All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2136: Ding Xiao crab's back

However, Ding Crab spent too much time in the prison, and was obsessed with revenge and revenge after he was released. He did n’t have much time to experience the changes of the new era. He did n’t know that the length of the drawstring of the new toilet is not suitable for suicide. When he jumped and fell to the ground, nothing happened except that the toilet flushed and made a clatter.

"Boss! Don't be like this. The boss is helping you out. The boss will surely rescue you!" This time, the youngsters of Zhongqingshe were terrified and rushed into the bathroom to rescue him. Ding crab committed suicide in the prison, then they will definitely be pulled by Ding Xiao crab to fill the sea.

"Boss, don't worry, Xiangjiang hasn't executed the death penalty in 20 years, that's what the newspaper said!" They quickly comforted Ding Crab, fearing he would find another opportunity to find death.

"Yes, boss, the Fang family is now a rich man. He advertises in newspapers every day. These newspapers listen to him. This is written to frighten you!" The younger brother also has a clever brain, even seeing Shen Long's plan.

"Isn't it really going to be hanged?" Ding Crab asked many times in a row, and he got a positive answer every time. He was a little relieved. In fact, although suicide just made a joke, he also made Ding Crab. The earth-shaking changes have taken place, and now he can no longer bear to die, and his survival is getting stronger.

"This Fang Zhanbo is really vicious! I remember he was so cute when he was a kid, so obedient, I was lying on the ground and dressed as a horse to ride him. As a result, he was so kind to me now, and he didn't show any kindness to him!" I remember Xiaoen Xiaohui I gave to others, but I forgot how much harm my behavior caused to Fang's family.

"Hey, the flower world of Xiangjiang is really easy to degenerate. My children in the other family are so good, and now the children of the Fang family actually want me to die, and they still threaten me by writing articles in the newspaper, but I stopped my son. We are intimidating Fang ’s family. It ’s really good to be bullied! ”Hearing this, the younger brother of Zhongqingshe could n’t help but roll his eyes. What is the child of the other party ’s family? Do you dare to dad, and then die?

"But it doesn't matter. People are kind and bully. I have never done anything sorry in my life. I believe Lord Judge will definitely give me a fair sentence and acquit me!" Ding Crab recovered again. It was not me who was wrong in the past, but the second temperament of this world.

"Now, no one disturbs you now. You all come to help me practice well, and I will defend myself by then!" Chen Haonan is away, and Ding Crab can finally practice with confidence.

"Master Judge, I ... don't plead guilty; Master Judge, I don't plead ... sin." He repeated the lines again and again, and kept asking the younger brothers to give their opinions, "Yes, you said I killed myself in self-defense How about changing to be able to forgive self-defense wrong hand and make a person sleep forever? Will this be better than self-defense killing? "

What are you talking about? The younger brothers also had nothing to say about Ding Crab, and they all kept silent. This time, the Ding Crab was dissatisfied again. He went up with a punch and kick, and forced them to speak.

In the Ding family's house, Ding Xiao Crab already knew that the lawsuit would definitely not win, he had to prepare for the defeat, "First let the grandma return the grandmother's home in Shantou; the second child, from now on Zhongqingshe The position of the boss is for you to do well. After this matter, we have been stared by the police. It is not promising to continue to join the community. Sooner or later, they will be caught by the police. We must save the money saved over the years. Just whitewash! "

"For the time being, Fang's house is for now. Everything is now focused on saving my dad. They can't afford to be rich. But making stocks is easy to go bankrupt. It's better for him to pray that he doesn't go bankrupt, as long as they If I go bankrupt, I will kill the whole family! "Ding Xiao Crab also realized that it was okay to deal with ordinary people by means of associations, but not enough to deal with a rich man.

This is not a matter of the Fang family, but it will cause the common hostility of all the rich in Xiangjiang. This is not something he can bear, so he can only withdraw for the time being.

"What about Hongxing? They have robbed us of several streets now, and our good hands have been sent to the detention center to protect the dad, and they can't beat them at all? And the police are helping them, on the street. When they met, as long as our people took the guys, they would be taken away by the police. The people of Hong Xing clearly held the watermelon knife in their hands, and they pretended not to see it! "Ding Yi crab asked.

"I will talk to Jiang Tiansheng to negotiate and give some sites to them. If they are still not satisfied, then only the dead fish net will be broken!" Ding Xiao crab's move made the fight between Zhongqingshe and Hongxing temporarily relaxed, but he also paid Quite a price.

Soon, the second court trial began. On this day, Shen Long and the rest of the Fang family still did not testify in court. The prosecutor dug out the members of Long Chengbang and Zhou Jisheng to let them talk about the behavior of Ding Crab. .

This time Ding Crab had no defense lawyers at all. He knew how to invalidate the testimony of these witnesses through opposition. He could only quarrel with them. This was in the heart of the prosecutor. What he did became more and more clear.

At that time, he not only played black fist ~ ~ but also worked for the police like Long Chengbang and Zhou Jisheng like a drug lord. He was an out-and-out gang.

Ye Tian also stood on the witness stand. "Jinxin and I are old partners in the stock market. He is a man who is kind and almost never conflicts with people ..."

The boss of the newsstand that Fang Jinxin used to work also came, "Mr. Fang worked in my newsstand for a period of time. At that time, he was already cerebral palsy, and his intelligence was very severe. Want to keep this job ... "

Speaking of Fang Jinxin's moving experience to get the job, the jury and many audience members cried with emotion, which made Ding Crab more panic.

The prosecutor took the opportunity to make up the knife, "Master Judge, members of the jury, through the testimony of these witnesses, I believe that everyone has a certain understanding of the two parties, Jinxin and Ding Crab."

"Ding Crab is the champion of the free fight competition. He is paranoid and impulsive. He has a strong tendency to violence. Even his wife can't stand it. Fang Jinxin is a polite and civilian staff who has been injured and turned into a Cerebral palsy, the action is not as good as before! How can such a person threaten a free fight champion and force him to defend himself? "

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