All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2212: Huang Chun

"I don't just want to learn foreign language, I also want to learn your kung fu! You teach me how to smash the card nine with your hand!" Shen Long said. When there is a fight in the future, I have to find myself a reason to be kung fu. Ji Zongbu was a literary and martial arts genius. When he rescued Bai Jingqi, he exposed his hand to knead Pai Jiu into powder with his fingers.

Shen Long’s martial arts are naturally high, but it’s weird to have a martial art inexplicably, so it’s okay not to bother the two masters, and plant it on Ji Zongbu.

"Also, from now on, we will study literature for half a day, and martial arts for half a day. I can see it. You guys want to learn something. I can't agree to it." Ji Zongbu opened the book and officially started the class. Shen Long spoke of "The Analects of Confucius", and Shen Long was sitting right there listening.

After finishing "For Learning", Ji Zongbu asked a few questions. Shen Long's answer made him very satisfied, and also had some regrets. Hey, it's a pity, if it was put on a few decades ago, he was smart. , I have to teach a champion to come out, but now, the Qing Dynasty's affairs can not be solved by a champion.

"Let’s study foreign language next. Your teacher and I were studying in Germany. The German army was one of the best in Europe, especially their guns. The cannons produced by Krupp are better than our red cannons. More than that; during the Tongzhi period, Krupp bought the artillery from us."

"In the early years, when Zuo Wenxiang regained the northwest, Krupp's breech gun was used; two years ago, Jardine Yangxing sold sixteen Krupp cannons to Li Zhongtang, and now the Beiyang navy is also considering Buying Krupp’s artillery, if you have these artillery, the strength of the Beiyang navy is even stronger.” Although Ji Zongbu is now idle, he has never relaxed his attention to the major events of the court, these are all he specifically inquired about Arrived.

Unfortunately, even if these cannons are useless, they will still be beaten by little Japan in a few years, and good weapons will also be used by excellent commanders. For Li Hongzhang's paperworker, these Krupp cannons How much power can it exert? In the future, there will be many people who wash Li Hongzhang online, but you really took him to Daqing to see what Li Hongzhang did. It is estimated that he scolded more than anyone else.

"My teacher, when I went to Germany, I learned a lot about training soldiers. It's a pity... Forget it, let me tell you a child what I do, I'll teach you German first." , Ji Zongbu shook his head with a wry smile, and began to speak to Shen Long from the alphabet, teaching him to learn German.

Shen Longxue had much more energy in learning the "The Analects of Confucius". After a while, he could read all the German letters in a standard way, which made Ji Zongbu overjoyed, "Well, you can learn German literature much faster than I did. But it’s a pity that you are the son-in-law of the Bai family. The old lady must not be reluctant to wait for you to grow up a little bit. I really want to send you to Germany to study abroad!"

At this time, it is very interesting to study in Germany. I can also meet Einstein, Heisenberg, Hilbert and other super-scholars in the history books, but my task this time is not this, we are still good. Stay in Beijing to take care of the old Bai family.

Bai Jingqi, a mischievous demon, stayed in the study room all morning and heard the sound of reading in the study room, but it broke the joy of the Bai Wenshi, so when it was lunch time, Ji Zongbu took Shen Long to the living room outside the open hall courtyard At dinner, eight dishes were set on the table, more than double the number in the TV series.

Ji Zongbu and Shen Long sat at the table, and the old folks in the Baicao Hall stood sideways with joy, and Ji Zongbu was a little strange, "Don't you say you have two dishes and one soup?"

Bingkuan said with a smiley face, "The second grandma said that Mr. Ji is disciplined and deliberately cooks a few dishes for you personally." This is sincere, as long as Bai Jingqi can stay in the study room, they can have less trouble. what.

"Thanks for the sentiment, Jing Qi is a child. I am also honored to meet such a student. I am tired to say something to my wife. At noon I took Jing Qi out. He wanted to learn martial arts with me, but he couldn't learn in Baicao." Ji Zongbu arched his hand towards the house of Bai Wenshi, which was considered to be of great value to Bai Wenshi.

Ji Zongbu talked and counted. He took him to practice martial arts in the afternoon, starting with standing piles, and then the basic routines. Shen Long also learned it in one go, and Ji Zongbu couldn’t help but talk every day.

Ji Zongbu's teaching is not rigid. He did not sternly link Shen Long to the study room. Sometimes he took Shen Long to string the flower room and told him about the knowledge of flowers; sometimes he took Shen Long to the streets and pointed to the plaque to tell the story of the bookmaker; Antique shops can also tell Shen Long a lot of anecdotes...

Shen Long then took the opportunity to stroll around the ancient capital and feel the customs and customs of the old capital. Those who sell under the overpass and those who sell snacks in Dashilan, Donglaishun, Cheap Square, Quanjude are all famous. Without letting go, I tasted the authentic old Beijing cuisine.

Even Ji Zongbu, the Shenjiying camp, tried to take Shen Long in for a visit, and showed him the army’s current equipment and training. Shen Long shook his head repeatedly, which was not as good as when I pulled it up in the Northeast. The insurance team.

However, there are still some places that cannot be visited, such as the eight alleys that Bai Sanye took Bai Jingqi Ji Zongbu will not take Shen Long to visit, and Shen Long is not very interested. He doesn't like little feet girls.

Seeing him teach Shen Long like this, Bai Cao Hall didn't know what to say. Finally, it was Bai Wen's final word. Since Bai Jingqi wasn't naughty anymore, let the teacher teach it. The Bai family didn't expect him anyway. Examination Jinshi, can correct this bad problem.

Shen Long didn’t bother about the Baicao Hall. Don’t look at Bai Yingyu now they are making a lot of noise, but Shen Long knows that they are nothing compared to Bai Wenshi. Sooner or later, Bai Wenshi can clean them up; so Shen Long Just follow Ji Zong with you, and you will learn German by the way.

On that day, Ji Zongbu was busy with his official duties, so he took a leave for Shen Long to let him study for himself. Shen Long went out and wandered out after finishing the assignments assigned by Ji Zongbu. Just told him to come back to dinner on time.

Shen Long walked out of the Baicao Hall and walked to Father Rong Huashi’s church. Rong Huashi was a German priest. Shen Long found him on the grounds of learning to practice German and suddenly encountered a Chinese child who could speak German, Rong Hua Shi was happy and soon became familiar with Shen Long.

Then Shen Long saw a little girl washing clothes behind the church.

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