All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2126: Long Jiwen is back

"Pheasant, the master said, let you go through bail as soon as possible. You and I must have one outside and one inside!" Chen Haonan brought Shen Long's order when he entered the detention cell.

"I listen to the master and go through the formalities right away. Is it okay for you to stay alone?" The pheasant looked at the dinosaur on the opposite side, and there were so many loyal youths from Zhongqingshe.

"It's nothing at all! I showed my face in front of Gangster B and killed a few red sticks from Zhongqingshe. Now it's your turn!" Chen Haonan patted the pheasant on the shoulder. If it had been before, he said Maybe even Ding Crab can't win by himself, but now this person is not enough for him.

The pheasant quickly completed the formalities, and Shen Long's phone number also came over. "You are now taking your younger brother to Wanchai and smashing Ding Xiao Crab's Japanese shop. Give them a little color!"

"Yes, Master, I will do it right away!" Without any hesitation, the pheasant immediately hung up the phone and went back to Causeway Bay to summon his men and prepare to fight the Zhongqingshe.

Brother B also expressed support for this, "Yesterday ’s lesson for the Chung Ching Society is not enough. Today I will give them some great taste!" Wan Chai and Causeway Bay are close to each other, and there is usually no small conflict between the two clubs. Gangster B also knew through other channels that Zhongqingshe is in trouble now, and of course will follow this good opportunity to grab some sites back.

So the pheasant waved a watermelon knife and took the lead to kill the front. He went straight to Ding Xiao Crab ’s Japanese restaurant in Wan Chai. This is a high-end restaurant under the name of Ding Xiao Crab. It is used to entertain the guests of the Zhongqingshe on weekdays. Only crabs love to party here, but I do n’t know if the chefs here can make crabs.

"Pheasant, did you take the wrong medicine? Dare to come to our Zhongqingshe site to make trouble, don't go back since today!" The news that Pheasant and Chen Haonan beat the Ding Crab in the cell Ding Xiao Crab directly hung a bonus on them to take care of them. When the red stick of the Zhongqingshe saw the pheasant, he immediately greeted him with a steel pipe, and then smashed his head towards the pheasant.

"It's too slow! In this way, you can still serve as the red stick of the Zhongqingshe. I think you are no longer in the Zhongqingshe?" The pheasant did not shy away. Instead, he stepped forward and opened while the other party's red stick opened. Opportunity, invaded in front of him, the watermelon knife stabbed into his stomach mercilessly, and in the blink of an eye, the opponent's most capable gold medalist knelt.

"Go to **** you!" The pheasant kicked him off with a kick. He pulled out the **** watermelon knife and chopped to another Zhongqingshe. He cut left and right and instantly solved three hard stubble.

"The pheasant and Haonan are more and more capable now. I don't think even if the prince is here, they are not their opponents! Boss, your day is in your early days!" The cronies of the big brother B said, looking at the pheasant, he said The two are now under the hands of big brother B, and the capable big guys naturally take advantage of them.

"Haha, when this matter is resolved, I will open Xiangtang to promote them to let them be red sticks! Lest someone say that my brother B is doing things unfairly!" Brother B also laughed happily and came out to mix What is the most important? Isn't it someone with money? Such a good thug must definitely be stopped, lest other big guys entice them to overstep.

"Wan Chai is such a good place. It used to be cheaper for Zhongqingshe, and now it's time for Hongxing to bite a piece of meat from them! Give it to me and smash all the industry of Zhongqingshe!" The chicken has already knocked out the loyalty of the Chungcheongsha, and the big man B also carried the machete with his hands, and brought his men up to beat the Chungcheongsha.

Then he rushed into the Japanese restaurant and smashed it, smashing Ding Xiao Crab's hard-earned industry into a mess, terrifying the guests who came to eat, trembling, "Fuck, what the **** is this, later Not coming! "

The police arrived late after all was over. At this time, the big brother B and the pheasant had already ran away. The Zhongqingshe ’s men covered the wound and went to the police, "Asir, it was Hongxing ’s. , Hurry to catch them? "

However, the police were not in a hurry to catch the pheasants. Instead, they took out the handcuffs and tortured the younger brothers. "Society fights and fights, right? Come back to the police station to record your confession first!"

They also knew that Ding Yi crab sent someone to the door of Ling Sister's ice cream shop to prepare for trouble, and could not help but have a heart of hatred for the enemy. Do you dare to harass the storefronts of the police's family? Don't we policemen save face? Moreover, Zhuo Jingquan's orders were also given to make them focus on Zhongqingshe recently, so no matter how public or private they are, they will not make these younger brothers feel better!

"What? The Japanese shop in Wan Chai was smashed? Who moved? Why did Hongxing come to trouble us at this time? Do they want to go to war?" Ding Xiao crab was almost blown away by the news when he received the news. Yi crab went to intimidate Fang's family. Who knew that Ding Yi crab went out and ran for a while and came back, and he did nothing.

On the contrary, his shop was smashed by someone. Although it was done by Hongxing people on the bright side, it is conceivable that a police gangster like Zhuo Jingquan appeared in Fang ’s home, and the police treated the members of Zhongqingshe afterwards. Attitude, it is not difficult for Ding Xiao crab to guess that there must be a role for Fang.

"Boss, Hongxing has many people. At this time, save my dad first. Let's talk about it. UU reading is not suitable for fighting directly with them." Don't look at Zhongqingshe's many people, but they only got up. how long? Compared with Hong Xing, who has been developing for decades, Ding Yi crab counseled him again. He is such a bullying and hard-working character.

"Yes, boss, I heard that my dad is still being beaten every day in the detention cell. Let's send the best shots to protect my dad!" Ding Li crab also persuaded, he also wondered, Hung Hing clearly had only one person in the detention cell. Why did so many loyal youth clubs Ma Zi get in, still unable to fight?

"Second child, if you continue to stare at Repulse Bay, I don't believe Zhuo Jing Almighty lives in Fang's house! Youngest, you will accompany several barristers to discuss the case. Fourth, you go and ask the forensics office to drink!" Ding Filial piety has no choice but to back down for the time being. The most important thing now is the case.

"A Xiaocheng shrunk his head and tortoise? It doesn't matter, he shrunk. Can you continue to fight! Not only Wan Chai, but also many clubs in Kowloon City want A Xiao's site? I'll give you a sum of money, you persuade these clubs to attack Zhongqingshe! "Shen Long instructed the pheasant that he would not give Ding Xiao crab a chance to breathe.

Shen Longgang hung up the phone after talking to the pheasant, and the eldest brother rang again. He picked it up and heard an anxious voice from Long Jiwen over there. "Hey, I heard Uncle Ji say you want to sue Ding's family? It doesn't matter. Right? Are you at home now? I'm here to find you! "

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