All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2118: Solicit Chen Taotao

"This kid is clever, and he found Chen Wanxian's flaws so quickly, and it is also outstanding in the younger generation." Ye Tian followed Chen Taotao's operations for a few days, and he appreciated his means, but compared to In front of him, Chen Taotao was a lot worse, but they saw through Chen Wanxian's means from the beginning.

"If Uncle Tian appreciates him, what's the point of pulling him to the company and working for the Americans? The vice president is almost at the top. Come to me, there are opportunities to show his strength!" Shen Long laughed.

"Haha, if he can come to our company, then I will have a man!" Ye Tian accepted Fang Zhanbo as his apprentice in the TV series, but when he came to Shen Long, he didn't need to let him teach, so Ye Tian Regrettably, he had to look at other young people, and Chen Taotao was one of the few young people who could make him feel bright.

"Wait, Chen Wanxian will surely make some ghost tricks, then we can just stretch out a hand!" Shen Long seemed confident.

Sure enough, when eating at noon, Fang Ting rarely came to him, Shen Long quipped, "Look at you and the young man who has been chatting and laughing with me for a few days, I thought you forgot my big brother Now! "

"Big Brother ~~" ​​Fang Ting is a little shy. She really has a good impression of Chen Taotao these days, but being told in person is another matter.

"It's nothing, you both graduated from college, and you should try to fall in love. I think the young man is very good, and is eligible to be our brother-in-law's brother-in-law!" Hey, what is this adult-uncle? And it seems to be three times as uncle, this taste is far worse than letting others be my little uncle.

"Brother, people need to talk to you about serious matters. Don't keep talking about this!" Fang Ting felt a fever on his face. He didn't expect his actions to be seen by his brother in his eyes these days.

"Speak, what can I do for you?" Shen Long put a smile on his face.

"Taotao recently wanted to acquire Chen Wanxian's shares, which was almost successful, but Tongbao Bank cut off his funds. Now he is looking for people everywhere, and he can't find a new source of funds. I can only come to you for help. Brother This business is definitely not going to be lost. You must believe in the surging ability, he will certainly be able to make money for you! "Fang Ting begged Shen Long's arm.

At the same time, Chen Wanxian was sneering, "Fight me, you are still far away! I want to see, how can you buy my stock if you have no money! Hit the price of the stock in the afternoon, and then we close the position ! "

Do n’t look at his pride, but I feel a little regret in my heart. I already knew that this young man was so prosperous. When he went to see the woman with him, how could he say a few good words? It is a pity that it is too late to say anything now, but his own son has now become his enemy.

"Tao, no, Mr. Li rejected our financing application!"

"Tao, I can't do it here, the other party refuses to answer the phone!" Chen Taotao's men kept reporting bad news. Chen Taotao tried to keep calm on his face, but he was worried in his heart. He habitually wanted to talk to Fang Ting. Talk a few words to relieve the stress, but I did n’t see Fang Ting after sweeping around. Did she go there?

At this moment, Fang Ting came back, with a look of excitement on his face, "Tao, my elder brother wants you to see him!"

"Your elder brother?" Chen Taotao was a little ignorant. Although I have been falling in love with you these days, is it too early to see my parents? And now I ca n’t go away at this time, "Tingting, when this time is over, I will visit your house again, OK? I do n’t want to see your family, you know the situation now, I really do Can't go away. "

As soon as the words fell, the colleagues around were quiet and looked at them in surprise. Fang Ting's face was red again, and he quickly explained, "Tao, I don't mean that! My elder brother ... My elder brother also has a securities company. I just asked my elder brother to lend you money. My elder brother asked you to go upstairs and talk to him. If the talk is good, funding is not a problem. "

"Wow, Tingting, you don't see that you are still a wealthy man!" At this time, Chen Taotao's colleague was immediately excited. With money, Chen Wanxian was dead.

Chen Taotao was even more moved, "Ting Ting, thank you for your help, but ..." He was a little embarrassed to accept Fang Ting's help.

"Tao, we have no other way now! We will reopen the market soon, we must get enough funds before the market opens, otherwise Chen Wanxian will knock down the stock price!" Quickly reminded.

"It's okay. My elder brother is actually acquiring Chen Wanxian's stock these days. You and his goal are the same!" Upstairs just now, Shen Long said the situation to Fang Ting.

"It turns out that your brother is fighting with us these days, your brother is really powerful, the operation is very accurate and beautiful, I have long wanted to talk to him!" Chen Taotao finally willing to go with Fang Ting See Shen Long.

"Tao, this is my elder brother Fang Zhanbo, this is my eldest brother company's stock broker Ye Tian! My eldest brother, uncle Tian, ​​this is my current boss, Chen Taotao, vice president of Tongbao Bank." After going upstairs, Fang Ting helped them do Introduction.

"Mr. Fang, you are the stock **** Ye Tian, ​​I thought you had withdrawn from the stock market for a long time ~ ~ I didn't expect to see you here again!" Chen Taotao shook hands one by one, but it was Ye Tian shook hands longer.

"Those are the things of the past. Seeing that the young people are so good now, I want to retire soon." Ye Tian was very satisfied with him.

Time is tight, so Chen Taotao immediately explained his intention after greeting, "Since Tian Tian is also operating the stock of Mirador, then he must know that Chen Wanxian is almost over. This business will definitely not lose money. I only need to dismantle it for a few days. In a week, I will pay you back the profit, and the interest rate will be calculated according to the highest rate! "

"Tao." Fang Ting was a little unbearable, because Chen Taotao's actions were rejected by the head office, and he would have to pay for the interest.

"Anyway, we also have to deal with Chen Wanxian. It is good to have one more helper. This money can be borrowed, but I have a condition!" Shen Long said.

"Mr. Fang, please say, as long as I can do it!" Chen Taotao straightened up.

"Since Tongbao Bank doesn't trust you so much, it doesn't make much sense to continue working for them. It's better to wait for the end of this time, you come to our company to help!" Shen Long began to recruit him.

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