All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2168: The third crab hangs

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"Dad, leave me a little bit!" Ding Yi crab made a few wailing sounds, but no tears shed. In the past few days, he has cried all the tears.

"Doctor, do I have to cut it?" Ding Crab is not unbearable. If Ding Ding is gone, if he wants to cut eggs, then there will be nothing.

"It's okay. In fact, it doesn't have much impact on the patient's life, but it can only slightly relieve the patient's pain!" The doctor said it doesn't matter, if you are willing to keep watching the eggs slowly decay, then No problem, anyway, it is not easy to find someone to perform surgery on Ding Yi crab.

"Then... cut it!" Ding Crab flinched. If it didn't, Ding Yi Crab wailed painfully in the villa every day, neither of them could withstand it. These days, both Ding Crab and Ding Xiao Crab Ding Yi crab's howling caused nervous breakdown, Ding crab's hair fell a lot, and Ding Xiao crab's hairline began to move backward.

"Since there is not much time, let him have as little pain as possible during the last time! Doctor, please help us to contact the doctor for the operation last time!" Ding Xiao Crab has begun to consider whether to give Ding Yi Crab Taking drugs, this thing is still very effective in pain relief.

"Well, this, since the last operation, Dr. Li has not rested for a few days, worrying about whether he will be infected with AIDS all day, so... if it is the last cost, Dr. Li will not come. "This is risking your life for surgery, so you have to add money.

"Wow, it is said that the doctor is a white angel who rescues and heals the wounds. Isn't he too ethical to do this?" Ding Yi crabs are all like this. They have to endure the doctor's blackmail.

"No way, now Dr. Quan Xiangjiang is willing to do surgery for Mr. Ding, and I really can't find anyone else!" The doctor shrugged and expressed helplessness. You weren't willing to let him perform surgery on Ding Yi crab. Wan What should I do if my finger is contaminated with blood from Ding Yi crab during an operation There is no blocking drug.

"Dad, now is not the time to care about these, we are not without money, just give him!" Ding Xiao crab persuaded, we now only have money left, Ding Li crab and Ding Wang crab are dead, Ding Yi crabs haven't had many days. Grandma was paralyzed and stayed in Shantou's hometown. The younger brothers ran and scattered, and Ding Xiao Crab gradually tasted the taste of the lonely family.

When I think of these Ding Xiao Crabs, I feel that it is not appropriate for Ding Crab to come back from Treasure Island. If he didn't want to rescue him from the prison, the fourth son might not die. If he offended Zhou Jisheng, he would force himself After killing Sister Hua, the third child may not die, the second child will not be injured, nor will he contract the disease.

But what can he say? This is his dad, no matter how hard it is, it’s his turn to say that Ding Xiao Crab can only put these in his heart. He still waits for Ding Crab every day. Seeing Ding Yi Crab suffering like this, Ding Crab is now It was also haggard day by day, and the body that was able to punch the dead in the past also became skinny.

Dr. Li soon came over to help Ding Yi crab undergo an operation and removed the egg on his left. However, within a few days, the egg on the right of Ding Yi crab also began to rot. After the doctor visited, he shook his head again and said By the same token, "It's gone, let's cut it!" This is really bad, not that the underwear is fading.

So for the third time, Dr. Li came over and helped Ding Yi crab excise the egg on the right. This time, Ding Yi crab left nothing; perhaps it was the reason that AIDS completely destroyed the immune system. This time Ding Yi crab surgery Later, the disease reappeared faster, and began to erode from the location of Ding Ding's root, and quickly spread to both buttocks.

Ding Yi Crab started again howling day and night, the tossed Ding Crab and Ding Xiao Crab were miserable, even if Ding Xiao Crab gave him the special medicine for analgesia, he could not find a doctor again. , "Doctor, can these places be removed?"

The doctor glanced and quickly shook his head, "No, it has spread to the thigh, where is it next to the aorta, how to remove it?" After cutting it again, it becomes a skeleton. He is only a doctor, not a necromancer, but it will not make people Turning into a skeleton can also maintain a high level of life skills.

"So, the second son was completely saved?" Ding Xiao crab flicked and nearly fell to the ground. Ding crab even sat on the sofa and cried with a headache. "Why did God do this to me! What am I doing wrong?" What's wrong!"

After sending the doctor away, Ding Xiao crab looked at Ding Yi crab crying in the room. After a long time, he seemed determined to come over and help Ding Crab upstairs, "Dad, you are too tired these days Let’s take a good rest! If you have me on the second child, you can rest assured."

He helped Ding Crab back to the bedroom and gave him two sleeping pills. These days Ding Crab and Ding Xiao Crab can only rely on this to sleep, otherwise the ears are full of Ding Yi crab's cry and can't sleep at all.

Watching Ding Crab gradually fall asleep, Ding Xiao Crab walked downstairs slowly, learned the doctor's way to take protective measures, walked into Ding Yi Crab's room with warm water and medicine, and passed the tablets to Ding Yi Crab, "Come on, second son, take the medicine. After taking these medicines, you won't hurt anymore!"

"Boss, are you going to send me away?" Ding Yi crab has always been thick and big leaves. I don't know why. At this time, he suddenly became smart and did not take the medicine as usual.

"Second child, UU reading How can you think so? I am your elder brother, how can I hurt you? This is the special medicine that I bought from abroad for you. Going on, it won't hurt anymore!" Ding Xiao Crab had no choice but to let his tears come out. He carefully hurt these younger brothers, but he didn't expect to send his younger brother by himself today.

But what if you don't do this? The second child's illness has been completely saved. The doctor said that he will be able to live for a month at most. Instead of letting him watch his body continue to rot and spend this month in painful wailing, it is better to let He left early, which would save him some torture.

"Boss, I always didn't listen to you, greedy and erotic, and impulsive mistakes. If I can get better this time, I will listen to you, work hard, and be filial to your dad and grandma with you." His words are good, and Ding Yi crab has endured so many days of torture, and his temperament has also changed.

Then he opened his mouth to eat the pills, and Ding Xiao Crab slowly retreated. After a while, Ding Yi Crab struggled violently. After a while, a black blood came out of the corner of his mouth and he didn't move anymore.

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