All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2218: Yuanshun Board

"Oh hey, Shaodong's, Shaodong's, we also have the North Shore goods? You look at it." The shopkeeper quickly took out a Coptis chinensis from another bamboo, and made a clear sound, which showed the texture of the Coptis chinensis. It is very hard, and the broken cortex is dark brown, the xylem is golden yellow, and the radial texture is visible, and the central medulla is red. This is the characteristic of the northern bank of the East Sichuan Huanglian. "You can smell this again, the decent north bank. , Absolutely not wrong."

"Well, it's okay, but it's barely usable. How much do you have? What price?" Shen Long nodded and seemed very calm. After returning to Anguo, other medicinal herbs were bought in small quantities. Huanglian only needed a lot. buy.

"How much do you want? How much do you think about the price?" The shopkeeper glanced around, blocking his eyes from outsiders, and dialed a number on the abacus.

"Oh, you are bullying me. I have little knowledge. The price is not real, Deller. Since you said that, I'll go and see it elsewhere first!" Shen Long flicked his sleeves away, Tu Erye Mr. Xu quickly followed.

The shopkeeper hurriedly chased it out, "I'm not stopping you. Just look where you go. I'm not afraid that you will travel all over the country. The whole country counts me the best medicinal herbs. You have to come back to me!"

Shen Long had just left his forefoot, and a group of people followed, hula all around, and asked the shopkeeper, "What do they want? How much?"

How can the shopkeeper reveal such an important business secret? Impatiently rushing people, "Don't be around here, where do I know what he wants, scattered!"

"I heard that he wants Huanglian! It's a lot!" Unfortunately, in such a crowded place, it's too difficult to hide the secrets. Soon the Baicao Baijia old number will buy Huanglian in large numbers. Spread in Anguo Medicine City.

"Shaodong's, your vision is absolutely amazing! The average person can separate the Chuandong Huanglian and Emei Huanglian at most. You can even get the goods from the North Bank and the South Bank!" Tu Eryi gave a thumbs up, he was originally afraid of sinking Long intervened in the acquisition to make the Pavilion spend more money, but now it seems that people are more stable than themselves.

"I grew up in the Baicao Hall, and the pharmacy didn't know how many times I went there. You said that if you can't even tell the big goods like Huanglian, do I have the surname Bai?" Shen Long laughed.

"Can't say that, we have so many old folks in Baicao Hall, and you don't have much of your vision." Tu Erye boasted again, and then continued to go around with Shen Long, as long as there were Huanglian on the stall I always ask, but I always asked not to buy it. Soon, the whole country knew that Baicao Hall would buy Huanglian in large quantities.

Then Shen Long started selling goods. He went to the first company and asked for a hundred pounds of Sichuan Huanglian. The price was very real. The guy quickly stood outside and shouted. number!"

This is a publicity for my own business. The Pavilion Hall has come to buy goods from me. What are you waiting for? People from all over the shed ran out to stand on the street and looked over here, again confirming that the Baicao Hall really wanted to buy Huanglian.

Afterwards, the shouts of the shops everywhere continued, "Two hundred catties of Chaihu, the old Baijia of Baicao Hall in Beijing! ... One hundred and fifty kilograms of mother mother, one old Baijia of Baicao Hall in Beijing... Three hundred catties of Yinchen, The old Baijia of Baicao Hall in Beijing!"

In the evening, a pair of lists, except for Huanglian, was still a thousand pounds away, and the rest was all the same. Tu Erye asked deliberately, "If the Shaodong family buys Huanglian at the price given today, wouldn't the grandma give us enough money?" "

"Why are you two trying to test me?" Shen Long smiled. "We said today that we will buy Huanglian, and the price is so real. Now as long as there is a way to get Huanglian, we will definitely go back and buy it overnight. In the next few days, we can play vigorously. After their Huanglian arrives, the price can't go as it is today. No matter what kind of business we do, the price will drop if there is more goods! "

To talk about the relationship between supply and price, I can tinker with several papers; Mr. Tu Eryi and Mr. Xu are also very happy to hear that before Bai Yingyu came to Anguo to buy, it was not as clever as Shen Long, and was fooled by drug dealers. In a rush, in order to wipe Bai Yingyu's ass, they almost died.

"Shaodongjia, who did you learn from?" Mr. Xu asked curiously.

"This is business, it's almost like fighting a war. It's written in these routines. We are playing grass and scaring snakes. Then we have to fish in muddy water. When they transport Huanglian, they will catch the turtle in the urn. Fortunately, if they don't sell, they can ship Huanglian back!" Plus shipping costs, they can be guaranteed to die, not sell.

For three days in a row, Mr. Tu and Mr. Xu took Shen Long to go to the big collection, eat donkeys and roll at the food stand, drink the soup of balls... When they were full, they went to the greenhouse to pour the pot of tea and nibble. Gu Zier listens to the big drum book; Shen Long strolls all the way, buys all the way, what kind of cloth, hat, Duan Yan, pen holder... bought a bunch, ready to go back and honor the people at home.

By the way, I bought some gifts for Mr. Tu Er and Mr. Xu, and let them take them back to their families. This little means of buying people's hearts made them both moved.

Three days later, when Shen Long and they appeared again in Anguo Pharmaceutical City, a large group of shopkeepers swarmed up, "Shaodongjia, come in and have a look at the best Coptis chinensis!... Didn't the three masters want Coptis chinensis? The goods just arrived! "

Shen Long They came to the last purchased company The shopkeeper greeted with joy, "It is the Shaodong family, this time we still need Huanglian? How much do you want?"

"One thousand catties!" Shen Long raised a finger and waited for the shopkeeper to be happy. He took the shopkeeper's abacus and dialed a number with two clicks. "But this time it was not the last price! This If you are willing to sell the price, I will check it out in cash immediately."

"Don't tell me, Shaodongjia, there's no such joke!" The shopkeeper was anxious.

"It's okay not to sell. I'll go to the next door and you will keep these Coptis chinensis! Anyway, there are so many Coptis chinensis in Anguo, you can't worry about buying it at all!" With a bitter face, Shen Long reached a deal.

"Don't worry about it, even if the freight is included, you can make a profit." The price reduction is to reduce the price. You still have to give others some money. Otherwise, who will dare to do business with Baicao Hall in the future? You can't spoil your reputation for a little benefit.

It's time to get the goods ready. Many dart boards outside Anguo Pharmaceutical City are waiting for business. Tu Erye originally wanted to find the familiar Lu Ji dart board, but Shen Long glanced at the surrounding dart flags and said, "Or we Let Yuanshun serve!"

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