All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2109: Ding Crab is going to be released from prison

At the same time, in the Ding family's villa, Ding Xiao crab was sitting quietly in his room, holding a Bible in his hand, which was given to him by Fang Ting, Fang Ting wanted to come by the Bible Persuaded Ding Xiao Crab to do good deeds and take the right path. Over the years, Ding Crab has never forgotten the innocent and kind girl.

Ding Xiao Crab has been hungry and hungry since he was a child. He lived in miserable life in the underworld. Fang Ting can be said to be his only white moonlight. For so many years, Fang Ting ’s Qianying has been lingering in his mind, so he ca n’t forget it for a long time When I visited Grandma this time, I met Fang Ting again, evoking unforgettable memories in his heart.

But the pressure of reality made it difficult for him to take this step. His father Ding Crab killed Fang Ting's father Fang Jinxin. But this is the enemy of killing his father. Can Fang Ting accept himself? Thinking of these, Ding Xiao crab only had a long sigh.

When she came home from work the next day, Shen Long saw a **** mother-in-law at home. She was talking to Fang Ting on the sofa, and she was still crying with tears. "We Ding family are sorry for your Fang family. Now I see you. My family has developed again, and I can finally feel at ease. "

"Zhanbo, Zhanbo is back! You are so big now." Seeing Shen Long coming back, the mother-in-law got up and trembled and walked to him, she would kneel down on the spot, "It's all my unfilial son, I'm terrifying your family like this, I didn't teach the children well, I'm sorry you! "

Shen Long reached out and held her, letting such an old person kneel to himself, this kind of thing Shen Long could not do, "Sitting mother-in-law, since it is a guest, we will not talk about these unhappy things today, for a while Let ’s stay and eat together! ”Hey, Ding ’s family is a good person, but he ca n’t control his son or his grandson. He can only stay in the temple every day, burn incense and pray for happiness. This way to atone for your child.

"Yes, mother-in-law, you are so old, don't think about these things, stay and have a meal together!" Fang Ting had the best relationship with her mother-in-law when she was a child, and was also sympathetic to her experience.

"When I think of what the crabs did to your Fang family, where can I eat?" The cheap mother-in-law cried and shook her head, and then she had to kneel, "Zhan Bo, you forgive our Ding family." Fang Ting pulled back again.

This time Shen Long ’s face suddenly cooled down, "Mother-in-law, I saw with your own eyes that your son killed my dad. At that time, I was only thirteen years old. How would a 13-year-old child see this scene? Our family was originally harmonious and beautiful, but because of your son, our Fang ’s family was fragmented, living on the streets, and in poverty for more than ten years. You want me to forgive him in one sentence? There are such cheap things! "

The cheap mother-in-law is not a bad person, but she is an unprincipled person, knowing what her son is doing, and coaxing him to meet Luo Huiling, causing Luo Huiling to be entangled in Ding Crab again; Shen Long sympathizes with her, But she didn't want to accommodate her without principle.

"Your son Ding Crab is about to come out on Baodao, even if he doesn't return to Xiangjiang. As long as he dares to come back, I will call the police immediately and let the judge give him a fair punishment!" Shen Long specifically pointed out this point, if Knowing that Ding Crab will return to Xiangjiang soon, Fang Ting probably won't like Ding Xiao Crab, right?

Shen Long is not worried because there is no way to retaliate the Ding Crab because of this paragraph. With the personality of Ding Crab, he will definitely return to Xiangjiang, and then there will naturally be a court to punish him. Ding Xiao crab can ask a lawyer, and Shen Long can ask Even better, if Ding Crab goes to jail with peace of mind, then let Chen Haonan and Pheasant send people in to clean up him. If he dares to come out and make a fortune, Shen Long dares to let him watch his son just like in the TV series. One by one died in front of him.

"Now, you keep saying that your Ding family is sorry for our Fang family. If the Ding Crab returns to Xiangjiang, would you call the court to give him a fair punishment? He killed someone! Isn't it true that he should go to jail? Is n’t it too much for people to sit in jail for decades? ”Shen Long asked unkindly.

The cheap mother-in-law was speechless, sitting on the ground and crying non-stop. Anyway, Ding Crab was her biological son. She was definitely not willing to see Ding Crab going to jail.

"If you kill someone, if you can be forgiven if you kneel and apologize, what do the police do? What do you want the judge to do?" Shen Long probably won't stay for dinner, so he called in the driver and helped the mother-in-law. Get in the car and take her back to the temple. "Tingting, don't let her come to the house in the future. The grievances between us and Ding's family can't be resolved by the cheap mother-in-law. She is just sentimental."

"Oh, I know." Fang Ting was also immersed in the shock that Ding Crab was about to return to Xiangjiang.

"Does he dare to come back?" Luo Huiling seemed to be back in the nightmare controlled by Ding Crab. This man killed her brother on the boxing ring, and then came to apologize every day. Luo Huiling was young and ignorant. Moved by his gesture, he became his girlfriend. Only later did he discover that Ding Crab's paranoia and brain circuits were different from ordinary people. Finally, Fang Jinxin rescued her.

However, Fang Jinxin was also implicated. Fang Jinxin was first beaten into a vegetative by Ding Crab. He woke up for two years before waking up. Although he became mentally retarded, he still made money to support his family. At that time, although the family was poor, they were warm and harmonious It seems that I just saw hope for a better life ~ ~ Fang Jinxin was killed by Ding Crab again.

"Sister Ling, you can rest assured that as long as he dares to come back, I will call the police and arrest people! Xiangjiang is not like other places. The prosecution period for criminal cases is unlimited. Even if more than ten years have passed, the police will still arrest him! "Shen Long persuaded," By the way, you should be careful when you go out during this time.

"The four beasts of Ding's family are all gangsters. For their dad, they will definitely threaten us. They can even do things that can kill them. It can be better to have bodyguards by their side." Shen Long deliberately looked at Fang Ting, would you still like Ding Xiao Crab?

"I know." Fang Min first agreed, she was timid by nature, frightened by Shen Long's words, Fang Ting nodded silently, and then Fang Fang.

"Zhanbo, you must hire a good lawyer and avenge your father! Why should the Queen of England take the death row, people like him should be hanged directly!" Luo Huiling took Shen Long's hand Insisted.

"Relax, I will definitely ask Xiangjiang for the best appearance!" Shen Long assured.

In Baodao's prison, Ding Crab will be released from prison tomorrow.

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