All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2208: Big house door

Of course, although everything in the experiment is normal now, Shen Long does not plan to take this drug immediately, because it will take some time to observe to see if there are any sequelae after mixing these two heart-shaped grasses. It does not mean that it does not exist, and it may burst out later.

In addition to daily observations, Shen Long also made some scientific research equipment, collecting the excreta and blood of these little mice every day for testing and analysis to see if there are any new changes. These data are very normal for several days. There was no abnormal reaction, and Shen Long slowly felt relieved.

Then he began to mix the two kinds of ore powders of Antarctic Zhenjin and Wakanda Zhenjin, and then hybridized two different heart-shaped grasses on the land mixed with mixed mineral powder, trying to cultivate both Two new generations of heart-shaped grasses come out, so that you don’t have to take the medicine twice.

Although the medicine made by the heart-shaped grass has wonderful effects, it tastes as bad as most traditional Chinese medicines. It has no way to eat the heart-shaped grass once, but after it is cultivated, Arya will suffer less. .

In addition, Shen Long also intends to study and study how to reduce the efficacy of the heart-shaped grass medicine. After all, the performance of this medicine is too exaggerated for the real world, and it can improve human physical quality several times at once. In a special period, it will definitely cause an uproar if it spreads out.

If you can reduce the efficacy of the drug, don’t be too powerful. As long as you can ensure the efficacy of strengthening your body, this kind of thing can be planted on a large scale, and then cooperate with the academician Ma Lin of the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine to develop a new generation The health care medicines used to improve the physical fitness of Chinese people are also a good thing.

It's just that Shen Long still has some regrets. If more than a dozen football school children can be recruited and given genuine heart-shaped grass-medicated drugs, then they have to worry that the national football team can't break out of Asia? Make sure to try to win the World Cup next time. With the national football player strengthened by the heart-shaped grass, no matter what President Messi or Mbappe is, it is not an opponent!

If the national football team's goal difference in each match is less than double digits, this group of players will collectively go to Shanxi to dig coal! Isn’t this a waste of my medicine?

However, Shen Long thinks that he has helped the Chinese team to win the World Cup in other worlds, so it's a breath, so let's forget about this matter. I still want to continue to live quietly in the real world. These things are just me I've used it myself; at most, I will give the special department a little finished medicine through the channel of Academician Lu.

Hey, the situation in the world has become more and more tense recently. If there is a special force with extremely strong personal qualities, it is estimated that there are many problems that can be easily dealt with? Think about it. What special missions do you want to accomplish with the dozens of Captain America and Black Panther special forces, and with the advanced equipment built by Zhenjin?

Through the opportunity to communicate with the lithography machine research team, Shen Long transmitted some of the advanced technology he got from Wakanda to the other party. The technology of Kyomo Yuzhu is much more advanced than the existing technology level. Although its quantum communication technology is already very powerful, it is still very immature compared to this.

If you can popularize the technology of Jimo Yuzhu, it will definitely subvert the existing communication industry and it industry. The patent barriers that have been spent in Europe and the United States for many years and will be built over the years will become the same as the Mackinaw defense, even lithography. The machine is useless, so just seeing the theoretical knowledge, these experts are frying.

"What the hell? In the last email, I said well about the lithography machine. Why is it now becoming a technology that looks the same as a science fiction movie?" Someone couldn't help thinking of Shen Long. Practice Tucao.

"Although I haven't studied quantum communication deeply, from this article alone, it is self-consistent. Maybe it's really feasible. If I can really realize the technology described in this article, I still need to study light there. Engraving machine?" Some people are also attracted to new articles.

"Can't say that, even with this new technology, the lithography machine still has a place!" This is the result of their years of research, how can they give up, and they are indeed telling the truth, light Engravers are not just chips that can be used to make communications and computers.

"Hey, we are not experts in quantum communications! We can only look at the rough question. I am afraid that comrades from other departments will analyze it! Let’s concentrate on the problem of lithography machines. This question is crucial. As long as you can thoroughly study it, you can improve the existing machining accuracy by an order of magnitude!"

The news reached the ears of the superior leaders, and the superior leaders also began to have headaches. "How many good things does he have? Controllable nuclear fusion, a new generation of fighters, lithography machines plus quantum communications, and more people and departments are involved. More and more, do we have to get him a research base specifically!"

"It would be weird to have several completely different research institutions mixed together? You can't get the wind tunnel and the Tokmark device together? These institutions have different requirements on location and environment. I think it is still maintained. The status quo!"

"Specific research institutions can't be put together But the core expert group can be put together, and it's good to exchange ideas after reading new mail every week." Leaders began to discuss.

Shen Long didn't care how much trouble he caused to the relevant departments. After replying to the email, he continued to grow flowers and grass in the courtyard. Nurturing work.

At the same time, I did not forget to observe the daily activities of these mice and test their excrement and blood samples. As time passed, these mice still did not have any abnormal reactions.

The new generation of heart-shaped grass, which combines the advantages of two heart-shaped grasses, has also been successfully cultivated. Similarly, experiments have been conducted with white mice. The white mice who have taken the new heart-shaped grass have also improved their physical fitness. Being able to melt the metal's super power, Shen Long was very happy for a while.

However, this new type of heart-shaped grass can't be taken right away. For reasons of security, let's continue to observe for a while and talk about it. After confirming that there are no sequelae, give yourself and Arya.

Just when Shen Long was conducting the experiment on the white mouse, a system prompt sound came again in his mind, "From the world of "Da Zhai Men"..."

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