All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2185: Continue filming

"... his stock gift is given to you, whether you accept it, please confirm it!" This reward is not beyond Shen Long's expectations. The most valuable thing in Fang Zhanbo is this. He clicked decisively to accept it, and then his mind There are many more things.

Shen Long opened his mobile phone, downloaded a stock trading software, and logged in with his previously opened account. He randomly found a few stocks and just looked at the recent changes in these stocks, and roughly judged these stocks in the future. If it goes up or down, he asks Bai Ze to collect data to confirm his judgment.

Almost as soon as the voice fell, Bai Ze found enough data and gave the analysis results, "According to the data, five of the seven stocks you studied, the future development trend of which basically matches your judgment, Three will only rise slightly, two will fall slightly."

This accuracy rate is already very high, which means that if Shen Long is willing to trade stocks, he can definitely make a fortune in the stock market. Of course, he just thinks about it. Shen Long is not very interested in money now, he wants to get it. Money, that way is too much.

"No, why are there two stocks wrong? What is the reason?" However, Shen Long is not satisfied, shouldn't all seven stocks be right?

"The remaining two stocks are the result of deliberate operations. The trends on the surface are not consistent with the real conditions of these two companies. According to the information I have collected, these two stocks will immediately fall to a limit, thus holding a large number of people. "Bai Ze said in a mood of emotion, and then a large amount of information appeared on Shen Long's mobile phone.

"Huh, it was originally ready to cut leeks!" Shen Long chirped, hey, it seems that even Fang Zhanbo's stock talent is not enough to look at today's stock market. The water inside is very deep.

Forget it, I didn’t plan to make money on it anyway, so I’m not going to mix it up! Shen Long was still a little unwilling to put down his mobile phone. Although he did not speculate in stocks, he despised the behavior of cutting leeks. So he thought about letting Bai Ze package the information and report it to the relevant departments. The human conspiracy succeeded.

After doing this, Shen Long re-examined his gains this time. Fang Zhanbo’s rewards are not only for helping him to speculate in stocks, but more valuable is the systematic knowledge of the stock market. From a young age, how should a company go public? The process can raise enough funds from the stock market for corporate development.

From Dali said, how an economic subject should use stories to absorb social idle funds and promote economic development, which is much more meaningful than buying short and selling short in the stock market to make a fortune.

With this knowledge, Shen Long’s understanding of modern finance has reached a new level. If we re-enter the world of "The Name of the People", we can do more, at least want to help the development of enterprises in our province To grow, you don't have to fight for policy funding or help them get loans from banks.

Helping these potential companies go public and raising funds on the stock market is also an effective method. Perhaps for some companies, this is a more appropriate method than policy grants or bank loans.

If this crosses into a world where the development of the stock market is not yet perfect, Shen Long can even use his own knowledge to build a complete stock market system, which has greatly promoted economic development.

Forget it, let’s not talk about it. Let’s study slowly when it becomes available in the future. What else is there before entering the mission world? Oh, by the way, I also bought the film and television rights of "Three Body" to prepare for the movie. This is very interesting, so let's go ahead.

Hey, from the current situation, it is a little unrealistic to call actors to shoot live-action movies. This is not only because of the epidemic, but also because Shen Long is not well-known now, and some powerful actors are not necessarily willing to cooperate with him.

So let’s take the animated version first. Although there are a series of high-scoring works such as "The Three-Body Chapter Beihai Biography" and Zhu Yu is in front, Shen Long is also very good. Just use advanced methods to copy the original "Three-Body" The plot is presented, it is definitely a great work. The adaptation of classic works is difficult and difficult, and it is really not difficult to say that it is not difficult. Sometimes the director has too many ideas but it is easy to be bad.

"Three bodies, three deaths and eternal life" will not be mentioned for the first time. "Three bodies one" and "Three bodies two dark forests" are both highly completed works. The filming may be due to the length of time, funding and other limitations. With a large-scale adaptation, the cartoon does not have this problem.

And did Liu have already promised to be a consultant? Is there anything he has to modify to make him have a headache? As for the difference between a novel and a script, is there not himself? Shen Long is also very good in this respect, how to say he is also the one who has photographed the four famous works.

In the selection of the picture, "My Three Body Chapter Beihai Biography" uses the modeling mode of "My World". The character modeling can only be said to be unsatisfactory. Shen Long cannot naturally do this, he has better The software system must definitely come up with more elaborate and more shocking picture effects, otherwise Da Liu's work can't be sorry.

Between 2d and He chose the 3d effect. Last year, Netflix launched a short animation collection "Love, Death and Robot", which

The company's "Sunny's Advantage", "Transformer", unitieorks company's "Lucky XIII" and digicictures' "Secret War" are all 3D animation works.

Especially in "Transformer", "Beyond the Fracture" and "Secret War", the picture effect can be almost fake. Shen Long almost regarded the characters inside as real people at first glance.

The software that Shen Long can produce is definitely better than what they use, and it can definitely shape lifelike characters, that is, there is still a lack of seiyuu. The domestic seiyuu level still has a big gap with foreign countries, but it does not matter. Could it be the same as "Po Lian Lan", please ask big-name actors to dub.

It's not suitable for outdoor shooting now, shouldn't it be a problem to dub in batches in the studio? If it doesn't work, can Bai Ze synthesize the sound?

So, let's start with the character design, how should Ye Wenjie look like? What should the history be like? How to design this character Luo Ji? Shen Long fell into thought.

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