All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2200: Antarctic

"Who are you? I don't know you!" Tony Stark thought it was a gift from Techara to himself, but he didn't expect it to appear as a stranger.

"I’m Eric Kormange. According to the tradition of Wakanda, I replaced Techara as the new king of Wakanda! I will continue the open road of King Techaca and strengthen communication with the outside world. I think you are the best bridge between Wakanda and the outside world!" Shen Long said slowly. "This little thing is a gift from me, I hope you are interested."

"Very nice little thing, where did Techara go?" When he talked about the throne replacement, Stark remembered the thrill of Thor and his younger brother Loki. It didn’t take long for him to get in touch, but Stark had a good impression of this guy.

"Except that he is no longer a king, he is no different than before. You can contact him yourself." Through Kimo Yuzhu, Shen Long saw what Stark was doing now, "You seem to be developing new Armor? Then I think you definitely need some Zhenjin. If you are interested, please contact me again after studying Kimo Yuzhu!"

After speaking, Shen Long cut off the communication. This time it was just a hello. It was inappropriate to talk about cooperation at the beginning, which was too presumptuous, and Stark would definitely find a way to verify what he said.

"Friday, help me contact Techara!" In the previous civil war, Stark and Techara exchanged contact information. He immediately found Techara and asked what happened recently. Techara confirmed Shen. Long's argument.

"Yes, I lost in the competition." Techara seemed a little frustrated. If Shen Long started to reverse his behavior as soon as he became king, he would be better off, he could find a suitable reason to regain the throne, but it was short. Within a few days, Shen Long gained the support of the frontier tribes, merchant tribes, and the council of elder tribes. Even Naqiya began to help Shen Long with good words, and he felt that his hopes of regaining the throne became increasingly slim. .

"Oh, this is really unfortunate news." Stark said uncomfortably. He did have a good impression of Techara, but it was only a good one. He is more concerned about Zhenjin and Jimoyou now. The thing about Zhu, "So, what kind of person is this little boy who has just become a king?"

"He grew up in the United States in a very different way from me, but at present it seems to be a good person, and now the Wakanda people have gradually begun to accept him." The honest child of Techara will not Say bad things about others behind your back.

"So he can decide that Zhenjin has other technological products for export?" This is the most concern of Stark.

"He showed some intention to strengthen contacts with the outside world and gained the support of many people." Techara remembered the excitement of the merchant tribal leader.

"Thank you, Techara, and welcome to New York if you have time." After getting enough news, Stark ended the call, and then concentrated on studying Kimo Yuzhu.

"Wow, it's a nice gadget. Its storage capacity and data transmission and reception capabilities are amazing. What is the principle?" Stark issued the same question as Shen Long.

"I received some information that may be useful to you, Mr. Stark!" On Friday, the information that Bai Ze had just sent to it was displayed, and Stark's IQ also quickly figured out the doorway.

"Quantum encryption transmission storage technology? I now believe that Wakanda's technology is indeed ahead of the outside world for many years!" There is something in it that Stark himself did not think of, and now I see not only a sudden and cheerful feeling emerged. , "With these materials, the communication system and information processing system of the new armor can be upgraded again, and your performance can be better improved on Friday."

Stark and Shen Long thought about going together again. Shen Long is now using Kimo Yuzhu's technology to upgrade Bai Ze in the palace, and Stark thought of taking this to upgrade Friday.

"If this technology is combined with the steel armor, in the future, even if it is in the universe, it can smoothly communicate with the earth in real time." The scale of the universe is too large, even if the electronic signal propagating at the speed of light will appear Delay, relying on traditional communication methods, the message is sent here, and it will not be received until a few years or even a few hundred years later, but quantum communication technology does not have this problem, even if it is a distance of hundreds of light years. Real-time communication can also be achieved.

This is really useful for Tony Stark who has been worried about the aliens launching attacks and even wants to take the initiative to attack the aliens against the earth's enemies.

"On Friday, help me cancel all my recent appointments and give the company everything to Little Pepper. I want to concentrate on this gadget!" Tony Stark took the bait and began to indulge in the bait thrown by Shen Long, seriously The study of Kimo comes from beads.

Tony Stark deserves to be a genius. After spending a few days, he thoroughly understood the principles and techniques of Kimo Yuzhu and even came up with several solutions to use this advanced technology to improve the performance of his steel armor.

"In this case, the design of Mark Warframe will have to be changed again! By the way, what did the guy say last time? is Zhenjin! If you can get enough Zhenjin to add To the latest model of armor, the combat effectiveness of the armor can be greatly improved." Since being hypnotized by the Scarlet Witch and having that dream, Tony Stark has always been full of urgency, afraid of the scene in the dream. Appearance.

Therefore, he constantly improves the performance of the steel armor, and wants to make himself more powerful, in case there is not enough strength when the crisis comes, so that things that make him suffer.

Captain America’s shield is made of Zhenjin and original Edman metal, iron and a certain chemical. It is almost indestructible and can resist extreme pressure, extreme temperature, radiation, electromagnetic wave spectrum and other attacks. Tony Stark is also very familiar with this The performance of the face shield naturally thought of using rare materials such as Edman alloy and vibration gold to build a battle armor for yourself.

But the scarcity of Zhenjin made him unable to do this. Even if he defeated Ultron before, collecting a lot of Zhenjin is not enough, and now Shen Long shows the meaning of Ken selling him to Zhenjin, Tony Stark How can you not expect it?

Based on the results of his research over the past few days, he contacted Shen Long using Kimo Yuju. "Can we talk? Face to face, you come to New York, or I go to Wakanda."

"Sorry, I'm afraid it won't work these days, I'm in Antarctica!"

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