All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2138: Stanley Prison

When Judge Xiangjiang judges the death penalty, he will put a black veil on his head. This is because Xiangjiang is still a British colony, so it is deeply influenced by European and American culture and by Christianity; Christianity believes that when people die, the **** of death will Come here and **** away the soul. Black gauze can help people ensure that they are not seen by the **** of death and that the soul of the judge is not snatched by the **** of death.

Since the death penalty has been abolished in the UK, Ding Crab was routinely pardoned, and the death penalty was exempted and changed to life imprisonment. Before being sent to Stanley Prison to serve his sentence, he and the four brothers of the Ding family met for the last time.

"Son, my dad doesn't want to die. My dad went to Stanley Prison, and he will definitely be beaten to death. Hurry up and ask a barrister to rescue me! Let's appeal immediately, OK?" Ding Crab is panicking now. "I didn't expect that the children of Fang's family were so vicious, they didn't miss the kindness of those years, and they were just as ungrateful as Fang Jinxin!"

"Dad, daddy! We will not watch you in jail, we will definitely rescue you, you can rest assured!" Ding Xiao crab desperately appeased Ding Crab, because the police were there, he did not dare Tell Ding Crab his plan.

So these appeasements did n’t play any role. Ding Crab was still terribly afraid of death, and Ding Xiao Crab and others refused to let go, but the visiting time soon ended, and several bailiffs stepped forward to pull the Ding Crab away As he entered the car carrying the prisoner, he was ready to be sent to Stanley Prison to serve his sentence.

Along the way, Ding Crab's face was pale, and he was trembling all over, obviously already terribly frightened, and constantly complaining about the viciousness of Fang's family and the injustice of the judge. Until now, he still regarded himself as completely innocent I didn't expect Fang Jinxin to be killed by him, oh, or in his heart, Fang Jinxin's death is really forgivable to make a person sleep for a wrong hand.

Although the police who escorted him were well-informed and read the reactions of various prisoners, they were speechless to the extreme. "Hey, don't you really think you are innocent?"

The four brothers of Ding Xiao Crab came out of the courtroom, and they just saw Shen Long. They were celebrating. Fang Fang and others cried together. "Dad, did you see it in the spirit of heaven? Your case finally got a fair trial. The murderer was sentenced to life imprisonment, this guy Ding Crab is going to live in Stanley Prison all his life! "

"Into the new, you must bless Ding Crab has been living in it, bless a few children safe and peaceful." Luo Huiling leaned on Li Guang arms folded his hands and prayed, Li Guang held her tightly.

"Thank you guys, this is not the case if it were not for everyone. I have booked a banquet. Let ’s go to celebrate together!" Shen Long shook hands with the barristers in turn. "By the way, talk about me again. With regard to the company ’s affairs, I hope to continue to work with you to help me deal with the company ’s legal issues. ”

Although Shen Long ’s company has a legal department, the employees of the legal department are obviously not as capable as these barristers. They are not only good at criminal cases, some are proficient in commercial contract disputes, some are familiar with international patent provisions, and some are in The enterprise M & A program has rich experience, can these be cooperated?

"You're welcome, this case is actually not difficult. Even if we don't have Mr. Fang, we can win." The barristers said modestly, they were very happy to have a long-term legal cooperation with a billionaire, so they asked a few The sentence agreed, "Since Mr. Fang invites us, then we will be disrespectful."

"I can't say that. The case is simple, but without your elaborate preparations, my sisters and Sister Ling must have to endure some pain." This is also the truth. If these lawyers did not give Ding Crab's ex-wife, big head, and dragon Witnesses such as Cheng Bang and Zhou Jisheng ’s men, newsstand bosses, etc. were trained to tell them what to focus on in the courtroom, and the arrogance of Ding Crab was not so easily beaten down, and it was not like that when Sister Ling ’s turn came to court. Easy.

"Xiaomin, you are really powerful. You can review the exam while taking the court trial. You can also take the seven A-levels. It seems that our four siblings are the best at reading. In the future, you can continue to read as long as you want, whether it is Whether you want to study in the UK or the US, Big Brother supports you! "Shen Long praised Fang Min's head.

Even if you want to win the Nobel Prize, your eldest brother can help you get it. "Now Ding Crab has been laid down, and Xiao Min has also passed the university. Our Fang family is happy today, so we must celebrate it!"

"Hey, Sister didn't read any books at that time, Xiao Min helped her to read my copy too!" Fang Fang still regretted that she didn't have the opportunity to study, but it didn't matter. She is working hard at night school now , Making rapid progress.

"Let's go!" Ding Xiao Crab didn't want to see this scene, and immediately took his younger brother away, "Second, arrange for people to come in and serve the father; fourth, wait for the limelight to pass and let them open the identification document for the father immediately. , Save Dad. "

"People have already been arranged in advance, but the boss, Hongxing, there are many people in Stanley Prison. Shouldn't they be harmful to Dad?" Ding Yi crab said worriedly.

"They have agreed, and I have figured out a way to let the younger brother take the medicine in and secretly give it to his dad. After he has eaten, he will have **** stools. UU reads the book at The opportunity to check the body! "Said Ding Li Crab.

When Shen Long was about to arrive at the restaurant, Ding Crab was also sent to Stanley Prison by a prison car. Stanley Prison was built in 1937, and was once used by the Japanese army to hold hostile nationals and British officials.

In the nearly 30 years until the last death sentence was executed in the autumn of 1966, the death penalty in Hong Kong was all executed in the prison; due to the practice of the British, the death sentence is not a funeral, and its body will be buried near Stanley Prison In the cemetery, their family members did not have the right to take back their bodies for burial, and they could not even enter the graveyard to worship.

But now it is specifically used to detain male adult prisoners. Many major criminal prisoners are serving their sentences here. Seeing the gate of the prison, Ding Crab is even more trembling. The last time he was jailed in Baodao, he still had hope. This time, it seemed that he was going to live in it all his life.

Shen Long They arrived at the door of the restaurant and got off the car. Shen Long stood at the door waiting for the barristers to park the car, get out of the car, shake hands with them and prepare to go upstairs together.

At this moment, a Rolls-Royce stopped in front of Shen Long. The driver got out of the car and opened the door. Three rich men walked out of the car.

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