All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2171: Distressed Nintendo

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As early as 1980, Nintendo created the world's first LCD screen game console GameWatch, and sold 43.4 million sales; the introduction of the LCD screen makes this true game console screen vivid Up, and the screen of the previous handheld game console was just a light-emitting diode.

This revolutionary improvement made Nintendo a great success. In 1983, an improved version of GameWatch was launched. Since then, the combination of the cross key and the AB key has laid the prototype of the game console of the video game console with Nintendo FC, which has become well deserved. Originator.

This game console was designed and manufactured by Yokoi Junhei, one of Nintendo's three technical masters. Its idea comes from Yokoi Junhei. He has been playing with the electronics because he is bored when he sees an office worker while riding the Shinkansen. The sudden whimsy of the calculator scene is named after video games and digital quartz watches, respectively.

Later, when Yokoi Junping showed the prototype to Nintendo President Yamauchi, the latter immediately aroused great interest from the latter. Grandfather Yamauchi even personally participated in the design and development of GameWatch.

The first version is a completely non-extensible design. Just like a digital watch, there is only one game on a host, and the screen is switched by a fixed single frame. Then Nintendo realized that the interest of the non-expandable game was greatly reduced, and released a replaceable game. Version, but this replacement game is different from the traditional handheld, but a panel that integrates the screen with the game content. In a strict sense, GameWatch is not an expandable game machine.

The gameboy launched by Shen Long can directly replace the game card. The game cassette only needs to be placed vertically in the game cassette interface of the gameboy game machine, which reduces the cost of game players to buy cassettes, and has made a huge improvement. That's the host battle function.

There is a communication pair interface on the side of the gameboy. Players can match with other hosts and corresponding games through the gameboy dedicated communication cable. They can even provide up to four players to play against the connector at the same time. The other three hosts play online.

This greatly enhances the player's interactivity. After all, how much fun can playing games like play? Is it fun for everyone to play together? The feeling of defeating the opponent in the match is really wonderful.

When Shen Long’s company held a new product launch event in Tokyo, Nintendo directly fryed the pot. Because NEC and Sega have entered the TV game field one after another, it has caused a serious threat to Nintendo. Yuuchi Yamauchi is very worried about the product being too simple and develops it. The second economic pillar is already imminent.

Yokoi Junping has always been obsessed with the development of portable game consoles, pinned his hopes on portable game consoles, and invested a lot of research and development funds to develop, but what I did not expect was that their samples had not been taken out yet. Xiangjiang Company even bought the ranks of game console production companies from pure game companies, and also produced such excellent works.

"Yokoi, how long will it take you to take out this... No, a better portable game console than this one comes out?" Yamauchi asked Yokoi Junping with a serious expression.

"Based on the current investment amount and R&D progress, it will take at least a year and a half!" Junping Yokoi is also frowning. This gameboy is almost exactly the same as the portable game console he dreamed of, even more than he now expects. Even better, he knew there, this was originally the work he launched two years later.

"A year and a half?" Yamauchi shook his head. For such a long time, it was afraid that the daylily had been cold. "No, although it is limited by production capacity, this Xiangjiang company's game console has not yet been able to distribute on a large scale. , But I heard that their industrial park in Xiangjiang is working overtime and overtime. After a year and a half, this game console must have occupied a large share of the portable game console market. It is difficult for us to compete with them again. Now!"

In the mall, whoever seizes the opportunity will occupy an extremely advantageous position in the competition. If game players all over the world are accustomed to gameboy, even if they can launch a better host, out of consideration of consumption habits, consumption People will still tend to buy that Xiangjiang company's products.

Moreover, a year and a half later, they will launch new game consoles, won't that Xiangjiang company keep up? Judging from the previous actions of this company, the young man named Fang Zhanbo is definitely not a short-sighted guy. He will definitely continue to invest in the development of the next host.

"If you double the existing R&D expenditure and manpower, how much time can you shorten?" Puu Yamanei asked. Now is not the time to save money. Before everyone did not come up with a decent game console, we can still Wait a minute, but since the competitor has already appeared, you must defeat him.

Yokoi said quietly, "It will take at least one year!" The increase in funding and manpower also has a limit to the progress of research and development. It is not that doubling the investment can shorten the time by half.

"No, it's too slow!" Since normal competition can't win, then you can only take other methods. Yamauchi took out the patented weapon that the Japanese are used to. "Has this game console adopted our design and technology? ? Can we sue them for infringing our patents?"

Nintendo's accumulation in this area is equally strong, especially the combination of the cross key and the AB key, which is an obstacle that almost every game console company can't get around.

However, in later generations, UU reading can avoid these patents. For example, the design of the disk direction key, the cross key can only control four directions, and you need to control the oblique direction. Hold down two keys at the same time, this operation makes many game players find it inconvenient, and the disk direction keys only need to be lightly tapped in the diagonal position, this design is more advanced than the cross key, more Convenient, Shen Long will naturally use it.

"Yan Nei-san!" Yokoi Junping smiled and shook his head bitterly. "I'm afraid it's not our issue of pursuing their patents. According to my research results, this game console uses many of the technologies we were originally developing, but there was no final breakthrough. We need to develop new mainframes, or we must overthrow the accumulation of the past, or we must purchase the patent right from them!"

This is the legendary way to take others, leaving others nowhere to go. Shen Long preemptively registered many future Nintendo patents, so that the original author, Yokoi Junping, began to have headaches about how to avoid these patents.

Yamauchi heard this and fell into a long silence with Yokoi Junping.

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