All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2081: Xiao Shen, let's guide the 1st Spring Festival Gala

"I ’m about the same. I do n’t dare to go back to Shandong now, I ’m afraid to go back and be beaten; a few days ago I got a call from my hometown and said, 'You took the heroes and heroes to the ditch, don't come back, come back and beat you ... … '"Li Xuejian said so, but he didn't see a little embarrassment on his face, and he was even a little bit happy.

The same is true for Li Mingqi, because the audience can have such a response, indicating that they have played the role, and it can make so many audiences hate themselves, which is also the ability; of course, this is because the role played is too abominable to hate because of the acting Too bad to hate is not considered, although both are scolded by the audience, these two teachers are different from others.

"Two teachers, let's go in!" Shen Long greeted them with a smile, Li Xuejian was okay. Teacher Li Mingqi was far from the peak because of his good performance.

What Wang Po said was just a small role. When "Huan Zhu Ge Ge" was aired, there were more viewers who hated her, so that the boss refused to sell her to the grocery market to buy food. Er complained that she was so miserable that Ziwei and Xiaoyan swallowed so much that someone met Mr. Li on the bus many years later and would also post a special Weibo; today she met Mr. Li on the bus. She did n’t bring a needle, a real person Can be kind.

You have to say that someone in a big city knows her, and even many old ladies in remote mountain areas remember her because of Rongmao. In the future, Mr. Li followed the crew to film in Yunnan mountainous area. She went to the Naxi village next to her, Seeing that a foreigner took a photo with two Naxi old ladies, she also wanted to take two photos with others.

Who ever thought that she had just sat down in the middle, an old lady moved away immediately and asked to know that the old lady of the Naxi ethnic group had also seen "Return Pearl" and remember that she was the one who was pinned Ziwei's bad guys are reluctant to take pictures with her; hey, in fact, you have all wronged Teacher Li, the people who are stuck are really bad guys.

The big guy has n’t seen him for a long time. There is naturally a lot to say when he gets back together. Shen Long takes the wine bottle to the table and drinks with the big guy. "Brother Zang, this is not like Lu Zhishen's momentum, you have to hold the jar and me Drink; Erlang, today we do n’t drink too much, just two bowls. I dare not let you drink three bowls. There is no tiger here to fight you. "

"Feng Dao, this is Maotai at 53 degrees. You should spare me, let alone a bowl and a jar. I'm empty for a cup."

"Hey, so counseling, there is a bit of Liangshan heroic momentum!" Shen Long shook his head pretendingly, and after they had a drink with them, they went to find the next person, "Oh, Ximen, I didn't arrange two for you today. Sister, isn't it overdrinking? "

"Don't tell me, my wife is still here!" Li Qiang, who played Ximen Qing, was anxious. Don't look at him acting as an official of Simon, in fact, his family and his wife are loving.

After drinking, the next day the big guy went to the studio of Chao Ting Tai together to start the show. The big guy talked about the anecdote in the shooting process. Shen Long also took out the precious lens he shot and acted as a tidbit, "This scene It was the shot of Song Jiang crying Lin Chong. "

Seeing the picture on the big screen, Zhou Yemang immediately raised his hand, "This I remember, the lens was only the back of Mr. Li Xuejian, but Mr. Li was still crying seriously. I lay there and put the corpse, which should have been one. It didn't move, but Mr. Li performed so well, and I was moved to tears in the corner of my eyes. I had to shoot again. I apologized to the director, which also allowed me to see the gap between me and Mr. Li. Mr. Li's performance Is the real professional actor. "

"There is also Teacher Li Mingqi. She was injured during the filming and did not say a word. She was stunned to stick to the filming ... There are also Brother Zang and Brother Zhao, who just gained dozens of pounds for the filming ..." Shen Long After putting out the scenes of the scenes, the audience at the scene were very moved.

The moving link passed, and it was time to relax. Shen Long released the picture of Zhou Yemang. He wore wooden yoke in the wild boar forest and was tied to the tree, but he held a small TV in his hand. Dong Chao's Xing Guozhou stretched his neck and looked, "You don't know, our teacher Zhou Yemang is a big fan, so he always took a small TV with him to watch the ball while filming."

"At that time, when shooting Lu Zhishen's wild boar forest, there was a ball game. After the last shot, teacher Zhou couldn't take care of the rope and hurriedly took the TV to watch the ball."

This scene made the audience laugh, and immediately felt that these actors were a lot more intimate, rather than high-profile artists, and then Shen Long released another classic photo.

"Don't look at the big guy in the show, Pan Jinlian is so cruel to Wu Dalang. Actually, the relationship between Song Wenhua and Wang Siyi is good. You see, they are still dancing between the filming." In this photo, height one Mi Qi's Wang Siyi is holding one meter three of Song Wenhua's shoulders in his left hand and dancing with his left hand in his right hand.

While Wu Song reclined on the steps with a smile on his face, this funny picture once again aroused the enthusiastic response from the audience.

In the next picture, I only see the upper part. Pan Jinlian and Xi Menqing are sitting by the bed. The big guys all show ambiguous smiles when they see them. However, when the second half shows up, the big guy's expression suddenly changes ~ ~ I saw that both of them were studying in there with the script in their hands. Is this too inconsistent?

One by one, either interesting or serious behind-the-scenes footage, this show quickly became popular. Even the drivers who took Mr. Li out of the room and refused to load were few, and some people even went to the door to apologize and said that they were dizzy. , Did not distinguish between reality and TV drama, really regarded her as a queen.

After the shooting of "Water Margin" ended, Shen Long also finally received a reminder of the completion of the task. This task is also a long-term task, and he can come in later.

It ’s also interesting to make TV shows. This world can often come to play in the future, but should I go back directly, or should I make a movie first? Fortunately, I have graduated from the director of the film school for ten years. Do I have to have my own movie? Or should I get an Oscar, Golden Palm or something? Make another commercial blockbuster?

No matter what you shoot, you have to give up your job first. Anyway, the production and broadcasting are now separated. Even if you leave the court station, you can still shoot TV series in the future.

So Shen Long and Xicheng had a discussion and prepared to go to the TV station to find the leader to resign. When he arrived at the leader's office, he hadn't waited for him to speak. The leader pulled him for a compliment and suddenly came out, "Xiao Feng, Why don't you come to be the director of this year's Spring Festival Gala? "

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