes sense.

When he arrived, even though the Bengal tiger had eaten enough and was sleeping in the cage, the more he walked to Zhao Xiaorui and Ding Haifeng, the more he could not move, his legs began to tremble, and his mouth dries for a while, even Across the cage, the fear of beasts that humans imprinted from generation to generation in the depths of the genes still made them feel scared.

"I'm going. If you are such a big guy, if you swoop in, we can avoid it!" Ding Haifeng's voice became even smaller. "On my head, I guess it is not enough for him to eat?"

"Relax, the tiger can eat up to 40 kilograms of meat in a single meal. With your head, half of it is still there." Shen Long couldn't help but make a joke.

"Before releasing it for a while, we will feed it first. The trainer is watching on the side. There are people with anesthesia guns ready to fire at any time. As long as you are careful, you can't go wrong!" Shen Long's face grew whiter, and Shen Long quickly comforted.

Zhao Xiaorui patted Ding Haifeng's shoulder. "Brother, you can help me try it in front. It will be fine if you finish shooting. I will shoot again!" According to the shooting plan, today I will shoot "Jingyanggang Fighting Tiger". Only then will "Li Kui kill the tiger".

Before the shooting ~ ~ Shen Long bought half-sliced ​​pork and fed the tiger in front of them. In the end, even if he sent the pig leg to the tiger ’s mouth, he was too lazy to talk. The animal trainer took the tiger out of the cage and led it to the shooting scene. The surroundings were all emptied and the cordon was pulled up. Except for Ding Haifeng, Shen Long and the photographer, no one else was allowed to come in so as to avoid any accident.

The camera began to tremble. "Director, let's hurry as fast as possible. I'm not as good as Haifeng. I don't even have insurance! If something goes wrong, my whole family will be hungry."

"The more stable your hand is, the faster we will shoot. As long as your hand is shaking, then we can only retake it!" Shen Long patted his shoulder, so it's still up to you to shoot.

"Director, I'm ready!" Ding Haifeng finally gathered his courage and glanced at the man who was hiding in the high place and was aiming at the tiger with an anesthesia gun.

"Start!" Shen Long ordered immediately, the cameraman pointed the lens at the tiger immediately, but there was a little accident at this time, maybe the food was too full to be digested just now, the tiger stopped after two steps, lying down Nested in the grass, it seems to intend to squint for a while before talking.

Ding Haifeng looked at Shen Long, "Director, what should we do next?"

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