All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2210: Ji Zongbu

A flash of white light flashed through, and Shenlong's nostrils smelled of medicinal scent. I don't need to ask Shen Long to know that I am definitely in the Baicao Hall's mansion. Other places can smell such a positive medicinal scent; open my eyes At first glance, he turned into a child, and he wanted to see from Bai Jingqi's memory that the year was now when the door opened.

President Hu came in, "Jing Qi, today I found another teacher for you to come back, go, go out with me and go to the teacher, I will tell you, this time the teacher you found is terrific, on the subject is Guozijian Superintendent, on Kung Fu is a warrior of the Shenjiying, on everything is one-on-one."

Oh, I know when it is now. When Bai Jingqi is about to be conquered by Ji Zongbu, Ji Zongbu is regarded as a rare capable person among the flags, not only the civil and military, but also the foreigners in Germany. Already ill, even if he has the heart to help Kuang Fu Ji Ji, it is also unable to return to heaven.

But it can be said that although Ji Zongbu is a rare talent at the moment, he has not yet been qualified as a teacher. He will do everything he can, and he will not do it. The existence of slinging, but it is not unfavorable to follow him, at least one more reason to contact foreign knowledge.

To say that the Baicao Hall is really powerful, it is used in the pharmacy. If you talk about the medical technique of the Bai family, it is definitely the first class in China, but the times are different now. In the era of Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine, if you continue to follow the old road of Baicao Hall, you can only continue the glory of Baicao Hall at most. Shen Long is not satisfied with these.

If it's not good to say something, what can even Tongrentang do? Does Tong Ren Tang continue into the 21st century, or is it a well-known sign in the Chinese traditional medicine industry, which sells a large number of Chinese patent medicines to the market every year. Can Tong Ren Tang compare with Pfizer, Roche, Johnson & Johnson, Novartis and other pharmaceutical giants?

Fortunately, the development of Western medicine and Western medicine has just started. I want to change this status quo, but I have no time. But a child of a Chinese medicine parent, why should I learn Western medical technology? Ji Zongbu's arrival gave Shen Long a good excuse, but people stayed abroad.

Shen Long didn't speak, so he followed General Manager Hu out, and General Manager Hu kept telling him along the way, "Jing Qi, this time the teacher is not ordinary, you can't treat it like before." Bai Jingqi gave the teacher before Stinky tofu soup was poured into the nose, and the ink cartridge was placed on the top of the door. The teacher drank the ink as soon as he came in. The teacher invited by the Bai family ran one after another. If Ji Zongbu was angry again , Then no one dared come.

In the open room, he saw that Bai Wenshi was talking with Ji Zongbu, and when Shen Long came in, Bai Wenshi said to him, "Come and give Mr. Ji a bow." When speaking, Bai Wenshi can be brave enough to fear that Bai Jingqi will not obedient.

Shen Long, however, behaved in a proper manner. Hey, how can I save Bai Jingqi? I will give you a salute on behalf of Bai Jingqi. Seeing this scene, both Bai Wenshi and Mr. Hu opened their mouths. Grandpa's temper today? Bai Wenshi smiled, "Jing Qi, today is good."

"I know Mr. Ji, he saved me!" Shen Long said. At the time, the five-year-old Bai Jingqi was **** for a ransom of 12,000 silver. Ji Zongbu rescued him and sent him to the entrance of Baicao Hall. of.

After clarifying this matter, Bai Wenshi hurried up to salute Ji Zongbu, "It's a coincidence, we have been looking for the benefactor who rescued Jing Qi in the past few years, but we never found it. I didn't expect it to be you. I want to thank you more!"

"Nothing. At first, they did things a little too much. I didn't like it. The child was pretty good. It's so small to remember." Ji Zongbu didn't ask Bai Wenshi to finish the ceremony and turned to comment on the child. .

"If you want me to say that this is fate, Jing Qi, you didn't recognize those teachers before, Mr. Ji taught you that you should have nothing to say?" Bai Wenshi was very happy.

"You can let me learn with Mr. Ji, but you can promise me a few conditions!" Shen Long began to bargain. "Mr. Ji will only teach me alone, he taught me what you do not care!" Ji Zongbu also Work, can not be a tutor of the Bai family around the clock, and Shen Long also wants to learn about foreigners from him, so it is naturally not suitable to learn with others.

"Mr. Ji?" Bai Wenshi looked at Ji Zongbu, although in her heart, as long as Bai Jingqi was willing to learn, she could not wait to agree to these conditions immediately, but she still had to see the teacher for such things as a teacher. If you first agreed, it would be rude. .

"I think this child is very good and courageous. When I rescued him from the kidnappers, he was not afraid at all!" Ji Zongbu did not object, so this was the thing.

"I arranged for people to pack up the study!" President Hu quickly went out and went to work. The Bai family has its own school. On weekdays, several children of the Bai family are there to receive teacher education, but now Shen Long has to follow Ji Zongbu Studying alone, that old place is naturally unusable and you have to clean up a new place.

Fortunately, the courtyard of Baicao Hall is large, and there are many empty houses. It didn’t take much time. General Manager Hu took someone to decorate the study. It is full of various books, when there are two desks in the middle, one large and one small.

"Mr. Ji, how are you looking at this place? If there are any inappropriate places, you can tell me, I will relocate immediately." President Hu asked.

"It's good, let's do that first. From this moment, I will teach Jing Qi here!" Ji Zongbu was quite satisfied with this place.

"Eh, Holler, the tea has been made for you. If there is still something missing, you will come out and shout!" President Hu pointed out that the tea snacks on the table went out, and only Shen Long and Ji were left in the room. Zongbu two.

Ji Zongbu came to his desk and sat down, looking at Shen Long, "Speak, what do you want to learn?"

"I heard people say that Mr. Ji has stayed in foreign countries, or would you teach me the knowledge of foreigners?" Shen Long looked at him with a smile, hey, he really had nothing to teach me, he went to Germany to stay Yang, I haven't come to learn this German yet.

"Oh, we Chinese haven't learned well, and we want to learn the knowledge of foreigners? You want to run before you learn to walk! You want to learn the knowledge of foreigners. You have to learn our knowledge first." Ji Zongbu laughed, "I will test you first to see what you have learned."

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